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    Comp tech

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Buy a zune HD. You wont regret your purchase. Honestly if you want to stick with YOUR ipod and not get a new one, you're gonna have to go with apple on this one. I've torn apart a few ipods and only gotten one to work properly after dis-assembly.
  2. *fapfapfapfapfapfap* ... WHAT? HIS SISTER IS HOT! ;D
  3. q is for:
  4. M is for:
  5. Only thing i know is im not going to trust Weirdboyscott on any of my couches ever again. Ever.
  6. sweet jesus, its good to see a familiar face. take care

  7. i do have both consoles (actually every major recent platform outside of the DSI and PSPGO) I enjoyed my 360 and enjoy my PS3. the PS3 gets more use due to the fact that it has a a blu ray player, and its a wee bit better on the media streaming support (though i havent tried on the 360 in a while). I would recommend compiling a list of the exclusives that you want and see which platform has more of the ones you want to play. Get that one. or you could always do what i did, get one and in about 5 or 6 months get the other. That way you can have the best of both worlds
  8. hey wideruled can you post your archaon PM in the pm thread? i'm trying to save them all for offtop history month

  9. the instructor talk about bits and bytes hopefully he'll mention a nibble
  10. LOL that is true still i <3 dj crono
  11. eh, it evens out eventually. =D

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