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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. yes...yes I'm telepathic...lol no I just happen to like brass And I've got some dope heavy EQ bass and a Vox to layer it with to give it a creepy moan/low string feel. How close would you say this is OCR material David? A looong shot, or just moderately long?
  2. [quote=davidicus;336489 Its cool tho the drums remind me of the movie akira cant wait to hear more!
  3. I understood what u meant fairly well, thank you I've updating my song again lol... http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/cyww/Ethereal-Schala2 I made the other drums become semi unmuffled but I kept them distorted so that it'd give em an eerie effect. Though I think the effect is pretty weak...I try hehe.
  4. is this going to turn into another flamer thread?... x_x
  5. damn man that's good; man I wish I had ur skillz
  6. I like the reverse snare effect, that's awesome. the synths are pretty sweet, especially the bassy one. Pretty solid work here I'm surprised you're not a posted remixer already by hearing this lol...this woulda been accepted years ago easilly, even nowadays a good chance
  7. oh okay, thanks. I think I understand them a bit better now...been messing around for a bit with it; I'm fine on the synths part.
  8. I may be new but I learned a few tricks with distorting drums/and or beefing then up. You can increase the gain of a drum sample by inserting a compression plug in and messing with the said thingy. Also I find that putting the pitch down a bit on the snare makes it sound a bit fatter, as well as putting another sample of the same type and panning them both on seperate speakers makes em sound stronger - OA taught me that one >< Sorry if my tips are too vague/useless, just trying to give a helping hand.
  9. I am of the said group above on the title...I've got no effing clue how to use either of those 2 things. I know this is pretty vague, but can some one please give me a step by step process of how to do that stuff? Thanks very much.
  10. GET THIS REMIX DONE!!!! cuz it rocks and I love the mako reactor theme >:- D
  11. this forum needs more positive reinforcement or at least some form of encouragement...I know many of you guys think that its important to just state the facts; but its hard to want to continue when people just list the bad stuff of your song and don't say...you know the concept is good..bla bla or I think you've got the potential just keep your chin up bla bla..I always find those handy so I like to dish em out. And I'm not trying to sugar coat anything btw, I honestly think your song is OCR material (at least close to it) btw...can you pwetty pweeease check out my Schala remix in the WIP forums? I'd like some feed back from a pro like you
  12. MUCH better , here have a digital cookie *wipes pocket lint off of it*. Congrats ^^
  13. yup. got em all now ...I hope you hit it big someday Zircon (er bigger than already)
  14. you may want to make the advice a little more easier to understand Davidy. Most new remixers like myself don't understand those terms like counter melody too well. Mind you, when I started making music I didn't even know wtf the offbeat was; so maybe its just me. This song has an excellent sound scape, and there's hardly any awful pauses nor most nub stuff for that matter. I love the arpreggio type synth u got going on...did you make it yourself? You gotta teach me how to do that lol I think the percussion just needs to be louder and the other instruments sound a bit more defined, JUST a bit. Otherwise you've got a solid mix, like Arnold Swartzenegger on acid...'cept not; you get the drift lol. Good stuff dude.
  15. hehe using FL eh, I recognize some of em default sounds >_<. Good job improvising with em. I could learn some things about drum beats from you . But I have to agree with the other guy, it does feel a little baren at the start...one could probably hear tumbleweed if you inserted a said sample of it in there. Gotta add more stuff and I loathe to say: it needs more MEAT, otherwise Liontamer will have a seisure over not having enough beef. Though it does make one question his sexuality...just kidding Larry...don't shoot/ban me T_T Anyways, awesome start with the song, keep it up homeslice!!
  16. yeah i've been told by a remixer on aim that my sitar (eastern plucked sound) is too fakey sounding. And I agree that its too much in your face and not in the eerie distance, so I'll see what I can do. I got punchier drums now and some cool additions to the 1:06 part. Problem is I don't know what to do AFTER the 2nd section. Here's an upgrade to the song, though the crash symbol still needs to be changed for first half >_< http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/pyyy/Ethereal-Schala
  17. yeah i agree on that, I'll get to work on it soon again. Thanks for the input
  18. nooooooo my childhood hopes dashed away in an instance...meh I'll just the albums Speaking of which I ought to do that now before I forget...
  19. New Schala wip: ***Bonus*** It's not tone deaf or off tempo this time Gave it an ethereal, eerie feel, then an again feel at the 2nd half. Gonna add more drum fills and higher end percussion soon. I'll also need to edit the timing for the 2nd half main melody methinks. But I'll what you guys think. Hope you like it. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ghkb/Schala_remix_5
  20. amen to that! One of these days when I get good, I'm gonna collab with Zirc >:- D
  21. BTW at little more than 3/4, you shouldn't make the entire song stop, because that kills the momentum. I used to do that all the time with my songs (not to say I'm a good remixer yet...getting there) BUT I know that the judges hate it when the song stops like that. Maybe a reverse symbol, or a carried over synth to tell the listener that the song is still going? Take my nub advice or not, lol just trust me on the pause thing; judges don't really like it when the song stops then starts up again.
  22. It's composed well, just needs some EQ and more punch like he says , you're pretty damn good David; I'd say you'll be a posted remixer soon if you aren't already.
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