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Everything posted by HoopyFrood

  1. I guess in a non sequtior(sp?) kinda way. I was referring to the video.
  2. sorry D-Lux but Kiyobi beat you to it on page 786. Still funny though.
  3. Well I've had one of my gifts for about a month (this laptop), but I also got a scarf (hey don't knock it. it gets cold in Chicago.) and I got a TRACKBALL! (Yes, this means as soon as I can scrape the 15$ together I'm getting Team Fortress 2.)
  4. Thanks for the fun time guys. I know there was a lot of complaints about the free weekend overloading the server, but without it I wouldn't have been able to try it out. In fact I think I'll buy it as soon as I get a track ball.( I could buy it now but the track pad just kills me.)
  5. Man blockland was fun. I remember the space setup with the infinite road (or was that a different server?). I kinda wish I had the money to go and buy the newest version but I doubt many people here would be playing it anyway. Of course we could just find a old version and play that way.
  6. Hey being 27 is no laughing matter, I should know. Anyway happy birthday Slut. Hope you get lots of cake.
  7. Hey oinkness loveing your song off the xenogears album but can I get the lyrics?

  8. I'm going to be going to Anime Central in May so I don't think I could go, and besides Minnesota seems far to me too.
  9. Why am I thinking this concept could work well for a "The Prisoner" video game? I am not a number, I am a free man!
  10. Not in composition but the music was compressed down in order to make the game fit on one GC disc. So between that and a different sound chip being used the sound has changed (I would say for the worse, if you have ever heard a Genesis sound file being poorly emulated same kinda thing.)
  11. Man, you have Ramirez in your sig. You have to get Skies of Arcadia even if you have played the GC version, if for no other reason than to hear the music as it was meant to be heard. (Even better if you can get a VGA connection for the dreamcast.)
  12. Less than 2 weeks to go. I think I saw Equinox saying he was going to be there so if anyone else is going let's set a meeting place.
  13. Unfortunately no. A 3 day pass is going to probably be 55$ at the door. As far as playing at a con I personally don't know but the Spoony Bards (see musical guests on the site) got their start playing that way so who knows.
  14. Just wanted to quickly mention that May 8-10 there is Anime Central so if anyone will be there we could have a small meet up there. http://www.acen.org/
  15. I'm gonna be at Anime Central and wanted to know if anyone else was going. I mostly go for the game room and gaming related panels, but I also check out any new animes that are coming out. I'm going to be cosplaying as Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4 and may also help out at my sisters booth(she makes stuffed toys from games and animes). The con will be in May from the 8th to the 10th. This is the website for the con if anyone is intested. http://www.acen.org/
  16. Happy B-day PoM. Wish you many more.
  17. I would recommend Grandia 3 but mostly for the combat system. Also, Would you care to explain why those two are dumb? I will agree tho that Alter code F is not a substitute for the first game but are there any other reasons?
  18. Wait Legendia what? You sure you didn't mean some other tales of game?
  19. Agreed. I'm just sorry I didn't think to suggest it. BTW Mephisto, Persona 4 doesn't have the whole gun thing, but I understand the lack of interest and will leave it at that. I also would like to say that if you don't mind the rather cliche story, Grandia 3 has a decently good battle system that you might like.
  20. Schwaltzvald, I was asking Mephisto. I guess that's more my fault for not saying that in the first place.:tomatoface:
  21. http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?planetdreamcast/soaworld/Music/Skies_of_Arcadia-The_Dark_Rift.mp3 Here is the link I got it from originally (note you'll need to have a fileplanet account to get it). Edit: post 42
  22. I agree on Gitaroo Man and the Dark Cloud games (BTW The second is IMHO better if for no other reason than you get a customizable steam mech). On another note, Is there any particular reason you aren't interested in the Persona games? I respect your opinion in any case and won't try to change your mind.
  23. Don't listen to him. 2 is actually pretty good as far as the game play goes.
  24. I would recommend Persona 3 & 4 for good RPGs and maybe Okami if you like Zelda. Also I second the recommendation of Katamari.
  25. In case you didn't know, there is a remix project in the works for this game.(http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18630) If you look at the downloads on the site, all the way at the bottom is a Mp3 of the dark rift track that I supplied. If anyone wants to try to transcribe it by ear that should help.
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