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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Submission Information Name of game arranged: Command & Conquer Name of arrangement: Instinct Reaction Name of individual song arranged: Act On Instinct Comments: I was replaying Tiberian Dawn when it suddenly occured to me what an underrated track Act On Instinct really is. It seems to have been buried under the popularity of other C&C tracks such as Hell March and Crush, both of which are awesome tracks, but I feel this track should’ve received more attention than it did. It has a very strong riff that really appealed to me. So I sat down with the idea of creating a sort of modernized techno version of the track to give it a different spin, but still keep the sort of industrial rock feel of the original somewhat intact. I made the remix pretty much from scratch and listened a lot to the original to find the right chords and riffs. I wanted to keep the main theme intact and sort of build around it and try to create an arrangement that would be very close to the original track but with a lot of new instrumentation. I included a sample of the drum loop from the original to sort of keep that feel to it, and some of the original voice samples as well. I have gotten a lot of great feedback on the remix and so I thought it might be good as my first submission for OcReMix. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it. Contact Information ReMixer name: Technomancer Real name: Roy J. Digre Email address: c64vampyrism@hotmail.com Website: http://www.technomancer.co.nr UserID: 22161 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4gPTOxLCc
  2. * Your ReMixer name: Draconiator * Your real name: Justin Landry * Your email address: musicphreak48@yahoo.com * Your website: http://www.youtube.com/draconiator * Your userid: 20634 Submission Information * Title of Mix: Suncoils * The remix: I've attached it * Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 7, Mega Man 10 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: * This is my entry for the Grand Robot Master Remix battle 2011, first round. I really didn't feel that comfortable at first when JakeSnke17 urged me to enter, and I kind of felt like I leapt before I looked, to be honest. But as it came closer, I started getting excited about it. I was so excited that I knocked this one out in 1.5 days once the contest got going,. I got paired up with Prophetik, who had Spring Man. This is in the form of a pop song. It has 2 "verses" and two "choruses" and a bridge. Each verse is 4 or 8 (depending on how you look at it) lines long, and each line is split in half as far as what robot master I used, Solar Man first, then Spring Man. The chorus has Spring Man with some original writing. The bridge is all Solar Man. I had to be creative with the interpretation because both songs are in a different key, and I wrote this in yet another key. Solar Man's Stage ( )Spring Man's Stage ( )
  3. Pretty nice, with a solid groove and some pretty nice sequencing, for the most part. The soundscape was creative and worked well, and the source treatment fit well; the theme combination worked out nicely. The additional sections and transitions were solid and fit well, and the energy was really nice. Upbeat and pleasant, with good source use and pretty solid production? Sign me up for a Yes
  4. Brandon, what happens next is pretty much a lot of sex and violence. It'll be great.
  5. Nice guitar sound, and a great voice, but the voice was pretty quiet in combination to the guitar, and this is a ton of headroom that could have been reduced, bringing the overall volume up a bit. There were a few minor pitch issues in some of the harmonies, but otherwise they were good as well. I think this is pretty inspired, but it needs some production tweaks before it can be posted. I encourage you to touch this up and send it back! No, please resubmit
  6. The ending felt like a cop out to me, since the whole rest of the track was really strong. Nice clear production, a good treatment of the theme, and good expansion that made sense in both the context of the source and the new style. I loved the synth transitions, and the source was very present throughout while not feeling tired to me at all. Good stuff. Yes
  7. Pretty interesting soundscape. Some of the levels were a little rough, once the guitars and drums came in, but overall i thought there was a cool Trans-Siberian Orchestra vibe to parts of this. The drums were a little too dirty sounding, and a bit too much distortion on the lead guitar, but the different levels of intensity helped keep it interesting. Some of the piano sequencing in the middle felt a bit mechanical, while other parts were much more natural. While I don't think this is pristine by any means, it has a lot of good stuff going for it, and while I do think it's near the edge, i'm inclined to pass this based on the strength of the arrangement. Keep working on improving your production though! Yes
  8. The guitar sound itself was a little high and thin, but it worked really well, and at times felt like a musicbox or dulcimer. The arrangement was classy, and overall the performance was good. The organ at the end was nice as well, and I completely enjoyed this. Some of the strums near the end felt a bit overly forceful, but that's the only thing I dislike about this. Yes
  9. I think the beat was a bit generic and could have used a lot more spice, but overall i was feeling this. Yes
  10. I want Kazoo From Purgatory so bad right now; that sales paragraph has given me an unquenchable musical boner that must be sated immediately.
