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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. Options>Project General Settings

    Under time signature change the value of bar from 4 to 3 (for 3/4). Also it is probably worth pointing out that the value of beat doesn't represent the lower number of a time signature, but the number of beats per bar (i.e. if you wanted x/8 you would change beat to 2 instead of 8).

  2. 1: Is there a way to group stuff better? Because all of my "instruments" are in the ungrouped category...and the only category that ever changes is if you make an audio clip. Is there a way to insert a new category? I've looked far and wide inside FL studio le sigh.

    right click the drop down list and click "add filter group"

  3. Such as? Last time I checked, most of the projects are conceived and implemented for precisely that reason.

    Yeah but the best projects are the ones that have an actual theme behind it that makes sense to create an entire album around, rather than just being a collection of remixes from a game. Darkesword's projects (including his upcoming Zelda one) are good examples of what I'm talking about.

  4. I dunno, man, wouldn't this be like asking for good bands to start with in any genre? Like if I had said "I wanna start listening to metal," people could say Sabbath or Metallica or whatever...unless I'm misunderstanding something here.

    electronic music isn't really a genre, really the comparison here would be you saying "I wanna start listening to guitar". OK, but that doesn't really describe any particular style.

    But you did say you were looking for upbeat, zircon type stuff, and a good place to start with that would be guys like the Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, Pendulum, etc.

    but really check out ishkur's guide because it's a good way to find out what you're looking for also.

  5. Of course it's true. That comment was made in the review thread for the MoMG mix - I had no idea who Shael Riley actually was, and hadn't even visited Unmod yet. The truth is I was bitter after being rejected from the site for the first time ("Motavian Battlefield"), and I felt slighted that a "low quality" remix was posted while mine wasn't. Stupid? Absolutely. I had no idea that the site standards had changed over time. As Darkesword will tell you I was incredibly annoying and a sore loser when I first came here, but that passed pretty quick as I learned more about the site functioned.

    OK. Obviously I don't know because I didn't start reading the forums until last year, but from what I've read a lot of unmodders feel like you more than any other mod (except for graylightning I think) resented them all along. but yeah, what do I know.

  6. Amazing. You found a stupid comment I made when I first came here nearly 5 years ago when I was still 15! Good detective work, Private Dick.

    You don't have to be an ass about it. The point is that it isn't true that you didn't have any negative feelings towards unmod.

  7. As far as I'm concerned, I had 0 feelings towards anyone in Unmod until they started causing trouble that I had to moderate.
    I remember him saying he would donate to OCR if it wasnt for UnMod and Music of my Groin back in the day

    So even before he had real power he was navigating himself into power


  8. I get the feeling that the people who say unmod was only for tubgirl and goatse and porn never really went there. I was just a lurker, but for me it was the only place with any interesting or remotely funny discussion, as opposed to gendisc which is just for talking about video games.

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