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Everything posted by Pi_R_Squared

  1. Protricity's never a bad way to go. Whatever happened to him, and not a rhetorical question. Seriously, I've heard a few different things, mostly from freinds whpo listen to OCR and VGMix stuff. But none seem to know what they're talking about. As long as Sleepy Emp is OK, I think maybe one or two more joke bosses, and then promoting the album as dual disc, with the joke bosses as some bizzaro-world album. I don't know exactly, right now, if the joke bosses will be considered whole tracks, or bonus tracks.
  2. Really? 'Cause remixing that doesnt sound like such a bad idea... I think we have another joke boss. I'm totally adding that.
  3. You think you could do something for Sloprano? We've been trying to get lyrics on that, I think it's pretty unanimous, everyone wants 'em.
  4. Nice, I knew giving that up wasn't bad. It's hardly like Sephiroth was a FF villian anymore. He's in a league all his own. Just uber-well known, or whatever.
  5. Expect a Mii, everyone on that list, and I hope you'll send yours too. Wii - 7173 2123 9684 2826 Metroid: Hunters -5068 7909 7566 Tetris - 069376 275761 Mario Kart DS - 420966 366404 Starfox: Command - 659 219 476 343
  6. Look at it this way, we ride this stay as long as we can, because we're getting the most attention here. If we switched out now, we couldn't get front page exposure, we wouldn't get glanced at, only by people in WIPs anyway. It's if and when we start to stagnate that we switch, to give ourselves a jumpstart.
  7. I don't know why the forums wouldn't have sent you a confirmation email yet, but why don't you post the WIP here for now, as others have done? And let me point out something that is becoming all too clear. As projects develop and grow, they begin to take on a life of their own. I now realise this project, while still about bosses, is hardly centered around evil. Believe me, this isn't a problem, especially when I get to hear Gary's theme done in the current path it's going. Now, I don't want anyone losing site of the goal, so I'm readjusting it: MAKE BOSS MUSIC SOUND LIKE BOSS MUSIC, WHETHER THAT IMPLIES EVIL, INSANITY, BAD-ASSNESS, KICK-ASSNESS, POWER, WHATEVER. We've got some good examples popping up that show exactly what Im talking about, both positive and negative. Finding the right way to set a piece is great, but stretching things to fit isn't always the best course of action. Any questions? I think this is a good move, or rather, I sure hope so.
  8. No problem, I'll go do that now. While I'm posting, let me bring up a question, if someone wants to give me a bit of help. A third joke boss, if you will. Something that causes problems, without being a boss. For example, Katamari Damacy might be a certain cumbersome object, or Harvest Moon might be plain old Winter. Any suggestions?
  9. Now that stuff is more official, there's no need for including the last time someone put up a WIP. A new WIP deadline now would be too soon. Let's wait a bit. And I prefer it be called Haywire Harmonics, please
  10. I can whistle like nobody's fucking business. Let me in on that.
  11. Well, if it's the Gary Oak track, you could always go with two guitarists, and that 'cell' whatever-the-hell (no rhyme intended) thing we were talking about before...
  12. I feel like we're taking on every other project, all at once...
  13. Sorry for the delay, now, allow me to represent the tracklist changes: OLD NEW Mother Brain A 'Guilty Gear' series boss Liquid Ocelot Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie) DeDeDe Sturm/Von Bolt (Advance Wars) Dark King A 'Skies of Arcadia' boss Eve A 'Secret of Mana' boss Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia) Golden Silver (Gunstar Heroes) Another 'Joke' boss: 'S' 'Z' block (Tetris) That last one is as long as someone feels comfortable submitting yet another Tetris mix, albeit an evil one. If I've removed a track you wanted in the future, either get over it, or PM me, and we can work something out. No, howabout ANY problems with the changes, you bring it up. Any at all. ...And where the hell's leep? I NEED to hear that guitar. Tell me I'm not the only one, right? I can't wait for that one...
  14. Hate to interrupt this, but to answer a question: pu, I guess I can let one more slip through. In fact, expect me to post the full tracklist change later today.
  15. Glad someone finally said it. Geoffrey, hope I'm not being a bother, but do you think you could help me on a collab for this project? I've been itching to get something done, and if I'm going to be co-coordinating this project, I at least think I could get something in...
  16. Hey, a "Best of" album? Where'd ya get that one? But, this isn't such a bad idea. It's nice to see people are interested in REAL MUSIC, as opposed to the way many of the mixes here go. It'd be great to have an album to listen to regularly. [/flamebait]
  17. Let me assure you that that IS the song of healing. Waiting online is totally worth it, and Twilight Princess IS the best game ever. No question about it.
