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Everything posted by Hollidayrain

  1. The Philip Glass reference is pretty apt. Interestin' stuff to be sure.
  2. I can honestly say that reading your evaluations helped me IMMENSELY and I can only hope that you judged my latest submission (though it's doubtful because it made it into the 'To Be Submitted' queue ) because otherwise, I will never have that privilege. But either way, best of luck zircon!
  3. No doubt, I wish he'd come up here to Denver! Seems like he's ridiculously meticulous with his productions too, because that track is insane...jumping back and forth between sounds on a dime (see: Firepower).
  4. Wolfgang Gartner is a BEAST. When I first heard that Mozart's 5th remix....woww.
  5. This is bombastic stuff. I love it!
  6. Lot of fond memories of this track...must've been like four years ago when I first heard this. Great stuff!
  7. I feel bad for anyone missing out on this one. I LOVE the transition at 0:32, the screaming LFO lead, and especially the arrangement at 1:50 or so (the chorus). Man, this thing is epic (most than source in my opinion!); I just wish this track were around back in the 80s so it could've been featured in a movie...
  8. Holy shiiiet, this is flames son. As far as electrohouse goes, I'm definitely not much of a Justice fan, but I legitimately love this. I agree with the comment that maybe the funk in the slap can get a little odd, but this is definitely one of the better dance tracks I've heard on this site. -H.R
  9. Holy CRAP this mix is badass. Absolutely fantastic listen! WOW
  10. It's amazing to me how well this came together. This is sick; I hope to see this one on the front page some time soon!
  11. Rayza = one of the original reasons I even considered producing tracks. This track is SICK man!
  12. Wow, I like that new kick a lot more. That Mau5-synth sounds a lot better too; and that wasn't even really an issue before. Maybe I should listen to the original now so I can give you arrangement feedback; this is soundin' DAMN good as its own track. At this rate, this mix is gonna be really sick.
  13. I must say, this style is extremely popular right now. Now for the mix.... -Nice glitchin' at the top! (dblueglitch? That vst is awesome...) -Daaaumn that's a fat bass line!! -That was awesome. Period. (And I've never even heard the sourcetune...) Not sure what to say except: CUE THE STROBES!
  14. Wooo Imago Deo synth! haha This is solid. I like the pads and your arps, that's prolly the best part! I also like a little delayed clap fill thingy. The bass mostly sounds good until it's exposed at the end though. But that leads me to my only gripe: Definitely no need for that long outro though. In my opinion, you ought to find a better way to end it. It not only exposes the bass but also the piano, kinda. The piano sample obviously isn't great (you knew that, I'm sure) but it sounded great when it was buried. Keep it up!
  15. The ONLY things I'm not completely feelin' about this piece are the kick and snare. They just don't work for me (neither the samples nor the patterns). That being said, EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT THIS IS SIICKKKK!!!!!!! I wonder what this would sound like with some drum n' bass/Pendulum-esque drums...oh mannn. But seriously, phenomenal synth work Willrock. I love your interpretation of the Ice Cap Zone theme!
  16. haha, now I definitely hear 'Faxing Berlin.' True, you added more percussion, but you ought to build it up more (additive composition). See: 3:01 of Faxing Berlin ( ). He has a TONNNNN less going on musically in that track but his use of additive composition keeps the drums fresh. So aside from your initial drums, perhaps you could use some ta-ka-tss-un-ts? (hahaha onomat's are awesome)I still maintain that you should try to find a deeper kick sound though. That and maybe bias it more low-end to create that nice sidechain-type effect (although this is more artistic choice, again, and very well may not sound good with the rest of instrument choices). Either way, keep at it! I think you're headed the right way.
  17. haha, yeah. You should really look into acquiring z3ta+/vanguard though. I got lucky in picking them up (I know the right people, heh), but they contain some of the most current sounds being used in tracks all over the world. Even try-before-buy versions work in the interim.

    Alright, so I think we should some pick some chord progressions, tempos and styles. Then, I think the best course of action would be to send each other bits and pieces (basically, patterns), and compile them. Hit me up on facebook (assuming you've got it, haha, but what teenager doesn't, right?), and we can continue this discussion there (http://www.facebook.com/Hollidayrain).

  18. *Bows head* I'm going to BOOKMARK this.
  19. I think we should do some regular collabo man. Try to make a hit club track I'm thinkin' (maybe it be e-house, trance, or whatever!). ReMixing (OCR style) is cool, but I see even more potential in what we could do, especially since you're a freakin' audio engineer! haha

    Z3ta+, Vanguard, a simple 3x Osc and Sytrus are my bread 'n butter synths, and I use some Garritan Aria which came packaged with my EWI (I'm a woodwind player) for orchestral stuff. I use Vengeance for staple percussion sounds and Sample Fusion for light percussion, etc. How about you?

