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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Eric the Unready. So awesome.

    Gabriel Knight series.


    What Overcoat said.

    Longest Journey.


    Oh shit... Dos only?

    Uh... Broken Sword series.

    Beneath a Steel Sky.


    Deja Vu.

    Captain Blood. (seriously, loads of awesome).


    Erm... It's late. I'll think of some more later.

  2. Too much on the echo and reverb. Each new note sounds like it's jutting out at the beginning. The choir is chorused in a way that doesn't really help it sound authentic or pleasing.

    The piano is very mechanical sounding. Try messing with velocities to get that sounding more human. And... the download stopped more than halfway in.

    This sounds harsh, I know. But take some of these into account. Maybe next time I'll listen to the whole thing and find some good things about the arrangement. Most of what I commented on was sound quality, and I know I didn't make it to the meat of the arrangement.

  3. You're not particularly eloquent to say the least.

    I for one, love songs by Australian nerdcore artists about Magic Cheese Trees. Since you seem to love Donkey Kong so much, you might want to stick around and wait for Crocodile Chaos. There will be some bad songs to laugh at and good songs to enjoy.

  4. Ugh... I guess I'm just really good at those 'gameboy Zelda-esque' puzzles. I found almost no roadblocks throughout the whole of Ages, save for the level 8 boss who was more annoying than hard.

    Yes, Onox was definitely a beast. I have yet to beat him with the cursed ring, which is something I can't say for anything in OoA.

    Anyway, back to the music and such: I would have preferred the other Crescent Island theme, sadly. Oh well, I have a WIP as of right now.

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