  11. Nice soundscape with a lush sortof jazzy hip hop sound; I wish the piano was just a few DB louder to take center stage, but it definitely does some work as-is. THe pads are a touch loud, but everything else feels really nice. I wasn't feeling the quote clips that much either, which ended up being non-distinct and difficult to hear clearly, just adding distraction for me. The arrangement was good, with an expanded sound and some nice piano comping and runs. The source here really feels like it was treated with care, and the song itself, while having a pretty static backing, still has a lot of interesting stuff going on. The beats seemed pretty auto-pilot, but the relaxed mood was actually enhanced be the repetition, so I'm willing to consider it a stylistic choice. The concept of this mix is pretty high level, and while I'd prefer the expression of the theme to be said via music rather than voice clips, I think there is enough going on here to be considered a pass for me. Yes
  12. needs 2 octaves, but here's some VGM http://goo.gl/doodle/igByg
  13. I love this idea http://goo.gl/doodle/9bcF performance sucks, but it's tough on this thing
  14. Usually when I hear the phrase "bitchin' dubstep", I roll my eyes at the hyperbole, but I think this track legitimately delivers. Some great rhythmic change ups in the melody, and the backing track modifications are excellent. Production was powerful and clear, even with the dubstep grime added. THis is a really good mix. Yes
  15. Who would have thought that removing that bass line would make it so hard for me to wrap my head around the arrangement. After a lot of listens, I figured it out eventually, and i've come to the conclusion that this is a pretty great arrangement. Some of the brass is a little stiff, but the atmosphere is excellent, and the vocal stuff is a nice touch. I dig it. Yes
  16. A bit on the conservative side, but with A clean style, nice soling, and a few surprises. Intro guitar sound was very authentic, and overall this is super nice. Yes
  17. Nice big opening, but a weird transition; it felt like it dropped a beat or something. Um, otherwise, this is kickass. Great solo, cool additional bridge section, and overall it rocks a lot. When I first heard the source I actually thought "This sounds like something Sixto should remix". Since apparently Sixto is reading my mind to take requests, do some FFMQ stuff next, please. Yes
  18. Remixer: TheGuitahHeroe Game: Mega Man II Song mixed: Quickman stage (source: )*The quality of the bass suffers with any bitrate lower than 192, so that's what I'm subbing. I'M HOGGIN UR FIEL SPACE GUYZ!!1!!!11 Anyway, huge huge HUGE inspiration from Proto-Raptor's "Chemixtrixx" with this one. Doesn't mean it's anywhere near as good though. This was created just before the start of GMRMB 2011. I really don't even remember why I chose this track to remix, other than the fact that Mega Man music = beast. I never even listened to the song, just....remixed it. I suppose that most people on OCR get musical inspiration from listening to the actual song and thinking, "Hey, you know what would be great here...?" In this case, it's the exact opposite; I got inspiration from listening to another remix (Chemixtrixx) of a totally different track and just thinking, "I'm gonna go all out with one." So I needed to find a track to convert into the electro genre, and Quickman, for whatever reason, was the first to come to mind. Go figure. 8D Anyway, hope you all enjoy this "Electroe!" (lolololimsocleverhahaha) Also, should this be accepted, it would be a landmark of mine: this is the first remix I've submitted to OCR which I hadn't first switched to Mod Review on the WIP forum before submitting. Trying to take steps, I guess Huge thanks to the guys at the WIP forum for providing some minor feedback and suggestions, namely DaMonz, Nonamer, AntiSine, and SuperiorX. Biggest thanks of all to PrototypeRaptor, however, for being such a huge inspiration for this track, and probably future tracks as well
  19. ReMixer Name: AngelCityOutlaw Real Name: Chris Schmidt Game Arranged: Castlevania Dracula X (PC Engine Version) Song arranged: Cross A Fear Arrangement Title: The Shadow's Serenade User ID: 45057 So yeah. I've always thought that the PC Engine version of Dracula X was like the best Castlevania ever. Cross A Fear was my favorite tune from the game (probably). So I thought I'd pick up my guitar, fire up the computer and come up with some lame remix. Anyway, thanks for your time. I look forward to your rejection letter.
  20. - Harjawaldar - Mads Smebakk - http://www.youtube.com/user/Harjawaldar - User ID: 30387 - Chrono Trigger - By the Old Mill - Comments: I've been wanting to do this one for a long time, and when I saw it was Japan Month on DoD I couldn't resist! This is one of my favorite themes from a game full of great music. I've sort of found a my own formula for doing acoustic remixes now so I went with that.
  21. Your ReMixer name: Jakesnke17 Your real name: Jacob Diaz Your website: http://djjd.bandcamp.com Your userid: 28914 Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man III Name of Arrangement: Serpent's Spiral Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Snake Man's Theme" Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: Man, I never thought I'd actually get around to submitted a remix in...been a member for 2 years. Mega Man was definitely a series that I'd play over and over again, always loved the music...I always thought it could be more than beeps and bloops. Countless times, just sitting at the TV, popping in a controller and amuse one's self. I always thought about Mega Man II + III mainly...they just stick out as having some of the best music on the NES. About the remix, lots of stuff went into it, various VSTs, a ton of effects, crash cymbals, lots of drums....and it was all produced on FL Studio 10. Hope you guys enjoy.
  22. Eep, i'm not sure the dissonance, intended or not is a really good idea; The track never feels like it really gels together (though part of that would be because the melody feels buried underneath other elements), but some specific sections sound like 2, or even 3 different songs all being played at once. There are some nice points, the acoustic guitar and the percussion, specifically, but overall this isn't getting it done. I recommend adjusting the balance, and tweaking the guitar chords to fit in the context of the rest of the song. No
  23. Your ReMixer name: Artem Bank Your real name: Artem Bank Your email address: redshojin@gmail.com Your website: http://www.cagedrabbit.com Your userid: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=25987 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Wild Arms Name of arrangement: Harmonious Apparitions Name of individual song(s) arranged: Way of Illusion Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : I joined onto the project wanting a song to remix, and having never played the game, really didn't know much about it. Way of Illusion was one of the few tracks left open, and I just kind of jumped on it. It's a really weird source, to say the least. But I eventually thought of a way to do it, and that's that really. I think I only picked it because I managed to find a progression on my guitar that went with it. Yes, the dissonance in parts is intentional. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQkc1tOkG-4
  24. Remixer name : Bluelighter Real Name : Guillaume SAUMANDE Mail: guillaume.saumande@wanadoo.fr ID forum : 30998 Game & Songs: Astérix (Game Boy) Helvétie Composer: Alberto Jose Gonzalez Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4S2vXj5quc&feature=watch_response Comment : This is a track based a very good melody from Asterix, the Helvétie’s Theme. I tried to make a mix very sunny, with a rhythm of fanfare. I worked almost to get a mix exotic, with a kind of progression in the instrumentation. I hope you’ll like this arrangement J
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