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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I have yet to have one problem with steam. If I don't feel like finding the cd or dvd, bam, download it from steam. No hassle, no errors. So yeah, I approve of it. EA's DRM though is retarded and needs to die in a fire.
  2. I have had yet to have a single problem with vista 32 yet. I don't know what the hell you people are doing.
  3. We tried the TF2 online demake, and it crashed like hell.
  4. I never saw anyone say a word in the IRC channel about a stats reset, or here of course. So yeah, I am a little irritated. If I had known that I wouldn't have worked my ass off the last few weeks to get up to 14k.
  5. Eh, I just tried to play, and I just have no interest now cause I feel like I got nothing to strive for or goals.
  6. Yeah, but whats even the point of having stats if you are gonna reset them every few months? That doesn't give you an accurate list of how people are playing or have ever played. Sounds to me like some newbies were bitching about how they can't make number 1 in like 2 weeks so they pitched a fit.
  7. Everyone knows that Gary was Andy Kaufman.
  8. He's doing a web exclusive site with cartoons like this on it. I can't remember the url for it.
  9. That mailman guy last night was just too good as a demo. He was almost hitting me around corners. I was like WTF.
  10. fastlane is all scout, no fun. But I did like convoy though. Had a hilarious time killing on the bridges with sticky bombs.
  11. Turbine is growing on me some. I think its cause Ive shifted to engie more, and thats a big part of that map. Fastlane sucks a big wiener though.
  12. Also, now I want to watch the movie Demolition Man. Thanks Sting.
  13. Not the 3 listed, but there will be 3 tool songs on GH4. http://www.usatoday.com/life/2008-09-04-coming-attractions_N.htm
  14. Spore is cute and all, and my fiancee is loving it, but a lot of people are saying that once you get in space its like a crappy odd EVE online gayness.
  15. Actually its really easy in a map like badwater, due to the fact that if he can sneak past the first group of people at the first spawn, everyone comes out the doors on the side of the red spawn, not the long way around. So yeah, its happened before.
  16. Catwoman is always a weak link for Batman. I hate the character in every version presented, comic, cartoon, or movie wise. So yeah, doesn't need to be done.
  17. The whole concept of Two Face still being alive was due to the fact that, yes, in a superhero movie, people can survive bigger falls than that. In fact, I see that as a cheap way of killing him off. They might as well made him have a heart attack. But sucks that Nolan isn't on for another one, that means that they will probably make another one with a shitty director and have stupid Jolie as cat woman and be a bastardization to the storyline.
  18. Im thinking about selling my original pressings of Metallica - Kill Em All and Ride the Lightening on Megaforce records, plus Master of Puppets And And Justice For All. I really need money bad, so go go gadget ebay.
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