  18. Hold on, let me just say that Twilight Princess is the best video game in the history of all time. Don't think I'm dead, I've just been preoccupied with that, and I've been sick and tired from waiting on line for 30 hours for the damn thing... OK, let me get as much done as I can. No prob, as long as it's good. Gotcha. I think. Your choice, I guess. Better than nothing, I suppose... Plaigarism is illegal. But whatever makes a good track, go ahead... Nice. LATIN! anyone? anyone? That would sound cools... Sure hope so. Only one track, per series, per album. But not a bad idea. You're not the only one.
  19. Note we haven't started yet...
  20. Fine, you think maybe I should update the WIP thing by a week? I gave plenty of time, I think... And don't think that me saying I don't like the ending to that one doesn't mean it's not good. Just, it's a little out of place, you know? ...Ill update the deadline by a week...
  21. No, I'm here. But for anyone who's been paying attention, I've been having trouble with my wi-fi. My laptop buzzed out on me, so till I get it fixed, I'm stuck on my dial-up desktop. I've been spenfing the last half hour downloading MSN just for that... But that doesn't mean not to sign up on the forums...
  22. Okay, here comes the harsh stuff. Some of the mixes aren't quite up to par, others I have personal gripes with. Here stuff goes, and let's hope no one gets mad. I understand they're works in progress. Not as bad as I thought most of it would be. Andross- Waiting... Bowser- Waiting for the guitar. Can be a little repetitive, but I suppose the guitar will cover that up. We'll see. Dark Force- Hey, whats the deal? You removed it from the WIPs thing, said you were done, and then pulled or something? I never got a response for that... Dark Gaia- Not particularly fond of this so far. Not only is it repetitive (and loud), but it isn't that close to the right feel, regarding the whole album. Something good could come of this, but not without work. Dark King- No mixer yet. This may be be removed. Deus- Something strange, in that I can't seem to find this mix. It might be floating around on this thread. But I can't find it... Dracula- Nothing yet here, either. Till Sunday, then it's open. Dr. Robotnik- Last you said, you were going to make it darker, but also more "dance-y". Be very careful with that. Dr. Neo Cortex- Nothing yet... Sigma- Sounding very good so far. Like the feel, nothing about this one so far. Eve- No one yet. Might be removed. Ganondorf- "Obviously it's not finished". Good thing, too. It's real early, so Ill leave this one alone. Gary Oak- Waiting... Giygas- Waiting... King DeDeDe- Don't really want to take this off. But, no mixer yet. King K. Rool- I spoke to mlo about this privately. Lavos- Waiting... Liquid Ocelot- Most likely, he's gone. M. Bison- Whats with the weird way you are ending this? I really don't like it too much... Master Hand- Waiting... Mother Brain- Needs a mixer... Saturos and Menardi- This doesn't even feel like a track. It feels like a build-up, like an intro. Am I the only one that thinks that? Sephiroth- Very messy. I like that it's all guitar, but it needs work. No doubts, though. The Sinistrals- Like where it's going, but needs more variety, currently. Sloprano- Repetitive through the whole thing. Some parts I didn't recognize at all. Just because it's a joke boss, doesn't mean you can't include themes from other bosses in Conker's Bad Fur Day... Now, for anybody that doesn't get a WIP in by Sunday, that track goes up for grabs. First one to get a quality WIP in gets the track. That way, things stay fair, but give others a chance to jump in.
  23. Second. Rainbow road is great and all, but it's not everything the Kart series has to offer.
  24. Lovin' the feedback. After several suggestions for both, I guess it's a sure thing we'll be having both someone from Guilty Gear, and Gruntilda. I guess I'll have to go listen to the soundtracks to get a feel of what would fit. Expect some harsh criticism as the deadline approaches. mlo already knows what I'm talking about. Anything I feel doesn't currently fit, or is of general poor quality with few updates, you'll be carpet-bombed with complaints. Here's what I'm looking for: -Quality -"Feel", in terms of the whole project fitting together -Updates, because one in two months can't be good Seriously. Doesn't everything have to be perfect? Be willing to change major portions of the track, or the whole thing altogether. To give some hope, not all of you will be attacked. Those ones, that's who to look for towards inspiration. Obviously, they did something right you need to be watching out for. Also, don't be afraid to utilize what you have. If someone on the project plays an instrument, ask for help! ANY live instrument can make a huge difference.
  25. Let me add something to that: NO FINAL FANTASY VILLAINS, PLEASE. If we took all that were suggested, we'd end up with a whole FF album. Besides, isn't Kefka "Haywire" enough for the next album?
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