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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Yeah actually, I'm tempted on organizing a LoD project of some form later on when I get better. Albeit there aren't enough midis to rip to make a full project, unless I can recruit ppl who are good at going by ear alone =p
  2. I believe this is the wrong place for this. Might wanna get a forum mod to put this where it belongs lol.
  3. Thanks for commenting Yeah I'm def. gonna fix the synth sample and add some more meat to that segment, as well as a few others now that I have some free room. It's sorta sad how easy it really is to make things less clustered - sigh - if I only listened to my betters a while back haha. Expect to hear an update soon.
  4. Wow love the ambiance here. Major ambiance buff Yeah the guitars def. need an upgrade haha. The build up to it was like...zomg what's coming up next!!!??? Then cruddy guitars. Made me almost cry - such an injustice T_T I know the pains of being forced to use low-fi samples lol. Anyways, I rly hope you can improve them guitars, cuz I think that composition wise this is solid. In fact, I didn't really expect any1 would have the guts to tackle an Alice track, most people would sooner attempt to remix StarCraft haha. Keep up the good work and hopefully this will get posted one day.
  5. How come no1's really commented on this? I love the percussion you've got going on here. Nice sitar sample (I think that's a sitar anyways lol). Absolutely love the East Indian influences here...feels like World Music clashing with Techno or something. I think this has potential for being posted. I don't know, I haven't been posted yet, prob for good reason lol. Anyhoo, I still say this is pretty hawt. Def. a keeper
  6. You. Are. New. To. This?? Looks like you're born for this stuff, good first work here Heh come to think of it, some of the elements in this track remind me of Protricity.
  7. Ah new blood eh? I know that feeling...lol. Well this is a bit on the sparse side. Doesn't seem to pick up until 1:50 or so. Meanders quite a bit. The samples are also mixed in a weird way which kinda hurts my ears. I think this track really needs backing chords and ow that glass break really hurt lol. This could work in OLR come to think of it lol. But I suppose you're aiming for something more uh serious right?? Anyways, things to look into doing in general: 1)make the samples a lot easier on the ears. 2)make this track pick up and give it some sort of direction 3)add a drum beat or maybe add to your orchestral percussion. Maybe a tambourine rhythm or shakers, etc. 4)a bassline would be nice too 5)backing chords to give the soundscape more depth. Most of all, don't give up
  8. Forgot to give you guys the source: Update: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/LoD_Death_By_Dragon_VerA3.mp3 did as Willrock said mostly. Added bass, majore EQ and level adjustments. Tried my hand at making a custom synth, sounds a bit cheezy I know, but I guess it'll make a good placeholder for now lol. So what else needs fixing?
  9. Wow this is epic. Good work there DBS There is indeed some clashing, but that's an easy key fix IMO. Er, well if some of this is live then I guess that it would be a real pain in the arse to fix. In either case, the offkeyness doesn't irk me too much though, it gives this a lot more edge and grit imo Not gonna say if this is passable or not though. I'd say that R:TS would def. post this though
  10. source: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/LoD_Death_By_Dragon_VerA2.mp3 update 1 http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/LoD_Death_By_Dragon_VerA3.mp3 Tried to re-do this one, unfortunately my older project got corrupted, so I lost a lot of good midi data that i won't be able to retrieve. Anyways, I'm trying to do this again - and there's one thing that really irks me - my production generally is bad - but this one is really bad. I don't know how to make this piece not all convulated sounded - I want each track to be able to play without hindering the other too much, yet I've no clue how to do that. Even after 2 + years. I'm a slow learner
  11. I'm going to leave the crits to other people, but I just wanna say that I absolutely love this track. I hope other people agree with me there =p I especially like the dynamics and the flow just puts shivers down my spine. Good work man
  12. Update, added new content and tweaked a few things: Sorry screwed up major time. Will post a better update soon.
  13. Dhsu, just cuz you're a posted remixer doesn't give you the right to be a troll. Go spam that crap in the off topic thread.
  14. New update!! Major changes and I also killed a lot of that meddly-itis going on, thereby saving me the hassle of transitional issues. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/SM_Medley_Metroid_Mess_verB33_Major%20Edit.mp3 Oh and it's not done yet - I'm thinking I can squeeze 2 mins or so of other material. I'll try my best not to meander like my usual remixes =p
  15. where's my manners? Thanks very much for the constructive crits guys , expect an update soon
  16. Noted all the points. But most warranting of attention is the drum mishap - which was actually intended, but now that I hear it, it is kinda ugly. That's what I get for trying to be too creative sometimes lol. And yeah, SM is cursed with atmospheric music and not very melody driven stuff - except for a few pieces like the battle music, green brinstar and lower norfair. Oh and the reverb idea with the transition is actually pretty clever - only thing I gotta do is ensure that it doesn't bleed into the rest of the mix too much
  17. Actually a lot of stuff in my mix needs velocity tweaking - that includes the drums , it's still pretty rough I guess. And yeah that 'ending' will be followed by something a bit extra. Also, I've tried adding elements in the previous segment to the second, but all attempts sounded god awful. I think that's the meddly-itis effect haha. In all earnesty, I could probably live without the first segment and have this tract start at 1:42. Would that work out better? As for the atmosphere and empty melody stuff - I'm not too concerned about that yet, because the production over all is rough lol.
  18. update: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/SM_Medley_Metroid_Mess_verB2.mp3 changes: added bassline for first segment made drums more punchy balanced out EQ more on certain areas Edited out the last segment, because it was sorta going overboard imo. What I'd like to change is... the transition. how can i go about it without massacring my whole piece??
  19. When did you start remixing Monobrow?? This is pretty good , reminds me of Silent Hill - oh right - this is Silent Hill 2 All retardedness aside on my part, this is pretty good, only gripe to me is the bass sample - it seems to sound kinda weird - I just think that a plucked or a fretless bass might fit in better for this. Unless you can find an E-bass that sounds a bit less grating/weird. Your production is pretty dang good otherwise and you seem to have a good handle on progression. Good jorb.
  20. must...keep...from...creaming...pants x_x too epic to be on OCR! It hurts x_x This is the best Mario RPG IMO evar Production is of course an issue here but the composition itself is teh sex. Diggin' this man.
  21. meandering is my favorite style haha - so long as it has some form of hook to it which this does Might not be OCR-postable any time soon, but I dig this track nonetheless. Oh btw, there might be too much game sampling in this, i.e. too many SFX from the game to allow it to be accepted. Anyways, just remember to save a back up before you edit anything, cuz the original thing is real good - no sense in screwing it up and being forced to go back to square one
  22. I can give you some of my drum patterns in midi data if you're dying to get them. Also I can see the meddly-itis being a problem - that's my biggest concern with most of my tracks it seems - I still need to refine that transitional thing.
  23. thanks guys that's cool Doni, bout time some1 lives near me =p I agree with the water and drum issues, I'll fix those. The actual transitional problems will be a toughie since I have over 9000 tracks in this compo - typical of me - I know. That's the problem with using soundfonts - you gotta layer them a lot to make them sound more convincing T-T But I think I will actually put in some effort on this one lol.
  24. This noob has a revised, rather liberal mix to share - dunno if I intend to submit this or not, what do you guys think of this? link: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/SM_Remix_Various%20Crap_verB1.mp3 (by the way, it';s super metroid, with various themes) Update 3 (sorry too lazy to put 2 up here =p) http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/SM_Medley_Metroid_Mess_verB33_Major%20Edit.mp3 Update 4 http://www.mediafire.com/?ucoz1tnjyqm
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