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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. I think part of the reason this song sounds like there is no direction is that it sounds like one huge drawn out ending, due to the fact that it is pretty much all perfect cadences. Granted the original is pretty much the same, only it has a lot more variation in the supporting parts, whereas in this mix it is pretty much just strings changing inversions.

  2. Well the sounds are noticeably cheesy FL sounds, but I like the way you used them. Reminds me of PINE*am. One thing I would suggest is taking out the trills in the melody, they don't really work in this context, especially with a faster tempo. It's not a bad start.

  3. I disagree. Learning the basics of theory (chords, intervals, and scales) really helps in understanding how to translate what you hear in your head 'onto paper.' When you can understand and identify that the chord progression in a song is Cmaj Amin Fmaj Gmaj, it makes it that much easier to write a bassline, comping parts, or good counter-melodies that 'fit.'

    Yeah, I was just responding based on what he said about learning the "workings of genres" in which learning theory wouldn't be as helpful as just listening to music and trying to emulate it. Maybe I'm just taking basic theory for granted.

  4. As for music theory, I'm basically looking for some way to write consistent music. I'm not that well versed with the workings of most genres. When I listen to a song, I can think of things I would add/change, but I'm bad at writing original stuff that works with source. If there are any specific methods you guys use, I would be interested to hear it.

    Studying music theory - especially at the rudimentary levels - won't really help you with this at all. Especially early on it would really only give you a very basic, technical knowledge (e.g. writing scales, identifying chords/intervals, etc.) You would probably benefit the most from listening to bands/artists who create the kind of music you want to, then taking the ideas you like and trying to replicate them.

  5. 11 - Cool atmosphere at the start. The building up at around the 2-3 minute mark with the catchy drums gets me pumped every time, especially when the piano starts to enter - and gets even better when it makes it way to a new octave at around the 6 minute mark. I've always been a fan of songs that build up and last like this. It's like ascending into some mystical light.

    hey cool somebody liked my song

    I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

  6. A decent project. I only ended up keeping 7 songs though (Materia Junkie, Chasing the Storm, JENOVA Celestial, Daydreaming Again, Midnight at Club Corel, Fading Entity, and Hydrophone Breakdown). As a singular album it's just too disjointed to listen to from beginning to end, but I guess that's inevitable in a project with such a broad scope.

    'Midnight at Club Corel' is probably my favourite song out of all of them, though the straight-over-swing rhythms and constant shifting between the two at around 3:20 were kind of off-putting to me. I noticed a similar thing in 'Brinstar Bonsai Garden', I don't really understand why he does that.

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