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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Cave is hit and miss. I really love the hell out of it, cause its just a PL map that I really enjoy. But its really effected by the people playing it, just like any other map. Most of the time the server will clear out if you have a low user count at the first section of the map, and people get frustrated and leave.
  2. I was gonna copy and paste it here, but apparently either the thread got moved into archives, which I don't have access to, or its way off in the middle of all the other games threads. I would do a search, but their search feature is down as well, as always. Last time I saw the thread I linked to it from another one.
  3. I wasn't impressed with the first at all really. I played about halfway through and just quit. And of course the 20 rereleases of it with little stuff added didn't do anything either. Saw the commercial for 2 last night, and was like, WTF, mercenaries 2 again?
  4. He posts every so often on SA, and has posted a few emails he has actually recieved from some of the game designers of the games he's reviewed. Even reviews that he is negative as hell about, they commend him on his humor and laugh about it. So everyone pretty much knows it's not a serious deal.
  5. So far from playing it, you can see where the ads will be at. There are a couple of billboards per map, with the quake logo on them. Im sure those will be ad placement spots. That does not really bother me at all, considering its free, easy to set up, and plays pretty damn well.
  6. Yeah, whenever its done. Luckily it'll be free for everyone though, with in game advertising.
  7. They had sign ups on the site, and are still doing sign ups. But its luck of the draw on it I think. I signed up myself monthes back, and never got anything. Luckily presh had an invite he sent me for it. I think they give out the invites in batches though, so it might be a while.
  8. I checked the server last night at midnight and it was dead. It made me a sad panda.
  9. It took a damn act of congress to get my invite from presh So if I can get any Ill be sure to share them on here.
  10. Lets get a thread going for this. Who's got the beta? If anyone has invites we can share them. All that jazz. I'm EdgeCrusher36 on there if anyone is adding to friends lists.
  11. Also, no new patch until next year. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/55364 They are working on L4D.
  12. I got my computer now, a dell xps 420 with a 19' widescreen LCD monitor, for 998 bucks. All it needs is a new video card (ATI Raedon HD 2400 in it right now) and probably put 1 more gig of ram to make it 4 gigs. Other than that, badass computer for 1000 bucks.
  13. Dead server last night, and I got my quake live invite today, and all the games for it are dead. WTF people.
  14. Even if they are "expansions", they won't be less than 40 bucks on release. Plus the first installment will probably be 50. So there is no way you're getting this for closer than 100 really. Its still gonna run probably 130+.
  15. Is there any way to mod the rtv set up to where you can't rtv like, as soon as you start the round of a new map? I've played 2fort about 10 times today, cause that seems like that's all thats on the server. Finally join and get to play cave for 1 minute, rtv fags put it on 2fort again. Seriously. There should at least be a minimum play time per map before people can vote it out, unless an admin changes it.
  16. I do get frustrated at the ZUZ guys sometimes. But mainly cause they just seem to work too well together from the experience. But Id rather them be on there than the usual bout of clan people that show up and be a collective dick.
  17. Ok, if they make you pay for battle.net, fuck blizzard. Fuck them right up their fucking greedy ass.
  18. It wont be full on complete multiplayer compatabilities according to most stuff I've read. The other two releases will add capabilities to the other races that will be introduced with the discs themselves. So protoss and zerg sound like they will just have basic abilities compared to probably a full powered terran force. Plus, no single player campaigns available on the start for the other races will make it to where everyone will have to learn the other races by multiplayer only, making it a huge terran usage rate for most new people, IE TF2 update "Im a pyro!/medic!/heavy" for a while.
  19. I have done the pin connector replacement on mine. And yes, it does work. I got tired of randomly putting in games, blowing on them, putting them in, blowing on them, cleaning them, etc. I think the connector I bought was 13 bucks on ebay too like, a couple years back. Easy to install and use.
  20. I would rather they release it as a bundle later on, like Valve. I bought half life 2 when it came out, got the special edition, mainly for the game and the shirt. I never bought episode 1 or other things though. Then when the orange box came out, I jumped at the chance to get ep 1, 2, portal, and TF2. And it was a great deal too for 40 bucks. If SC2 comes out, and are 50 bucks a pop, thats 150 bucks for the full experience, plus tax. So if that is the case, I'm not buying them, or not at the very least till they are all 3 out, and I can get a bundle pack for cheaper.
  21. Question is, how much are these "expansions" gonna cost?
  22. I didn't buy starcraft for years, but played it online. *nudge nudge wink wink* But I did buy the battle chest version later.
  23. I see where blizzard is coming from here. I mean, splitting up the games by race would allow them to pack more in the games, yes. But seriously, it is kinda fucking the average gamer. And this will encourage piracy to some extent as well. I've been irritated at blizzard for a long time, and I know a lot of people see this as flat out greed (IE hey we make money every month off people, lets get more off SC2 than we would if we just released it as one game, people will buy it!). But Ill see what the announcements are about it in the coming weeks before I judge if I will not buy it.
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