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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Yeah, everyone seems to feel the need to get butthurt over every little concept, when it's a movie. A well crafted movie at that. But then again people who see this as offensive probably are the same that want to pick apart movies like The Matrix for religious undertones and push the image that there's a stereotype at every turn. Fact is, great movie, great visuals, and very touching.
  2. Just to let you know, I read this post to my wife, who is native american, and her dad, that is very well versed in native american history and studies since he does work for the people in Cherokee NC, and they both laughed and said that you are way off. Just figured I'd let you know.
  3. I like both Vector and Panic. Hopefully we'll keep them around for a while.
  4. As long as it fixed the time issue, I think its a fun map, but anything else would be a bonus.
  5. I vote to keep cyberpunk as well, cause low gravity or not, I love it. I would vote to keep toy fort but people seriously get butthurt over that map.
  6. New update on the sale. Daily stuff includes Serious Sam HD First Encounter for 9.99. MUST BUY!
  7. Buying more, I got the Lucasarts Adventure Pack for me, and Oblivion GOTY edition deluxe, The Witcher, and Oddworld pack for my wife.
  8. I got Braid, Riddick Dark Athena, Ghostbusters, Atari 80 games in 1, Jedi Knight Collection, and the Borderlands DLC. 37 bucks well spent. edit: add Stalker Clear Sky to that. I had already got stalker the last cheap sale, so might as well pick this up too.
  9. So I just tried koth_viaduct with the new bot set up they posted on teamfortress.com Oh man, ROFLs abound.
  10. Actually we had 8 or 9 people on it yesterday for a couple of hours doing achievement stuff. It was fun.
  11. Free weekend ends at 1 PM PST. So Id guess the password will be taken off then.
  12. Way better than the first one. The first one was a snorefest. This drew me in and kept me entertained all the way to the end. And the ending. What. The. Fuck.
  13. That's cool brushfire. I'll probably be playing more TF2 after this free weekend. Combo of annoying players and unlocks not working right is bleh right now.
  14. Yeah, I figured it would replace the sticky as well, so you have the option of the two for the sticky slot.
  15. Awesome demo, and I already had the ps3 version preordered, so I get the dante figure too from gamestop.
  16. They haven't said what the game was gonna include, so no reason to jump to conclusions yet. Also, the site shows an uncle sam picture, with a split hat and jacket, one disfigured hand, etc. So Two Face is hinted around. And at the end of Arkham 1, Two Face was robbing a bank, so it maybe a direct sequel starting from the bank?
  17. I like how you guys are butthurt over this. Its spikeTV, since when have they mattered?
  18. Ewww. No. Just.... EWWWWW. Horrible "game".
  19. That's cause FPS on a console is for retards as well, or jocks, which are just as retarded. Point is, my viewpoint is valid.
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