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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I really enjoy the direction this headed off in, though, it got a little too ambient in the upper register, where the bass was saying dance. It was a strange disconnect, with the seemingly background elements such as the gated synth and atmospheric pads pushed so far forward, and the melodic elements pushed behind them. I think that balance should be altered a little bit to emphasize the melodies more. Re-balancing things should give it a bit of a stronger foundation to work with, and we can go from there. No, please resubmit
  2. Nice intro, gave a good recap of the original and then hit us with the update. The synths were pretty good and made good reference to the original, but Deia has some good points in some of the balance issues, as well as the drum patterns remaining largely on autopilot. THe main pattern is interesting, but the fills seem so far in the background, and the pattern never gets switched up, so it gets driven into the ground a little. I am all for the melodies remaining true to the source, but I think that some more expansion overall would put this over the bar. As is, it's not quite there, but it's close. No, please resubmit
  3. The snare is still sounding a little dull on the high end, but it is a lot punchier overall. I think the disconnect I am hearing is that the drum sound is fine overall for the rolls and such, but with the mad double bass and such, i'd expect it to cut a lot more. Regardless, besides the snare, everything sounded excellent, and had a really nice late 0's, early 80's vibe, mixed with more modern writing styles. It's still not as amazing as it could be, but it definitely sounds good, and the very strong arrangement carries it over the bar, I feel. Yes
  4. The very dark and warm tone here really works with the source and the arrangement to create an excellent mood. The remix contains nice variations, a good live performance (minus the one flub), and an incredible source, which combined, make this a pretty emotional piece. There are some sections I feel that could have been even stronger though, as I am of the opinion that the source itself could have near infinite rubato, and the more added, the better, and there are some passages that have a slightly heavy touch. That being said, the more dominant sounding sections give the really emotional ones a lot more dynamic contrast, so overall things were on. Definitely liking this a whole lot. Yes
  5. I generally agree with my fellow joojes, as there is potential here, but it isn't quite getting there. The balance overall seems very right-heavy, and the arrangement plods a bit, with a lack of dynamic contrast. The sequencing was mechanical as well, which left this feeling not as strong as it could have. I enjoyed the guitar, but you'll need to tighten things up a bit more for this one to pass. No
  6. This is pretty intense, and richly nuanced. I really enjoyed this, though I wasn't familiar with the source music beforehand. The balance could be adjusted slightly, but overall there was a good give and take between sections, and there is certainly a lot of great ideas used. I'm good passing this. Yes
  7. Really nice sounding rhythmic chugs; nice and clean, though the sustained ones lack the power of the punchy notes. The strings sound slightly behind the beat, and a bit mechanical, but otherwise, I am feeling the sound on this. The issue is how completely short the track is. It gives you a taste of the melody, rips out a solo, and then fades out. It seems way too underdeveloped, which is disappointing, because I was really feeling this. Please expand this further and resubmit, I would love to hear this finished! No, please resubmit
  8. The main thing you are missing here that is really causing issues with the balance and ability to hear each element is panning. For example, at the beginning, you have the main riff, and then then other rhythm guitar comes in with the chord. Slightly panning both of these to opposite directions would give the whole mix more clarity, and then leaving the lead in the center would keep the balance. Drum programming was good overall, but overpowered by the guitars. Loving the arrangement and very involved ornamentation, but you'll need to pan things in order to get the best sound. Hit me up via PM if you want additional tips once you make those changes. This is a sick arrangement, it just needs the production boost. No, please resubmit
  9. This really walks the line, and I can't help but agree with Vig when it comes to the rhythm guitars. The whole notes work well enough for the A section, but for the B section, it is too similar, arrangement-wise. There isn't much shift in energy at all, which isn't really how different sections should work. Production is nice, love the guitar tone, both clean and overdriven, and there is a good solo section, but overall there is pretty much a style shift with ornamentation, and a solo. Definitely walks the line, but I'm going to learn towards yes(borderline)
  10. anything with Gato can't be bad
