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Everything posted by OneUp

  1. Damn, I'm so sorry guys I've had so much on my mind lately. Great source though Bunde!
  2. Hmm... due to unfortunate stuff that's happened this week, I'm really behind in my remixing, almost just got started If I've understood this correct, my remix should be finished and sent today? Counting from which time zone? I really hope I can make it...
  3. Have many remixers are there now? I'd like to enter: 1. Mega Man X6, Infinity Mijinion Stage (Weapon Center) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5IVzmZYu1I 2. Mega Man X4, Storm Owl Stage (Air Force) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vse756mAMfo 3. Mega Man X, Boomer Kuwanger Stage (Fortress Tower) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_IVbuC1ZSs
  4. This is super badass, you aced it! So thick and full sound, so filthy. This must pass! I've tried this myself so many times on different sources, and nothing of it could compare to this. EDIT: I listened to some more music from you, and I'm totally blown away by that Call Me remix!
  5. I've tried to do a bonus remix, and can't make anything that doesn't sound like a cover. Now I can understand why this baby isn't on this site.
  6. Yeah, I had to choose in quite a hurry It's strange this tune isn't on OCR already, I mean, it's a kick ass tune and it's in a popular game! Oh, and everyone who doesn't enter this round will get crabs.
  7. I have really no idea what to pick, any ideas? EDIT: Ok I've got one, but how the hell do you send a PM to someone? I've forgot, and it seems really stupid that it's so hard to find...
  8. I like a little part of this (the melody). Hope that my take on this includes enough of the source for you guys.
  9. Am I the only one that doesn't like sources like this? I have problems even starting when there's too little chord progressions and melodies
  10. Anyone else that finds this source really great? Working on something right now
  11. Damn, forgot to vote I should have voted for hewhoisiam anyway, so it wouldn't have made a difference. Congrats Showroom!
  12. I still don't get why, but it didn't matter anyway
  13. Fair enough, congrats! This isn't all bad, it means I can participate in the next one too I find Bundeslangs voting a little unfair though, look at the Votes page
  14. Too easy to make a generic dance/trance remix out of this, and not enough energy to do something else. I'll finish it if there's lack of submissions.
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