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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I just got this: I'm getting that after I verified my email address.
  2. So...did anyone get past the Windows Live login page?
  3. Couldn't you presumably just grab a key whenever they're up, and then download the iso later if you're so worried?
  4. Too fat to be pezman...I have no clue who that is though.
  5. So, I finally experienced the server crash in game late at night...I suspect that there's a conflict with a plugin. I'll probably look into it more in the next few days. In addition, I ordered a new gameserver for us to use on Gameservers, so we will be switching to that (it's half the cost) in a month or so.
  6. There's at least 3 projects coming out in '09
  7. Don't forget to upload the pictures onto the facebook group!
  8. It's 10.5 hours from St. Louis to Minneapolis?
  9. This project sounds awesome - I can't wait to hear it when it's out, as you guys started at about the same time Taucer and I started our project and you guys look to finish before us & maintain such a high quality, which impresses me greatly. It also seems to have such a nice flow as OA mentioned during the OCR panel with the emphasis on a rock opera style. I'm still curious how you guys managed to get some of these people on this project, because they never responded to the initial PM by Taucer or me when we kept the project secret.
  10. So I just got back to Champaign-Urbana after a 12 hour car drive with Ryan (BardicKnowledge), his wife, and his brother - major thanks for that ride, saved me $100+. This MAGFest was awesome as usual - it felt like it passed by too fast . It was great seeing a bunch of new faces, although I didn't get to talk much with a lot of you guys...there was just so much going on. One thing I loved was the panels with people from the video game industry - it was interesting hearing their stories about the industry, which turned out to be better than I was originally expecting. One thing I was surprised about this year though was how mellow everyone was compared to the previous two years I was there. There wasn't any huge incident that I heard of this time, which kinda shocked me. The concerts were also mostly disappointing for me...can't say I was a fan of most of those bands that played. Other than that, I liked it being more toned down this year in terms of the shenanigans.
  11. So it's time for me to make my way down there . See you all there!
  12. Actually, this is the right forum to start soliciting people.
  13. Personally, I despised Resistance. It rubbed off as unpolished graphically (either that or it's indicative of the PS3's abilities, which I kinda doubt is the case), and the Chameleon is such a lame enemy with their almost perfect camouflage & with only audio cues as the way to detect them - as if we needed another enemy that can kill you in one hit like those invisible beam sword Elites from Halo 2.
  14. The problem with phones with browsers like the iPhone or the BlackBerry Storm (which I just got yesterday and <3) is that they shrink everything so that you can get a view of most of the page, which forces you to magnify the area you want. A cellphone specific design for those who connect via cellphones would be much nicer to nagivate through. I know Dave has considered making a version of the site for cellphones, and perhaps it's worth revisiting now that such gadgets are becoming a lot more commonplace. It will probably be a good thing to discuss during MAGFest.
  15. Ha, I <3 TVersity too, although that has been rendered obsolete for me with my home theater system. The PS3 sure has some good media features in terms of networking that the 360 can't match.
  16. I was able to buy the Unreal Pack a few days ago which had UT, Unreal 2 Gold, Unreal 3, UT2k4, and UT3...sounds like Valve pulled it.
  17. Well, if you want a PS3, I will have to most assuredly recommend Super Stardust HD. It's a downloadable game, and the game I've played the most on the PS3 so far (not counting PS2 games).
  18. Well after MAGFest I'd be able to go on some more, but while in NY, I can't really play TF2.
  19. It has always been like that since the switch to vBulletin. If you want to know, ask Dave at MAGFest.
  20. There was a hot tub in one room....but I think that room is used by the staff.
  21. In this case, it was a pretty clear cut abuse of micspamming to the point where a lot of the people on the server would put atma on mute. He claimed that it didn't bother a lot of people, but all I heard was the opposite, which meant that he deliberately lied to me or really was ignorant in order to push his childish wishes for micspamming. He kept trying to put himself above the rule despite a good deal of complaints from regulars, and if he can't control himself, then he doesn't belong on the server. I even gave him an offer to get unbanned, but he doesn't wish to take responsibility for anything (as witnessed in the PM convo he posted, which doesn't help his cause, especially when I found out that some of what he told me was a bold faced lie). The admins shouldn't be a baby monitoring service catering to every whimsical infraction for a regular .
  22. I seem to remember Firedrake got banned for trolling in PPR before.
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