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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Getting butthurt over Yahtzee is what he secretly really wants
  2. http://kotaku.com/5077581/activision-eyes-subscription-fees-for-guitar-hero-world-tour-user+created-songs Way to go activision, way to go.
  3. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=26285 Number part of your profile url.
  4. Awww, atmuh posted deleted Anyway, I do love the whole "legit tactic" argument that gets thrown out by ZUZ guys when you do bring up something like that with them. I was thrown the same bone when I brought up regular demo sticky camping of spawn doors and the sentry camping above the spawn door on badwater by vahn. Really, come up with a better reason to do it.
  5. How about no kind of sticky camping on doors that roll open that are a major access way within so many feet of a spawn area? IE the badwater door.
  6. My opinion is, hey, the ZUZ guys seem nice. I mean, conversation wise. But yeah, they do annoying shit sometimes. Like sticky camping in the past, and now this. But like has been said over and over in this thread, being a dick about it and saying "oh, you can counter that as a team" is not a reason to be a douche. Anything can almost always be beaten as a team if you do the right thing, but seriously, if you have a team stacked with 3+ members of a clan vs random pub people, who do you really think will have more cooridination and work as a team? Plus, not competative. I've been holding off a lot on TF2 mainly due to this and waiting on the next patch.
  7. Actually, its pretty ass. Even my fiancee, one of the biggest fans of the NBC soundtrack and movie couldn't stand it, and she loved most of the stuff on the rerelease of it. Horrible band/singer/dj selection. Even the korn cover is horrid. Wasn't worth the money.
  8. Ok. So I found the GHWT bundle pack at walmart. The game, 1 GHWT controller, and 1 wireless Les Paul for 120. I needed a new guitar anyway, as my old Les Paul is about to die, and my fiancee needed a new one cause our xplorer whammy bar broke. So I got this. Verdict is, GHWT guitar is the sex. I love the star power button on it, and its very responsive. GHWT so far sucks ass though. Same songs from RB2 almost, and the hit detection makes me want to shoot myself from boredom and easiness. Ill have to see how hard it gets later on.
  9. Ive seen a lot of people say their yellow cymbal required a lot of power to hit. Weird that its only that one.
  10. A major thing is to know your skill level. Apparently since the time window on notes so so horriblely long on guitar hero, most of the songs are easier on it (aside from the shitty charting on faster songs and ridiculous 3 note chord set ups.) Everyone Ive shown rock band to that has played GH always complain that RB is harder. So keep that in mind that due to that time window, if you are barely getting by in GH, you probably will suck at RB and get discouraged.
  11. Yeah, reading the log,he was doing exactly what I posted earlier as what NOT TO DO. He jumped right in and acted like a damn fool.
  12. Point is, some of us are old school IRC and internet users. With the mass appeal of the internet over the last few years, more and more people are using it. And in that comes people that have no idea how IRC works. It's not really a super "politically correct" place, and yes, insults and names will be used sometimes, more so than others depending on the attitude you bring in. Back when I first started using IRC (1996), if you came in and started talking, you better know what you were talking about and brought no attitude at all, or you were fucked. So my advise to anyone is, lurk. Lurk long and hard, and see who talks about what, and who you can probably associate with somewhat. Don't jump into conversations and try to be the big dick right off the bat.
  13. Considering I've been there for over 7 years now, no drama for me
  14. Guitar Hero is riding off the success of harmonix. I can't wait to see what awesome thing harmonix comes out with next so we get it vomited back up and handled to us by activision in Guitar Hero: Universal Tour 90000000000000
  15. I might get back around to playing TF2 some. I was kinda holding out for the new patch, and its not till next year. And the old lady got me into playing FFXI with her. But if I know there are a lot of OCR people on at some point, Ill try to join.
  16. I highly advise using this site if you just want to do trades on games from psx up. I did this for a while and even had the site in my sig for a few months. Great place.
  17. Norton and Mcafee are both the devil in terms of antiviruses.
  18. I don't have xbox live gold to play it, damn it.
  19. Yeah, that should be getting better. I ran TF2 prefectly fine on my athlon 3500+ with 1 gig of ram and a FX 7300. Like, great frame rate. And even this raedon 2400 I got in my quad core dominates it.
  20. I got a laptop with no battery or ac adapter for free from a guy that worked at a computer design place. Apparently they throw them out a lot
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