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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. haha honestly they're good i sw- "Bzzaaap!!!" did...you...order the original...or extra crispy recipe? *turns to ash*
  2. thats what i was thinking....didn't want to burst his bubble though
  3. Probably gone moldy and rotten from all that junk he had to hear. Especially my work...lol, must be a pile of shitty meat from that alone.
  4. I'd say the EQ issue is pretty much solved here OA; I know you already had my opinion but hey, here it is again lol. Like Avaris says, your composing skills are really good ^^, I envy you. Good stuff dude.
  5. > jes wait until I send another 50 mediocre remixes Liontamer , got 2 earnestly good ones coming though lol, so you don't need to bash your head in too much =X
  6. Behold, LagunaCloud's and HoboKa's new and improved remix of Tryano Lair. This is getting hawter girls - you feel the same way? You digging it? Huh, huh are you, are yooooOOOoOooooUu!!!??? *explodes* Anywho, here's the link. Enjoy http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nssc/TL-getting-hawter4-biatch_ch_ch_mc_ch BTW we're gonna get some real guitar samples in semi-soonish
  7. you can always mooch off of other ppl to do the guitar samples for you too, like me
  8. Woot go OA so u can collab with me after >__< Hope your FF6 remix makes it in too
  9. LOL I could probably submit the old song I made from before and it'd fit this theme just fine. Too bad I already submitted it for the previous one >_< *cracks knuckles* C'mon Blue.Nocturne and co., time to kick some musical ass
  10. BTW, what samples do you use Blue? I could really get a hold of those sexy classical instruments
  11. Indeed so go submit it after some tweaking that Zircon and co. suggested.
  12. this is real good though man, I don't know how to critique u unfortunately ^^
  13. actually Legion303 I might need your guitar skillz for a collab of mine on Tyrano Lair...got a new concept going and there's a guitar part in it ^^ Sixto can help me too if you want.
  14. Wait, how'd you know I used FL studio? lol, anyways thanks; be seeing you there ^^
  15. woot , came close but no cigar. To be honest I got more praise then I had expected, being new to making music and all. Good job Blue.Nocturne
  16. Mother of mercy!! I just want to move on to the next one waaa T_T
  17. Yeah they instantly rejected some of my crap when the volume was too loud. It's called clipping so says Liontamer btw , it earns an instant rejection of it clips so reduce that EQ dood. Otherwise its super solid
  18. What's that? It's time to make Donkey Kong Country 2 Remix Project? Okay
  19. I love how you worked the choir and that beat into it...keep it up
  20. Don't give up man, just keep on screwing around. Try RANDOM notes and string em together, you never know. When I go freestyling with my crap, I just mess around until I mix up a chord or note progression that I like , then again I don't play the guitar, I play the FL Studio . Regardless, just do what i suggested, you never know...
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