  11. Definitely too much reverb on the drums, makes them sound slightly off beat and too far back. This has an effect of making the sound scape sound like synths up front, drums in the back, when it should be a more solid blend of them together. There are some creative ideas sprinkled throughout the arrangement, like the great synth stutters, but I feel that there were a few sections that felt like repeats of ones prior ones, and once the mood and feel were set, it didn't deviate much from the set intensity. You have a very good start here, but need a few mixing adjustments and a little more arrangement variety before I am comfortable passing this. No, please resubmit
  12. I'm not hearing much of a connection to the newer theme, but it follows the old version a lot better. I really like the upbeat piano and synth treatment of this, and gives me a sortof Yuki Kajiura/Ziwtra feeling that is super great. Nice and upbeat, it takes the nostalgic sound of the original and makes it way peppy. The added drums work well, with a lot of sonic variety, and the synths are solid. The piano keeps the melody intact, while the rest of the song molds to a new shape. The piano sequencing is a little bit mechanical, especially compared to the super nuanced original, but it fits the style so well I can't really knock it. Pretty easy pass, and now i've been listening to both this and the original all afternoon. Yes
  13. I agree with the guitars being overcompressed, there is almost no high end to them at all, and combined with the drums, everything in the rock part of the spectrum ends up sounding weaker than it needs to be. The Japanese ethnic parts sound a bit clearer, though they aren't being pushed near as hard, so that's to be expected. The arrangement is pretty liberal in a lot of sections, and I wish there was more of the main melody than just the few times it shows up. The drums were ok, but never really got into a solid groove. Overall a good start, but space needs to be carved out in your rock engineering so you can hear things better, bring the lead guitars out more, and not have the whole track be so compressed. I hope to hear a revision from you guys! No, please resubmit
  14. everything about this seems to amazing, i can't wait
  15. ReMixer name - the n00b real name- Max Kravchenko email address- corp8@mail.ru userid - 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Fire move" link to remix - Name of game arranged - Doom Troopers: "Mutant Chronicles" System: Genesis, SNES. Name of individual song arranged - Mercury stage Link to the original soundtrack - Hello!! This is my second attempt to submit this remix. First one was off with: "Started out awesome but then the out of tune lead came in and ruined it. please fix that and resend it." And You damn right!! OUT of tune) I changed rhythm and lead guitars sound to make them more powerful and interesting. Some filter effects I used here, gave new life to arrangement(which remains the same, almost). Also I decided to change first lead from guitar to electronic, cause my guitar skills far from awesome. And it cause some interesting different with my first attempt. At same time lots of mastering, EQ'ing and interpretation changes. I like what I made after all. There is some improvement in my skills I guess and I like it. Hope You like it too. Guitar "solo"xD at the end, may be little too hot in mid-highs, but still I think it sounds good and do it's job. Also You may hear some over-compression maybe.. But in my opinion this compression gives individual charm to this mix. I love simple-strong-loud-charged sound, so I had try to do it. Thank You for giving me second chance!! This remix became my first step to improve myself!! P.S. Sorry for my english)
  16. Simon Borchers to submissions Greetings OCRemix-Team Contact-info: remixer name: ZeMovinPixxle real name: Simon B. email adress: Jawa.Ohne.Blaster@gmx.de Submission-info: Gamenames: Quake II Mission Pack II Ground Zero Songnames: Ground Zero
  17. Remixer Name: TheGuitahHeroe Real Name: Jamison Email: theguitahheroe@gmail.com (preferred) [or] theguitahheroe@hotmail.com Website: http://www.youtube.com/theguitahheroe ID: 31907 Game: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Song: "Outside the Pokemon League" (I'm not positive of the actual name of it) My thought process for remixing this song involved listening to the original, and thinking to myself, "This needs more than just piano." So yeah, I put my twist on it. Sort-of chiptune mixed with sort-of chillout mixed with sort-of. . . downtempo (?) mixed with ambient piano. Is that an acceptable genre? (I admit I'm horrible at figuring genres X) ) But anyway, I had many inspirations for this remix, namely tracks by AE, Willrock, halc, Rozovian, zircon, and PokeRemixStudio (who I'm attempting to force to submit some of his stuff to here ). I'd go into further detail about my inspirations and influences but I'd be here all day. Seriously. So all I can say is thank you to everybody who has influenced me, in whichever way. I would also like to sincerely thank everybody on the WIP forum who helped me to better this track, especially Dr. Rozo Alright, here it is, hope you guys enjoy : )))) Source:
