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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. I was originally going to use the name "Sarcastro", but I didn't want to use a shitty edited pic of Sinestro in my sig. OR of a snarky Castro.

    Why not just go for a picture from his appearance in 'The Tick'?

    Anyway, Manibogi seems to be pretty par for the course: A way to spend time if you have no other MMO to which you cling. And loads of unnecessary free time.

  2. Not a lot of variation in this piece in general, though I hope you have plans to take it somewhere.

    The synth going solo at :27 simply adds nothing to the overall contrast and strength of this track. I would recommend placing some sort of differing break in there instead, then you can go into the buildup again.

    Not enough change in the overall soundscape at all at the moment. Everything besides those string modulators in the background is mixed to the forefront, making it sound fairly crowded.

    Good luck.

  3. Can we make characters into zombies? I'd hate to see this thing littered with RE and Zombies Took Over My Neighborhood (or w/e).

    Somebody had better do Decap Attack. Oh wait... I think that person will be me.

    Also, there are plenty of games to choose from without getting into the whole 'zombification of normal game characters' business.

  4. Thexder 2: Firehawk (Computer)

    Monkey Island Series (Computer)

    Grim Fandango (Computer)

    Battle of Olympus (NES)

    Lords of the Realm 2(Computer)

    StarCraft / Warcraft 2(Computer)

    The Guardian Legend (NES)

    Pop'n Twinbee (SNES)

    Vectorman (Genesis)

    Sonic Spinball (Genesis)

    Ogre Battle Series (SNES, N64)

    Star Ocean (SNES)

  5. I was interested as soon as I noticed this thread. I remember Rayman very well (although I lost the game a few moves ago). Unfortunately, tonight is the first chunk of time I've really gotten to work on it. (Rexy, if you were to extend the deadline, that'd be sweet.)

    So, um, just wanted to post and say that Flex and Chicken and Salluz aren't the only ones interested. But my schedule got randomly chopped up this past week. (And I'm a total noob, so my remix probably won't be much. But practice is good.)

    So...just fyi.

    Everyone was a total noob at one time.

    Check out Crash and Burnout. I guarantee your mix will be better.

    In my defense, it was made for OLR

    Edit: Due to job woes, I will be unable to sub my mix on time. It looks there will be an extension anyways, and I hope that we get a decent turnout with the extra day or two.

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