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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Someone is working on Cranky's Conga, but we haven't found someone for Steel Drum Rhumba yet. Worst case scenario is that we'll just release the project without Steel Drum Rhumba.
  2. The only song I omitted (mistakenly) from this preview that was in the other one was by Another Soundscape (Bayou Boogie)
  3. That is not Palpable singing - that's his girlfriend Diotrans. Also Xenon is correct. Cranky's Conga is not in the preview.
  4. There were some odd places picked...I wasn't quite sure what to pick for some of the songs, as they're done in such a way that you would need to listen to the whole song to appreciate it. That is also partially why I didn't mind doing such a preview track - I know zircon did something like this for the FF7 project, and listening to small clips of the actual songs don't often accurately represent them. Also there were a few mistakes in piecing together this clip, but I figured it probably wouldn't bother people too much.
  5. Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 . Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.
  6. I know how you feel - I've had similar feelings when waiting for some of the other projects to get released. Perhaps I'll make a longer preview, but I don't know so far.
  7. Actually, the reason I was able to be on so much this week was precisely because it was spring break. I have a good deal of work I need to get through tomorrow and Sunday that I put off all break...which I kinda wish I didn't do.
  8. I wonder if it has anything to do with that Eidos published FF7 for the PC for them.
  9. Supposedly they play music from OCR all the time - I remember when a bunch of us from a December NYC meetup went there ('06?), we heard several OC ReMixes there.
  10. A good number of us go into the IRC channel...but discussing the rules here is fine too.
  11. Yeah, those doors are included - people have complained about doing that too. I generally only act on it if people aren't able to clear out the demo via other means though.
  12. So I'm testing out an alteration to the config_arena.cfg file so that potentially no one will have to wait during arena (or at worst two people will). When the server switches to an arena map or if someone manually switches it, report back what happens. Edit: I decided to try yet a different solution - I installed an extension to accomplish this feat for us. Now we should be able to get 12v12 in arena.
  13. If you're an RPG fan, the PSP has a lot to offer. With that said, buy it only if you're financially comfortable with the purchase .
  14. Nah, nothing is wrong with starting a thread listing the vocal mixes...I think if you search for some, you may find more than 1 of these threads in Community...just don't clog up this thread with that.
  15. I don't know if I'd call this new age per say, although it is a quite badass track. As for recommendations, I'm going to go ahead and just chime in that pixietricks and Helen Trevillion are the main artists who do new age around OCR, although there are some other tracks scattered around the site as well (nothing comes to my mind at the moment unfortunately). Genres are just classifications based on styles...how does that make them subjective or inaccurate? Wouldn't any such qualifiers be more attached to people's misconceptions about a genre than to a genre itself?
  16. I didn't install the patch then, but now it should be installed.
  17. Man I despise a lot of the albums mentioned in this thread .
  18. Unfortunately, it is an insta-cap version of the map (essentially cp_warpath2 with snow textures). If you have another map in mind then feel free to replace it.
  19. So I did some tweaking to the map rotation, and here's how it'll be for now (unless someone brings up an issue with something about it): ctf_2fort cp_egypt_final pl_badwater cp_granary ctf_well cp_junction_final ctf_mach4 cp_dustbowl tc_hydro cp_fastlane pl_goldrush cp_gravelpit pl_dustbowl_b4 cp_snowpath_b2 ctf_turbine cp_steel pl_goldrush cp_dustbowl cp_well arena_granary cp_badlands
  20. That is Backwards Room (original song is Run, Rambi! Run!) by zyko. I loved what he did with that track, and definitely wouldn't put it down so quickly since he accomplished creating a mysterious track and creating an atmosphere of urgency within it. It also helps that it has a more aggressive nature as well, which is fitting for how he approached it. There are only minor things I would've probably changed, but my role is mainly of organization and offering the occasional suggestion. I don't think Mazedude gave a name to the track, but it's his take on Bad Bird Rag - he finished this one quite a while ago, fairly soon after he staked his claim on the track when we were first soliciting people for the project. As for when the project will be released, I'm not sure - we still have a few tracks that need final wavs and some that are close to done. We also have a need of artwork and website. With djp being busy with various site stuff, and with the FF4 project probably going to be finished ahead of us, it might be a half an year before this project gets released.
  21. Go listen to Zappa...now. Also the best part of the news for me is the touring news - good thing tickets haven't been sold yet, I can never get Dream Theater tickets because they sell out in like < 2 days (at least NY shows).
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