  18. Remixer name: Nicol Armarfi (u=23598) Game: Earthbound Track: Because I Love You Source: Comments: I've never tried submitting anything here before so I'm interested to see how it all goes. I can't say I'm an active member of the community, but I pay attention to the ReMixes and albums produced there and I have a fairly good idea of the high standard of quality withheld. I'm not extremely confident about my production quality, but I think if anything else having someone who knows what they're talking about comment on my work is a great motivator. The ReMix itself is pretty straightforward. I really like simple melodies because they're so easy to work with, and it didn't take too much effort to expand on the base material of Because I Love You. The main goal here was to create a seamless, warm atmosphere to carry the tune. The instrumentation is entirely acoustic with a piano, two guitars, flutes, and a large string ensemble. The whole thing is entirely synthesized and I feel this is probably the main detracting factor. The main guitar part is probably something that would have added to the tone of the piece greatly had it been recorded live, but unfortunately I lack the proper environment to do so. I think it sounded pretty solid in the end anyway, though. Anyway, cheers; thanks for taking the time to listen
  19. Contact Information * ReMixer name - Keyboard Konan * Real name - Rommel Degracia * Email address - keyboardkonan88@gmail.com * Website - https://sites.google.com/site/keyboardkonan88/ * http://keyboard-konan.soundfolder.com/ * My userid: 43454 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged - Final Fantasy II -> XIII * Name of individual song(s) arranged - Chocobo Theme -> "KWEH! Pirate Riding Birds!" or "Pirate Chocobo" Would the latter be an acceptable song name? * Additional information: From Final Fantasy II and up, this is a Pirate remix of the crowd favorite - The Chocobo Theme! * Comments: This song was originally conceived when a crowd at a local Anime Convention was gathered around to hear me play the piano. I was just playing the Chocobo theme and people would yell random themes and I would try to modify the Chocobo song to fit the theme. The pirate theme fit particularly well, and I've only recently gone back to turn it into a full fledged Remix.
  20. This has a nice steady beat that feels very dramatic, but I agree that beyond the first part of the mix, it goes too far into original territory. It is still pretty cool, but it deviates too much from the source. The production is mostly good, but gets crowded in some areas, when a lot of things are happening at once, and the flute sample seems a little dead. Guitar leads could have used a little bit of delay to help it fit in the mix better, and some of the intonation was off on a few notes. Overall this is a very strong start, it just needs more source use (which is difficult because the original song is so short), and some production fixes. I'd like to hear a revision, however. No, please resubmit
  21. It feels like engineering-wise, that things are crowded into the middle too much, with very little bass presence in the bass guitar itself. Some samples sound cheapy, like the bass when exposed, and some of the violins. Some of the sequencing was mechanical, while other sections felt overly loose. The hand percussion sections felt not completely locked down, while the drum kit felt pretty robotic. I suggest moving them both closer to a median, tightening up the hand stuff, and humanizing the kit a bit more. I like the concept, and I think the rockverdance idea is really something that works well, and overall i'm good with the arrangement aspects; it's just the balance and track gelling that are making this not quite there. I'd love to hear a revision though! No, please resubmit
  22. As a song, this is ridiculously good, but as an OcRemix, you've added too much non-source elements for the theme to be dominant. Production was closer, though some elements could have been massaged slightly in the levels. The drums were nice and punchy, but some of the other instruments were either too loud, too soft, or weirdly spaced, but overall i'm ok with the production as-is. Definitely could have a few minor improvements here and there, but the sophistication of the production has grown with each submission, so you are clearly on the right track. Deia mentioned a few fixes you could manage, such as some areas getting a little busy, which are possible to pull off, but those sections specifically need a good deal of individual EQ'ing to pull off cleanly. I love the track, but it's way too liberal right now. No
  23. k, wow, bringing out that high end really emphasizes the builds, and makes the track a lot more exciting. A lot of the details are much easier to hear now as well, giving it more character. The arrangement still runs a little long, but this is much more interesting for the duration. Yes
  24. It's a little better than when I last heard it, but damn, it's still way hot. The arrangement and playing are very nice, as is the drum programming, but the production is still insanely compressed. Hit me up and we can talk further, we'll get this one right. No, please resubmit
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