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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Well, if you pick March 27 and/or the 28th to do something, I would think about possibly flying in to San Francisco (assuming someone would pick me up and that I have a place to stay).
  2. I remember it looking a bit generic...like Quest 64 in some ways, although the combat was different.
  3. Apparently this is somewhat big news. After reading a news article, I got linked to this: http://blog.stopbadware.org/2009/01/31/google-glitch-causes-confusion They have a link to Google's blog which talks about the error as well.
  4. Pretty much sums up my thoughts about the game as well. Such a shame, since it did seem to have potential.
  5. I don't know...it is being offered by Berkeley, so it's not like classes there are exactly easy anyway.
  6. I was just the opposite about FFXII - I was bored with grinding for $$, how much time it took to get from one place to another, and how expensive everything was turned me off. In addition, the game was designed so piss poorly if you wanted to play without a strategy guide of some sorts. So many things about it frustrated me and caused me to give up on the game.
  7. Graphics look good but...meh. It doesn't really show me anything that matters about the game except that it strives for a fantastical realism. I just hope this one doesn't use as crappy of a battle system.
  8. If you ever feel the impulse to drive out here to Illinois, you'll see some far worse drivers.
  9. Can't say - when it comes out, you'll see it linked to on the first page.
  10. Well, I usually go to sleep by 11:30 these days - got 9 am obligations almost every day, and a crappy amount of work for the semester.
  11. Can't say I know how the economy will affect the industry since it defied trends last year, but I know 2009 is great for OCR
  12. Closets are excellent if the people know what to do - the front two melee while ducking , with the back two shooting and then meleeing if they see someone pulled by a smoker, which makes it almost impossible to do damage to people in the closets. The only situation where I've found the closet strategy a bit risky is in the finale on an expert campaign, where all it takes is one boomer to fuck you up when the tank comes, but the minimal damage from the horde is more than worth it.
  13. Can't say I've had a great pandora find...namely because almost everything it suggests to me, I've heard before.
  14. Huh? Ninja Gaiden did a bunch of stuff that you won't see in other games (except the ones that ripped stuff off from it like Prince of Persia).
  15. Mmm...I need to get me Ikaruga sometime.
  16. I would think you would be able to, via civil court if it goes down to that.
  17. I had a friend over last night...so no TF2 for me then . I won't be around tomorrow night either though, hanging out with friends then too.
  18. Well, we had this name idea from back in 2007 (I wasn't a big fan of it, and it went back and forth for a while). You never see a release date for a project until it's out . I did mention it's coming out this year though, and that's the best I can give you.
  19. Yeah, I didn't have enough of her WIP to do it justice for just taking a short clip for the preview track, so I felt it was better just to leave it for the release as a surprise.
  20. There's no unifying theme as to what the music is like. There are a few relaxing songs, a few more aggressive and heavy songs, a few that give the impression of plodding on, etc. If there's any word that I could think of that might give somewhat of an impression, it's epic.
  21. The DKC 2 project has a dub mix on it...but I'm not at liberty to spread the mix yet . You can hear a tidbit of it on the preview track I just posted up. Otherwise, OCR doesn't really discriminate between genres and such - we encourage people to explore music of all sorts of genres and appreciate them. Certain artists do tend to stay in certain genres though, and with some listening you can figure that out. It can't hurt to explore some, does it?
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