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Captain Huge!

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Everything posted by Captain Huge!

  1. it'd better be In that case, my I have the pleasure of throwing the first thunderbolt? FAC Practice Skech This is just to work out the details for the actual entry, but I think this should get some brain-juice flowing here! you get better every month Thanks! Love the Sig BTW. iz purty Dr. Suess + Final Fantasy = EPIC
  2. Sorry took so long to answer, yeah put me down
  3. pretend your 21 and sign for it, I dont think they will do a freakin background check for your age. Consider this, I'm 16 and I sign for Fedex and UPS packages all the time.
  4. I might be able to go, but really only if Atma Weapon goes.
  5. Never become an electrician. Then its a good thing im training to be a computer technician
  6. I hate math in all forms, although imaginary numbers are easy, THEY ARE POINTLESS AND MAKE ME ANGRY AND TYPE IN CAPLSOCK
  7. RP servers suck. I played on one. It gets incredibly boring at high level...then again I dont roleplay. I only went there to be with my friend. Go to RPPVP if your going to switch to RP.
  8. +9 stamina on bracers +7 stamina on boots +100hp on head +100hp on chest Etc, etc. Paladins are unkillable unless you hit their mana pools. Simply manaburn him. Paladins are meant to do 2 things: take damage and heal. That and dispel magic. As a shammy I would use purges more that shocks when fighting pallies. They seal? I purge. They bless? I purge. It worked. Next time you see a pally, use dispel magic and manaburn. They only have one interrupt and it has a long cooldown. You get two stuns if your a ret nub like me
  9. I keep all my games in there cases, but I ost Nintendogs and Nanostray... why couldnt I lose Lunar Dragon Song instead???
  10. I knew something was wrong with the world....jayslashkay congratulations pixie and big!
  11. Me and Atma Weapon are in there. Were the incredibly low quality portion with the terrible singing and the ferret. we were also the really high pitched intro and ending with tulip sniper. But I wanna know, who were all the other runner ups in the mashup?
  12. Hey all, I'm new to the forums but have been going to ocremix for awhile.
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