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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Well shit...I screwed up...turns out the vocal CD is just crappy voice recordings...though a few may be handy for dance mixes...shit x_x
  2. I like the beat , can you send me a midi of it so I can see how you did it...the bass and percussion are done real well dude. This feels like an OCR song that got posted 2 years ago (meaning thats pretty effing good), dunno if its acceptable nowadays, but damn yo this is good. Just needs some more variation methinks, EQ job seems pretty dang good, maybe make the bass a hint louder. I'm grooving to this song ><
  3. that is useful, providing its correct lol
  4. hmm i'm thinking of getting a keyboard sometime...mixing with just a mouse is a pain in the arse lol. I'm surprised that I managed to accomplish anything w/out a keyboard (albeit not anything comparable to your guys' work just yet)...I'm not sure what kind of keyboard to get though =/ (i'm on a tight budget too) Good luck Undefined in your remixing endeavors...btw that's a sweet remixer alius ><
  5. I'll listen to the latest ver. of your song later, just wanna say I hope you get posted , cuz I like your style/skill.
  6. ohhh okay now that makes sense and sounds a lot less mean wish I read that before I posted the other response beforehand. Yeah majors and minors don't mix well together how stupid of me lol...I'll fix that shiz.
  7. NOW that's a review thank you Avaris. Those are awesome tips, I'll get down to that practicing on my production/EQ stuff, and I'll try to keep my song more comformed, less dissonant and whatnot. Joren, I like you man, but you gotta be a little less abrasive with your reviews, because when you type that certain way, the only thing that I process really is the harshness, not really how to learn from my mistakes. Sorry to be all mushy and stuff; I won't say wa wa I'm only 5 months new to this stuff anymore, I'll take it like a man and make a song that'll make you cream your pantyhose. Just you wait >: - )
  8. eh it's pretty easy IMO , just start the song off with a dramatic/ sad feeling, then gradually (hopefully better than I) turn it into a gallant-kick ass tune/beat/orchestration whatever
  9. Well I'd know because I've done a bit of midi rip then reinterpretted it so
  10. host your music on http://www.tindeck.com it'll do u a world of good. CHIPP told me about it too
  11. I knew I wasn't going insane; ^^ I did a good job after all, it's just Sensei-Tan's smelly preference (but perhaps the judges too, let's hope not)... And its sort of an odd story how I came up with this name... For Starcraft my account name was Hobo Joe for battle.net, but when I joined a guild I needed to change my name; the guild name always ended with Ka...like NekromanKa, EvilKa etc...so I thought that HoboJoeKa sounded kinda retarded...so I picked a less retarded name HoboKa...which coincidentally means love in Arabic apparently (or so some1 told me ><)
  12. mkay...just got myself some new samples and stuff gonna play around with those I'll and get some help with mastering my EQ. The theme is actually there bro, you just gotta listen well....anyways I think I'm gonna re-do the 2nd half and get a different concept going for it...perhaps keep it more true to the first half of my song. I don't wanna get rid of my singer in the song, but I can change the sample for it ><. Thanks for the input.
  13. hehe just purhased a buttload of samples from FL studios samplefusion stuff...can't wait to try em all out. ^^
  14. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/kcni/Schala_Sensei_Tan_PMS_Response
  15. yeah I've reduced some volumes and edited some EQ's ><, added echo to the voice and compressed it to make it sound a bit better; added a bassline that's gonna need lots of editing, but it's a start. Still exporting the song...so you'll probably see an update of it tomorrow, cuz I'm going out tonight x_x. Thanks for the less Sensei-Tan-ish critique Beoulve, it definitely gives me more incentive to want to work harder on this remix. No offence Joren...
  16. ah k I had to do mine over again, especially since i was dumb enough to post it on this thread lol.
  17. T_T owch, you're never one to sugar coat the reviews... Okay I'll see what I can do about that bass, and I'll try to lay off of me pads. But there isn't "all kinds of piano notes" there's like 5-6 notes in the whole song by the piano generator. So those won't be hard to edit... And you didn't really describe how the transition is iffy, I thought that the note-climbing trumpet thing was actually pretty clever. As for the production sharpening I'll try my best to get it to not sound as muddy. However, I wanted it to feel that way to give it that dissonant eerie sensation. And this song does have direction; if it didn't it would linger in one segment of the song repeating things over.
  18. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/jhur/Ethereal-Schala4 Enjoy girls, its even hawter than before >: - ) just gotta get an epic last sequence in with an ending...then do some final EQ/percussion tweaking and I think this song's gonna go gold. You guys feel the same way?
  19. Hehe...can't be any worse than me bro , but seriously who else is even close to finishing their CMC song? =/
  20. good choice. I've been rejected like 4 times and soon to be 5 methinks, but I haven't quit remixing ^^.
  21. LOL every1 wants to jam with this piece insofar...sensei tan and OA, ok fine so just two other ppl but still thats 3 points for me wooot
  22. actually in that case the EQ just sucks there is a bass rofl
  23. I'm not quallified enough to tell u if the bass is good enough. My bass and countermelody skills are the worest insofar. I used to be horrid at drums now I'm mediocre. Plus I'm better at making my own original music...I'll show u some of my pieces to u sometime. I have msn and aim and I use FL studio. msn is: the_great_guy_sorta@hotmail.com aim is Hobtim ...even tho my name is alex...don't ask.
  24. please...need...input badly. Yay or nay? Need better EQ? Need more bass? Need more punches in the face? Need more etc??
  25. Ooooo nice pitch bending I was bugging the guys at the remixing forum about how to do automation clips n such lol...I got a pitch bend on my Tyrano Lair WIP, U gotta check that out. ANYWAYS, lets get to the point: This song is KICK ASS...I'm grooving like its 1997 and I'm listenning to the Mortal Kombat Annihilation track whilst high on coca cola . The beat is nice, the drums still need a BIT more of a punch methinks. Drums are a bitch...like guitar samples...but not as bad. Its hard to get them to JUSt the right level u need for it to sound fitting in the song. In either case your compositional skills are like sex in a can, or Shakira trapped on an elevator with you and you both know you're going to die so u might as well have some fun. good stuff David, can't wait to see you posted on OCR, frick we should collaborate some time...
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