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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. Yes, this can definitely be a rock mix, especially due to the chord progressions, and the fact I actually enjoyed jamming along with it. Though if you go with guitars, you're going to need drums and bass as well, it just wouldn't sound right without them. =P

    yeah and I can do those, I just don't have an electric guitar :\

  2. I like the feeling and overall sense that the song creates: slow and sad. I'm not getting a real feeling of "rock song" when I hear this piece, however. Why not try a more jazzy/bluesy mix? Add a line of bass, some slow percussion, possibly a saxophone or an oboe maybe? If you make it more rock song-ish, I think it may lose a lot of the original meaning.

    When I said rock I didn't mean upbeat, it's just there's a lot of power chords in the piano part that could easily be transferred to rock guitar (I'm thinking of a sort of shoegaze style). I never really thought of it like blues or jazz though, that's interesting...

    I definitely think an electric guitar would work well with the piano here. Seeing how it's not exactly playing a straight tempo, however, I'd advise against drums. If you're feeling epic, some strings might work, too, or maybe just some pads. But go ahead and add an electric guitar or two, and a bass. I think a saxophone or oboe would ruin it, and acoustic guitars wouldn't really work, either. I think.

    yeah you're probably right. Actually I think acoustic guitar might work in the intro...

    anyways this mix is something that is beyond my means right now so I guess I'll have to put it off again. thanks for listening though :D

  3. "Movie themes such as Star Wars or licensed songs from the Need for Speed games do not qualify."

    This could be clearer I think, something like "Movie themes and licensed music (e.g. the Star Wars theme or the Need for Speed soundtrack) do not qualify." As it is now it could be taken literally as only the Need for Speed soundtrack wouldn't qualify, but other licensed music would.

  4. Hey, sorry something messed up with the submissions and Rama is pretty much awol (he handels it)

    It'll be nice to see it on here though, and it'll probably feel a lot better for you, GG

    that's cool I think it fits better here.

    I still think doing a Rabbit In Your Headlights style version of this song would be cool though. :)

  5. That doesn't make them any more creative. All the riffs shown in the video are really cool, and they are what makes the actual songs good. DP didn't make them, or even really build on them. :(

    Oh come on. There is an art to sampling and Daft Punk are among the best.

  6. Dismembered Puppets is pretty good, some interesting things happening. The drums are way too loud though. Could use some more variation as well. It's repetitive and loop-ish but for a beginner it sounds pretty good.

    Adrenaline starts off with good energy but eventually it sort of flatlines. The drums could be more interesting, try chopping them up a bit. Same comments as before about it being repetitive. Not bad though.

  7. hmm yeah lots of people on OCR hate rap or at least have a very narrowminded view of what hip-hop is.

    So Eloquent: Your flow is alright, but the delivery is pretty weak. You sound like you're holding back your voice so when you reach the end of lines you're not really hitting the words as strong as you could. You should try doubling the ends of bars to give them more emphasis and energy.

    Wondering: Same comments on the delivery here. It's pretty amateur but not terrible. Sounds like you're rapping through one of those microphones that come built into computers or something.

    I think you have potential your delivery just lacks energy and clarity. Your writing is average, the subject matter is pretty standard stuff (especially that whole "hip-hop is dead" type thing). Not bad.

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