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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. alrighty then...I think my skull's about ready to implode. GG
  2. Better yet Hewo. You could use a completely different bass sample that doesn't swell or have weird filter effects or w/e. Use a generic synth-like bass sample and work from there, because the J's will not accept it with that dissonance. They are pickier than a mating panda, trust me... personal experience here. Otherwise it's purty good here
  3. I'll agree with the production issues and the like, but I'm keeping the progression as it is. And the starting of 1:36 doesn't really sound like an intro, but more of a break down, I'd have to mess with the entire progression of that part to make it intro-ish...too much effort and stuff. You see FL Studio doesn't have the easy rearranging qualities as Reason does...probably it's biggest flaw there - so I'd spend like 10 hours fixing that shit, especially with all my tracks haha. Too much effort at this point, especially since I've burnt out the song, but thx for the comments
  4. good luck getting over my cap of inane posts ...and holy shit! How does a thread go over 247 pages???
  5. well this is certainly much less complex than the last wip. Good stuff here Gario
  6. Sorry, guess I got a little too asshole-ish there. Getting critiqued by assholes/pretentious pricks who think they are gurus tends to do that to certain people so that was my bad.
  7. uck...you should use FL studio or Pro Logic...*bracing for other remixers to come down on me like angry wasps* anyways, there's still an ez way to collab. Trade midi files of our work >...okay so it's not easy - but it works. & lol @ visa versa I thought that its vice versa...holy crap word check doesn't like that word...okay so we both can't spell ><
  8. Thanks for the support their sillythewilly . BTW, I am not quite my own style totally. System of a Down, Opeth and Infected Mushroom, for instance, use a similar kinda style as I do. I believe that Skrypnyk (or was it DrumUltima?) called it progressive...though I think I kinda over-do the whole thing.
  9. Oh, nice thx for clarifying Slygen. I think I know who to bug if I need any theory help ;-D
  10. uhh I wasn't being sarcastic, I was for real T_T - unless I totally missed what you meant by that. Lol. But anyways, I DO have some good theme ideas (providing they aren't already done). The problem is WINNING. People hate my style you see - they prefer dry cut melodies, incredibly simple (almost stupidly simple) progressions and cliched ideas...maybe I'm just full of crap...but suffice to say, I'll probably not win any time soon. /emo tears
  11. Alrighty then. But you know Hewo, there's an easy solution Change the ENTIRE key of the song to a key that has sharps and flats. My theory skills are crappy at best, so I couldn't tell you which key change would be suitable. Maybe try G??
  12. Gario that's a little dissapointing that you can't hear the dissonance here, I thought you're a pretty decent composer dood. Moreover, you're not doing Hewo a favor here by telling him his mix isn't off key when it is. Go ask any J or any other remixer...THOUGH I WISH THEY WOULD COMMENT ON THIS THEMSELVES *glares at the hundreds of people who frequent this forum* ...anyways Gario, I'm telling you this because I used to lie and sugarcoat stuff for other remixers, until that is, Skrypanyk and Tensei San stomped on me. And rightfully so. Sorry If I sound like a pretentious fucktard... Oh by the way Hewo, Lower Norfair is mainly on the key of C. Rather, C Minor I would assume...it sounds pretty minor-ish to me...unless its an inverted thingy. I'm no pro with chord names and such, but I do know the key is C because I messed around with the melody a bit and discerned it as such. EDIT Oh and sorry Gario, I didn't mention WHERE the dissonance is. Well, the first 30 seconds seem fine, but the melody, rhythm and chords seem to all clash afterward. That popcorn/square synth seems to be the biggest problem here.
  13. Which part of I won't make the guitar solo part, can you not comprehend T_T I'm not gonna make iiiiit. Rawr. lol...if you want it so badly, then get the midi for this song and do your own version :D I'll see to that overly long note tho. And I guess that it's a good sign that its only nits and picks you've got, as opposed to major issues. (also if you'd like we can do a legend of dragoon collab sometime ;-D)
  14. hmm the note doesn't seem off key to me. And no guitars, nor the solo part, because that's a very small portion of the admittably short song. Besides, I want room to add my own stuff, seeing as I'm not really reinterpreting the main melody much. I'll see what I can do with the :24 voices and the drums. Later though, because my ears need a break from this wip. Man...I'm still vexed that my Legend of Dragoon FLP got corrupted - because that might have been my ticket to OCR months ago. Oh well.
  15. thx for your response to Hewo >_< keep on critiquing Some of your points are pretty useful this time too lol. Although I'm no expert at filter effects...such a pain oy. Thats why I love having VSTs do that stuff for me ANd here is ze UPDATE http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3897495d660a541fd6baebe61b361f7c3b598e29b531ea6e5be6ba49b5870170
  16. Thanks man. I'll adress those issues, minus the guitar part. I lack decent guitars and i don't feel like waiting on a collab member to make them for me...
  17. Update 2 is up!!! Grab it while it's still hawt. http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3897495d660a541fd6baebe61b361f7ce04e75f6e8ebb871
  18. oh wow, this is a very original theme to work with (er, for this compo anyways). Good thinking SillytheWilly
  19. .....................sighhhhh OKAY guess I got more work to do lol. I wish moar ppl would comment too T_T I shall look into the tips you've provided to me and see how I can improve this wip.
  20. haha, well fine be that way about my synths...I'm just as hobo-ish as you man (when it comes to synths/soundfonts and the like) I can't ever tell what key songs are in, but I can tell when they sound off - funny how that works. Anyways, for you to find out what key it's in, look at the root notes of the chords. If they are inverted chords, look at the "middle" notes...that should give you a general idea.
  21. yeah this is very retro OCR ish, like DJ Harding and Frog...too bad this isn't 2002 man. I personally like the 1:20-ish part, it's very good, but the build up to it needs some help...also listen to Drummy Boi's critique. Keep at it dude
  22. Okay I listened to some of your advice there Hewo. Thanks for the comments btw - they do help. Got update. Dig it here or at the top of the thread. http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3897495d660a541fd6baebe61b361f7c3b598e29b531ea6e5be6ba49b5870170 This going in the right direction??
  23. agreed 10 char...sorry for the late reply lol
  24. Indeed I still fall prey to that too, albeit I try to be a little smarter about it.
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