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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. so it's not a flop like the new Terminator movie, right?
  2. oh man that's a real awesome vst there, DLing
  3. Hm well if that's the case, just try to vary the velocites for now...if that doesn't satisfy the rest of the ppl or the J's, then i guess you better look up samples at KVRaudio.com or something
  4. Asides from the latter remark, Rozo is quite right - these drums could use some compression and some better EQ - if you don't know how to EQ, just look it up on youtube - I'm sure there are like 1 billion tutorials on how to do so.
  5. Hey Scrap, I just realized that I don't have any bongo samples that sound like yours, my GM is different =l HOWEVER, I did figure out the issue at hand - it's not so much the quality of your samples that's a problem, it's the humanization. Each note velocity is the same - no human can do that. Not even Daniel Lippert, although he almost plays like a machine Anyhoo, all you need to do is vary the note velocities. I saw that Neblix had an issue with your bongo sampels themselves, but eh, they're passable in my opinion - might need some EQ tweaking and other stuff - I'm not really a production pro, so this is the best I can give in the way of tips. Sorry that I couldn't be of more help
  6. Indeed...never eat a full bag of Lays with an empty stomach x_X
  7. give me a midi of your bongos, I'll spice 'em up for you, and give you a .wav file for you to import into your project.
  8. Yeah guys finish your mixes...otherwise I'll have to take them all. No one wants that, trust me.
  9. even I have to agree here Reduce bitrate and perhaps cut some time out of it too, though that's definitely a tough one to do...no1 likes to cut off a chunk of their baby
  10. Well, it takes a while to get into it, but when it does, it's not bad, cept I think the trumpet seems to be off key; may just be me. Also, the soundscape needs to be filled out more and the over-all track needs more energy. Of course, if this intended to be a chill mix then you can disregard the latter. I think the main issues are production and certain parts of the trumpet that seem to conflict with the key of the rest of the track. These aren't terribly tough fixes, but can be challenging if you're new to this stuff. Keep at her
  11. Actually I find that it works fine. It fits in because it doesn't really deviate from his track - all that it is, is a tempo change and some brass support - not like the main melody changed into something else or the entire atmosphere went whack...
  12. Is the newest version even worth getting? I'm using 8 and I'm fine with it...
  13. now that i finally got it to work. It's not a bad program...but having brass samples would be nice =( I think I'll actually invest in NI stuff in the future besides...I need something to host Zircon's Groove Bias
  14. Yeah...I hate when it's the most fricking obvious thing. Thanks for figuring out my problem lol.
  15. So? OCR is all about repetition. Sadly. Anyways, this is pretty damn decent. However, it is a tad too coverish. Also, I think that a warm pad or a vox/choir thing would really help to compliment the slower parts of this track. Also, I'm digging the drum beat. Although I think it could out by half a DB more or so. Oooo...I like the 2:00 juncture, very good work, and original! So it's not as cover-ish as I had presumed. My bad there. Anyhow, this is pretty solid work IMO, it may not make the cut at OCR, lord knows how stringent they are - but I'm diggin' this track nonetheless. Looking forward to your new works
  16. Sam I must say I deeply respect your talent, few have your fingers of fury on that keyboard It's a shame that OCR no'd that chiptune piece of yours...but anyhoo, this piece is magnificent. Looking forward to your next works
  17. ZOMG Terranigma!! One of my fav's! I love the build up as the chords get stronger in volume and so forth, then the intro to the trumpets - oh man. This is epic =D, except the piatti is a bit cruddy IMO, that's an easy fix though. Actually maybe this just needs to be rendered in a higher bitrate. And holy crap - this feels very professional. I love the variances in emotion and strength, as it fluctuates...what's that called again?? Damn slipped at the edge of my tongue, anyways, wow. This track definitely captivated me - and made me shed a tear or two IMO it could end at the arpreggio part with the harp, just make it ease out with a solo bassoon or something, playing a higher octave, very emotional thing...maybe the Terranigma Sad tune, not sure. Anyways this is just said opinion from a humble noob; 5/5 You must sub this when it's done!!
  18. woah I missed this one. MP 3 for the win! Okay, let's see... seems to be some dissonance with the choris and the bassline - it may be just me being picky, but seems off to me. Good beat though. And the filter FX are pretty sweet - is that sidechaining btw? Anyhoo, I LOVE THE SECOND PART, with the high range choir and alien sounds...man sends chills down my spine. Havn't had a song do that to me in a long time haha. So yeah this is pretty hawt, just the first section with the chords is my only issue. REFINE AND SUBMIT
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