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Everything posted by OneUp

  1. Welcome! I was right about your source of inspiration, yes?
  2. Well, the notes aren't wrong I think, but I doubt he'd like it actually... Ahh, that's some sweet HHC you got cooking there!
  3. Awesome Must say that I didn't have Canon in D in mind at all when I made the remix, but as I listen to Pachelbels wonderful classic, I agree with the judges. About my remix, I agree that it sounds empty and I don't know how I could've used those hats. Must've been swept away with the cuteness Thx! Oh, and Xenon Odyssey, I had forgotten about that Dr Mario-remix... strange that you remember it, specially because I don't remember posting it anywhere :S
  4. Thx guys! The problem is that I suck at drum programming, already tried making it better. There's much that I wan't to do, but don't know how, like the drums between the kick and the snare. Is that what you call ghosts? I actually don't want it to be to complex, but I agree that it needs more variation.
  5. This truly rocks, you nailed the Laserdance sound perfectly! I kind of agree to that it's a tad repetetive, but play around a bit with some original parts and this could be submitted IMO.
  6. While I'm waiting for my Lemmings remix to be fully judged (it's been on the To be posted-list forever), I'm wondering if this Elder Scroll remix (which won PRC131) could be OCR material: OneUp - Do Not Be Sneaky Source MIDI: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/PRC131_Elder_Scrolls_Arena_-_Sneaking.MID
  7. Nice! I have some ideas for the new source...
  8. It took me a long time, but my vote is in. It was really fun, but hard.
  9. Thank you! I won't do any changes to it (although it's needed). EDIT: Oh yeah, it's up there.
  10. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! 1 minute late!!!! Just 5 min more, pretty please?
  11. I've got a great idea on this, as long as I find a decent microfone to a reasonable price and have the time to do it. We Swedes needs all the clothes we can get, it'll soon be below 0°C here... Oh, and of course I'll do it for Rexy too!
  12. Hmm... bleuh. Not my piece of smorgasbord. And Rexy, do you have to make your midis 64 channels? Makes it very hard to overview in a tracker... But thx for making them.
  13. Nooo... Due to a Beer-in-the-Laptop-problem, I couldn't upload my song in time. Here it is though: http://oneup.mygabriel.org/OneUp_-_Hardstyle_Plumbing.mp3
  14. I'm in! This seemed to suit a hardstyle remix quite good
  15. I admit Siamey were superior this round, so big congrats!
  16. Voted. Decent turn-out! Funny that the name of my song is the same as the Conceptual Music Competition 19. Not intended at all.
  17. I remade it quite a bit, so I didn't worry when I submitted it. Actually everything except the guitars and drums is a midi rip, and the building of the song is almost exactly the same, but I think I made it interesting enough.
  18. Just open it in e.g. Winamp and change the tag there?
  19. I'm in, but I think my submission will test the rule of midi-ripping...
  20. Oh, sorry that I missed the voting. You guys did great, especially Sir Nuts! Always wanted to hear remixes on this tune, and now I got 4 <3
  21. Yeah, check the box marked "Mark everyone as read" or such
  22. Seriously guys, don't you just love this source? OT: It says that I have 1 unread PM... but it's not in my inbox! Is that common here? EDIT: Nvm.
  23. Yeah Setobai, it's down there! That's a big part of the contest I think. Where's PRC117? I sent the source ages ago! Does it always start on saturday/sunday?
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