  20. Sup,

    I'm most def down for some collabo!

  21. Yo, Good call on the criticism. I completely agree, in retrospect. -I'm glad you noticed that because I actually brought up the mid-range, hahaha! Oops. I can hear the issues now, for sure. -Ya, I got a little overzealous with my uplifting arps. That is actually the deadmau5 sound (hah!) but with some interesting effects and an epic filter cutoff opening. Just as with the last one you mentioned, I did indeed bring up the mid-range. I was listening to it yesterday on one of my friends' professional monitors and it sounded pretty good, but I 100% agree with your comments. Glad you liked the arrangement; hopefully that'll get me a'YES' vote or two . Collabo? I'm down! I'll send you a PM in a moment. Thanks again man.
  22. haha nice man, my friends and I were thinking of trying that out. I'm pretty damn sure it will work too. Are you familiar with using midi-controllers? Cuz I think that drum kit should be about the same as any other midi-controller. The key to the matter will be the fact that you probably won't be able to control a different channel (hence different instruments) with each separate pad on the kit. These are the steps I would recommend to circumvent this issue (as this has worked in the past for me with other controllers): 1. Start a new project, make sure you are connected and make sure you have the required drivers (obviously). You can tell whether or not your midi interface is working properly by examining the orange 'MIDI' light to the left of the master pitch and volume knobs. If it's not flashing when you hit the drum, restart FL Studio. If it still doesn't work, make sure your controller is enabled under Options-->'Midi Settings'-->Input. 2. Open all of the sounds you want to play on your drums into different channels in one pattern 3. Make one note for each sound, and make sure they are each nice and spaced apart. (Or you could just make a nice little loop using each sound, whatever floats your boat) 4. When you're done with this, export the pattern. 5. Start a new project, and re-import this pattern into FL Slicer. Hypothetically, this should isolate each sound into a different key on the piano roll. 6. If the drum controller is anything like either of my midi-controllers, you should be able to select which notes play which instruments. Like on my EWI, I could set the kick to be C3 and the hat to be A3, etc. You'd think that the drums would work this way also; each pad on the kit triggering a different piano roll note. 7. Then, to record, just click the record button to the right of the stop button on the dashboard and select 'automation and score.' This will dump all of the acquire midi information into the piano roll for the given channel. Also don't forget to quantize the notes to your liking (basically a 'snap-to-grid' scenario). 8. LET ME KNOW IF THIS ACTUALLY WORKS. If it does, I would trip. HAHA! -H.R
  23. Keep in mind, I've never heard the source, so I'm goin' simply based on the music I hear. Goin' for a progressive house feel, eh? I can definitely see where you're going with this one. I can hear the famous 'mau5' synth and you have some nice flanged electro sounds in the middle. I think you might want to shorten that mau5 sound even further though (a nice solid staccato), especially if you're going to hit them on every 8th note. It needs a tad more punch and a nice reverb tail with some delay effects (extremely important!). I love your main lead choice; sounds chippish, which really seems to work! The most immediately striking thing about this is the kick you use. I'm not really a fan of that sound choice. I'd prefer something nice and deep; but that could just be an artistic choice. What is it from? Also, some of the kick variations aside from the straight up quarter note 4/4 beat are kinda iff-ey; they throw me off a little bit. (Maybe that's what you were going for though) Also, it sounds like that clap sound is layered with something...which also sounds lo-fi-ish (a snare?). I'm not a big fan of that either. You could just search some sample libraries for a new clap, perhaps? I think you should try to include reverse claps in your beat too (2 bars: Bum Cha Bum Cha Bum Cha Bumsheeeka). You should probably also add another layer of drums to fatten the mix up a little bit (if you've listened to 'Jaded', aside from the Kick-Snare combo, there's a nice light latin-percussion loop being used). So I guess in general, percussion is a bit lacking. Some other cool things you could include are some nice pads (which you could sidechain with a more powerful kick for a nice booming effect) and some 'wind build-ups' which you've surely heard if you've listened to a bunch of deadmau5. I HIGHLY recommend you listen to bLiNd's latest piece, Golbez n' Goblins, for some ideas I've got to say though, I'm a big fan of your work (Imago Deo, etc). I would have LOVED to hear another track in that style (especially since I was basically playing that on loop for two weeks and showing all of my homies, bahahaa!), but it's nice to see that you're diversifying your repertoire. Good start, and best of luck! -H.R Oh, and I would love to hear feedback on my latest submission. Music link: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=582991&songID=7847850 Thread link: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24445
  24. Thanks Rozo; I really, really want it this time. Making OCR would be a huge milestone as a musician for me!
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