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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Well since I failed to get a bonus mix for the last compo, I'm gonna get it done for this round. It probably helps that I'm more familiar with the game and source. EDIT Just posted my bonus mix. I forgot to mention in the description that 1:58 isn't an ending, but a 'transition' for a bigger segment, so yeah the rest isn't empty space lol.
  2. We could do some sort of 1-time 'ressurection' event for the original compo...it might be that it'll generate enough interest to get it rolling again. Either that or we just dust it off for an annual or bi-annual event
  3. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 11: Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers "I was at work today trying to think of something and I (came) back to this one. Its my all time favourite song that holds a special place in my heart." -esperado Midi Starts: 22/02/2014 Ends: Thursday 06/03/2014 @ 2PM Vote Ends: Thursday 08/03/2014 8PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct * MnP Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as you can still capture the source tune's mood and a good chunk of the notation. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 6. Only 1 entry per participant. **I will state the voting rules at the voting stage, so as to keep the rule list here as small as possible. I'll also relax the rules on qualative statements about your own works, because frankly, it seems impossible to prevent it from happening anyways, but I would humbly suggest that you try to exercize some discretion about said comments on yours or other people's tracks.** Example Tracks: FF7_SonOfChaos, SMW_Monstrous_Turtles, Hitman_Contract_Cleaner, MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx) - Certain sad or moody source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel, such as and
  4. Wooottt!!! Happy bday SuperiororiXXX!! Party hard man party hard
  5. Okay, I'll change it to that in the Result page.
  6. Sorry for the late results post guys...had 2 go to a doctor appointment, bring my cat to the vet, deposit my cheque yada yada 2 much crap going on for me today haha. BTW Anorax do you prefer electrolisystem or anorax as your mixer alias? Got a bit confused when I saw you using an alternate name on ThaSauce =p
  7. Results esperado got 1st place with 14 points Trism got 2nd with 13 points Anorax got 3rd place with 10 points Despite not voting, esperado still scraped by with 1 extra point over Trism esperado please pick the source tune for round 10
  8. Will there be a private forum thread as well? That way I can bug every1 in private about getting a collab partner
  9. Did u get my pm cherny?

  10. Aight thanks dude Excellent...I love a challenge. It kinda reminds me of Breath of Fire 2 and 1. Didn't really matter how much you grinded, the end-game monsters can maul your team pretty badly if you don't have a good strategy (or I guess cheese it)...and the really high encounter rate didn't help. At least you can alter THAT in Bravely Default
  11. Welcome to the Voting Stage! Xenonetix has a vote that's worth 2x since he was last round's winner. There are 3 contestants this round - there's enough room for all 3 spots this time yay!!! Participants who vote must keep the 3rd spot empty. First place voting bonus still applies - so get voting darnit!! **Remember: participants may not vote for themselves**
  12. Nice, hopefully they won't patch it out! I'm not there yet, but I'll keep it in mind - thanks Doulife. BTW...how do u get the sage staff?? =p Cool! I'm before the crystal temple area...just after beating that evil knight dude. Yeah, I've put in less than 6 hours in actual game time...just been building the town/sleep moding it cuz I've been playing ffxii...idk why I like that game cuz it's so not FF ><
  13. excellent! I'll get the voting rules/post up in like 15 seconds
  14. aw crap, forgot to pm you lol. Well thanks for saving me a step there bunda Okay...so judging by the steps needed to do that, I'm gonna tentatively say no to more than 1 entry. I'll put that in the rules section...
  15. YES thank you Nick Hyral!! I just got 5 new villagers...and a lvl99 nemesis hmmm lvl 12 vs lvl99 I think I stand a chance... good thing it's optional lol Also, I put my FC on my sig so you guys can add me for your town 'n shit
  16. Nice, nice; I got it a few days ago and play it on and off; it's pretty fun. The story and VO is actually not 2 shabby - I get the sense that it's actually spoofing the generic JRPG storyline a bit EDIT derp idk how to use the 3DS too well...how do I add people - also, how do I know what my friend ID is so I can give it out to ppl?? EDIT 2 Also, I have street pass activated...yet it keeps on saying that I haven't street passed anyone. Is it because of the region I'm in?
  17. Hmm, I haven't thought to cover that one. Lemme pm bundeslang real quick.
  18. I hope there are mixes on the way; if not, I can extend the due date. You might find a bonus track in there as well
  19. No probello, Thanks, glad 2 see you liked my track
  20. I'll have to make MnP 15 something like that - maybe an OLR styled throwback with retro sound libraries and shit. EDIT I might even add a little something special for 1st and 2nd place
  21. Wow sounds like this track has some mega nostalgic value for you guys! I might be more inclined to do up a bonus track then Cool concept Nase, might just do that for an anniversary round. Oh and I fixed the due dates and stuff bunda. Also, wonky synths and shitty soundfonts are my speciality...hell I think I have more crappy-sounding synths than good ones to this day...maybe I'll put them to 'good' use for a change
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