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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Gabriel Knight series

    Beneath a Steel Sky

    Little Big Adventure

    Battlebugs (maybe I just have fond memories of this one)

    Day of the Tentacle

    Eric the Unready

    Loom (super short, but worth it)

    Alpha Centauri

    Master of Orion

    Age of Empires

    At least one Black Isle type game (Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, etc.)

    Many of these are Adventure and RTS games.

  2. I don't care about the characters; it's the move sets! Fox and Falco are the two best characters in the game. One of them is effectively getting the ax.

    You're playing it wrong if you believe this to be true. They're just the easiest (besides Marth) to be decent with.

  3. School is kicking my ass and my mix isn't exactly noteworthy. Or done, for that matter. In fact, I seem to have hit yet another remixer's block or something, and I haven't worked on it for ages.

    Eh... The more I think about it, just giving up sounds more appealing, but I hate doing that :?

    If you're still having issues with the notes, I have a midi that you could use as a cheat sheet.

  4. Overuse of those vocal backing samples is bad.

    Way too much echo and reverb here. I'd go back and just remaster it with less reverb right now. Other things fall in line after that. Seemingly meaningless changes in the tempo around the end don't make the piece any more interesting. Add something to accompany the tempo change so it doesn't seem so tacked on.

  5. Laura's Electronica's intro is slightly out of synch, also it doesn't build well into the body of the piece. Really sketchy and unimaginative synth use. The soundscape doesn't really fit together well, I'd work on balancing the stuff. The high soprano synth gets a bit obnoxious at its highest. Not bad in the bass ranges though.

    Keep on working on: Soundscape, Drums and EQ. Soundscape should be the first thing to clear up. EQ your synths so they don't sound so lo-fi. Drums, work on making them jive a little better with everything else. The tinkling sample just feels so out of place.

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