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Everything posted by Djinn

  1. There's pretty much nothing about this that isn't amazing. Perfect. One of my top 10.
  2. I'm skeptical as to whether or not it was actually Kaijin who wrote those comments. I don't know how or why, but maybe somebody was posing as him at some point or another? It would certainly be appreciated if he would confirm whether or not he actually stands behind his previous comments. I mean think about! He just said that his own "Bloody Hell" (Castlevania) was bad too! It doesn't make any sense. My thoughts on this remix? It's not one of my favorites, but it's fun and addicting. Production IS good, and I enjoyed it overall.
  3. I've been waiting, nay PRAYING, for someone to submit a remix from Phoenix Wright. Not only have you delivered, you delivered with GUSTO! Thank you SO much. I'm going to be listening to this for a LONG time. One of the best of its kind IMO. I can understand some of the technical criticisms, but it put a big smile on my face. At the end of the day, that's what really matters to me. Now you just need to remix the "Objection!" music in this style.
  4. Wow. Absolutely BITCHING! My anticipation continues to grow apace.
  5. This is SICK AS FUCK. Some of the best metal I've heard. The drums compliment the guitar work perfectly, and the production is out of this world! You completely captured the spirit of the original, and made it even BETTER. 5 stars! I love the ending! So professional!
  6. This is my favorite OC ReMix. Is has been since I first started coming to this site. I could listen to it for hours. Beautiful.
  7. For what it's worth, you could call it "Youth" if you wanted. The music in the piece primarily focuses on the adventures of young Link after all. It's succinct, and conveys a direct emotion.
  8. This, like your previous work, is simply masterful. I was a little nervous when you decided to embellish Saria's theme somewhat, but you made it work. BTW, what can I call this in my music library? I'd rather it have an actual name as opposed to "Part 3", you know?
  9. Woohoo! Sweet album art! That's exactly what I was looking for.
  10. I just registered so I could pay my respects here! To all the artists that worked on this project: absolutely tremendous work. Me and my friends are huge fans of Street Fighter, and this CD absolutely captures the spirit of the game. With regards to the album art, I hate to bitch, but could somebody step up and get that done? Why not just alter the site banner into a CD cover? I think that would kick ass. Once again, amazing work!
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