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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I'm asking how many times players can slip on the same Banana Peel...
  2. *cross his fingers*
  3. I hope in a WW Link to replace Young Link
  4. Yeah...but probably will be in her victory screen (like the Ganondorf's sword)
  5. If Link must trasform in something...well, it must be OniLink!!!
  6. I like the new Zelda but...Sheik?! Where is he!? I want him ç_ç
  7. Sound interesting! I'll try it for sure!!
  8. Uh ok sorry... I've ripped the Menu 1 because I like the song...I don't like the other ones instead.
  9. There was great stages in the first SSB....I hope they take something from SSB and something from Melee...
  10. Simply I was not like them :'D
  11. I've ripped one http://dunther.altervista.org/music/Super_Smash_Bros._Brawl_-_Menu_1.mp3 the others are too short.
  12. Pikachu with surf °-° awesome...
  13. Well maybe not an avi...but something that reproduces exactly the events of the fight...
  14. I want an option at the end of the fight that ask you if you want to save a record of it!!!!
  15. In the file there is a "Game Boy Colour"...
  16. It's surely from Kid Icarus...
  17. I hope yes...a Smash upgradable would be perfect!
  18. I hope that Ridley would be in game in some way...but it's diffucult because he is a very strong character... He has a monstrous strenght...he can fire lasers and bombs...and he can fly.... Anyway the theme is awesome!!!
  19. My favourite track is Ending Staff Roll
  20. This has the potential to become an OCR!
  21. I like the new Yoshi's island...reminds me Super Mario World 2...so nostalgic..
  22. There is still this: http://panther1.last.fm/groupavatar/b22bd15dbec70e880fa992fd8646bba7.jpg The OCRemix Group on last.fm uses it...and...every mix on that site uses it. djp is the leader of the group..so I think this would be the more "official" (I use it on the the OCR directory on my pc)
  23. I think that the creators of this game don't want to do a game were you can do a wavedash or similar...the characters have a speed...wavedash increase it.
  24. I think the best Fox is the one from Adventures.
  25. Viewtiful Joe would work perfectly...
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