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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Way too much reverb/echo clutters this whole thing. It's pretty simple arrangement-wise. I'd work on making the background come out a little more, trying to make things less muddy and cluttered and even more arrangement, because when it doesn't sound cluttered it sounds very empty.

  2. Thanks to whoever gave me a second place vote! I don't know who you are, but you boosted my ego.

    Chavous: Loved the laid back feeling you had going on in the beginning. I think the percussion should've been a little more subtle at the start. It got pretty playful midway through, and you definitely needed to change that instrument, or the octave register. Just a bit on the shrill side for my ears.

    Xela: Piano tone felt wrong somehow at the beginning. Felt much better with other layers on top of it. Nice work with panning echoes. That synth playing the melody felt abrasive all around. Go for something a little lighter and less 'screech-like'.

    I hope my comments help.

  3. The drums are a little too much in your face. Main lead is getting slightly lost amongst the maze of effects you have going on.

    Some of the background harmony needs to be brought out. I would work on balancing everything out so that the in your face, mashed together loud feeling turns into a concoction of synergy.

    Just work on meshing things together (especially drums).

  4. oh yeah and pretty much everything from Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia. I wrote a whole Dark Space remix in my head WHY CAN'T I DO IT????

    I know how you feel. I had a really cool idea for a Dark Space mix, with about 3x speed of the original. Sadly, I was unable to make this a reality, due to my lack of non-midi instruments and mastering knowledge. I should really go back and try it again.

  5. 1st place: Chrono26

    Excellent work on keeping things interesting. That chiptunish synth could use a little bit more juggling around before it fits the rest of the piece's mood.

    2nd place: Sir_Nuts

    I can see you're enjoying the new string samples. Or at least that would be my guess. The echoing synths clashed with your piano for a little time. Not bad, but there are still quite a few kinks that should have been looked into.

    3rd place: Analoq

    I understand how hard it is to make a decent mix without any sort of interface, and I think this was a great attempt. Unfortunately, this month's source didn't really lend itself to the stripped down feeling that this type of performance lends itself to.

    Little bit of feedback. Analoq, I really loved Soggy Britain, in case you were wondering.

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