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Everything posted by Soapy

  1. Can't top that, some of the greatest work in the world can be found here at ocremix.
  2. That would be something you would need to take up with the proprietors. Because that, can seriously become a problem.
  3. Quote from page 10(Important parts bolded) No need to start legal action, since your card has most likely NOT been charged. Also, it's "lawyer"(More like lolyer in this case) and "legal professional". Your brother should have known to check if a charge had been made in the first place before giving you advice that might just be worthless. First of all, learn to read. I never said legal action, I said called the credit card company and have the charges reversed, secondly, he just told me, whats is common sense, if a company charges you, and you dont recieve what you were charged for, that could cause problems. Holy crap, calm down. It's also common sense to check if you were actually charged. Thing is that a lot of people these days are very happy to threaten with legal action immediately, and your post came off as being one of those cases(Mainly the "I have been adviced by a legal professional" part) Heres the funny thing, I did check, and I was charged, until yesterday when the charges were reversed. Hey look at that, the credit card company even says they were reversed yesterday. Hmm, sounds like someone has an ass talking problem. Secondly, you read too far into it. I bet you can't take a joke either? Just drop it. But wait, no, go ahead, have the last word, i'm done.
  4. Quote from page 10(Important parts bolded) No need to start legal action, since your card has most likely NOT been charged. Also, it's "lawyer"(More like lolyer in this case) and "legal professional". Your brother should have known to check if a charge had been made in the first place before giving you advice that might just be worthless. First of all, learn to read. I never said legal action, I said called the credit card company and have the charges reversed, secondly, he just told me, whats is common sense, if a company charges you, and you dont recieve what you were charged for, that could cause problems. Holy crap, calm down.
  5. Hey, I am in ther same situation. I ordered my shirt almost a month ago, and it is still pending. I have sent emails. I will wait a little longer after reading this forum, but I have been advised by a legal professional, to call the credit card company and recall the order. (My brother is a loyer, I love saying legal profressional). He said that this could cause probelms for Znet. I will wait a bit longer, but I would appreciate atleast an email giving me an estimate on when I might recieve what I have purchased. EDIT: They reversed the charges.
  6. As one of the too few fans of the panzer dragoon series, I applaud thee. This song was a good choice to remix, as it were a classic of the game title.
  7. Yet again, he graces us with another kickass beat.
  8. orkybash should be famous by now...
  9. never doubted that this would kick ass, orkybash has owned since the days of MIDI.
  10. You inspire me to make music...*GLOMPS*
  11. You took my favorite final fantasy 8 song, and made it better. I bow in both respect and appreciation.
  12. I hate seven, worst ff ever. However, I did like the music. This song is how I feel when people who like ff7 talk to me about it.
  13. A good remix, it has its own emotion, I enjoyed it.
  14. I would have rather heard this when I played the game. It makes me sad, which is the original songs intention. Due to the fact the phantom train carries dead spirits.
  15. Your music makes me cry, in the good way!
  16. Why say anything when I have people like bummer around. I'm with bummer, kick ass!
  17. Ah...I love it when I get lost in music. A very good play on the original.
  18. Why are really good songs always too short? Excellent work.
  19. A very interesting mix of the song, not as grungy as the original, but original all on its own.
  20. WOW F*CK, the beggining scared the living sh*t out of me. Awesome mix. I can feel the emotion layed into this. Yet another masterpiece. I see no amateurs here.
  21. Normally I wouldn't be interested in something so many people like, but I know how ciritcal gamers are, if this many Ubro critical fanboys, and girls love it, its obviously good. 11/10!!!
  22. Whale on that V-king baby. You would make red beard(dimebag darrel of Pantera) proud.
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