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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. If you run windows, I suggest picking up Anvil Studios (FREE) and trying to program a midi and experiment with that. I'm sure plenty of artists would be willing to master a completed arrangement, rather than devoting a lot of their time to fulfilling someone else's dream. You know, meet them halfway.

  2. Drums need to be layered a bit better on the lead ins to the large cymbal crashes. This is far too repetitive to be accepted on the site, and also fairly lo-fi. Both the lead and a the bouncing guitar part sound like they're from the bad side of the production tracks.

    My advice: spruce up the guitar, work a little more on doing interesting things with the main melody and tweaking it's instrumentation.

    You have a start.

  3. I think it has a bit too much echo and trailing on that open little drag. Relaxed drums fit well and phase out when not needed.

    Those little entrances at 2:08 trail off a little sloppily, but not too badly.

    I'm not a fan of the large time with the stuttering.

    Bah, that was a fairly negative review. There were some good ideas in there.

  4. Is that one thats on Tallarico's Earthworm Jim Anthology CD?

    If not is there an active site I can download it from? :)

    I never think to look at the artists webpages themselfs... In a day 'n age where everyone has a MySpace account... I constantly forget that people do put there own time and effort in to their own space on the web.

    So I guess I"ll have to look around for artists webpages then...


    That should help.

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