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Everything posted by Citan

  1. The way people remix songs from games like this never ceases to amaze me. Good job.
  2. Man, I love the atmosphere this song creates. And the way you blend the two songs together... Awesomeness. I always liked the DKC2 soundtrack.
  3. Really good, but I wish the crackling would be cleaned up a bit. That's probably the only real complaint I have about this remix.
  4. I hope Darkesword keeps submitting remixes. I've always liked his stuff.
  5. Hard to find a remix with a dark theme that I like. The intro in the beginning is a little soft compared to the rest of the song, though. Things pick up in a really awesome way around the 2 minute mark, and I would of liked to see that section expanded more. Overall, though, I like this remix and am definitely keeping it.
  6. I have to say, this one caught me by surprise, but in a good way. The two remixers work really well together, I'd like to hear more collaborated remixes from them.
  7. Not bad. BTW, kick-ass logo for the project.
  8. I have to admit, I just can't get enough of this remix.
  9. Great Magus remix. There aren't many I really like, so I'm always hoping for more Magus remixes.
  10. It's been a while since I've logged in just to compliment the artist of a new remix. Well done, and that victory fanfare at the end was a nice surprise. XD
  11. How about some Chrono Cross and Bleach avatars? Chrono Cross: Bleach: LT: Images are all too soft, sorry. Needs sharpening.
  12. I've never played the game this came from, so I don't know how it compares to the original song, but I really enjoyed listening to this remix. I agree with Geoffry about it needing some smoother sounds, though.
  13. This project really blew me away. When I first saw it, I had high expections, and I definately wasn't disappointed.
  14. I've listened to a little over half of the entire Street Fighter 2 Turbo project, and I've really liked what I've heard so far. I already heard this song on it, and I was definately impressed. Hell, everything I've heard so far on the project has been awesome.
  15. This remix started off a little too light for my taste, but I really liked it once it picked up around the 1 minute mark.
  16. The first half was pretty good, but the second half really made the remix shine.
  17. The way this remix had a kind of Terminator theme to it was really cool. I really liked it.
  18. I never expected to see a Super Double Dragon remix here... I was really impressed, though.
  19. I liked this remix, and it makes me want to look into other Mute City remixes, too.
  20. I was really surprised with this remix... In a good way, that is. It's not what I expected for a Mario remix, but I was really impressed.
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