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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Well, they don't have a lot of people, which is required if you want to play in leagues and such, and there's some solid players on the OCR server, so it's only natural to try to fish around for more on a server they like to frequent. Personally, I'm looking at this as an opportunity to improve at a competitive level. I don't care for being the best, but if I can accomplish all of the tricks of the trade for various classes, then I'll be happy. If not, well then it still provides me with something fresh to do.
  2. I have a friend who went to Harvard with a 1320...1390 is just fine for most schools.
  3. Yeah but the way you phrased your comment, you implied that one can't have fun by trying their best.
  4. As if playing a game how a game was designed to be played is suddenly a bad thing. Grow up/grow a brain.
  5. That was my original thought as well - about not having any advertising on the OCR server (outside of OCR itself). I just wanted to hear some input on it.
  6. So I got something that I said I would consider - mainly, one of the ZUZ guys contacted me asking whether they could have their server advertised, and in exchange they would advertise the OCR server. If people wouldn't mind this, what type of advertising form would you accept - motd, in game, in chat, etc.? If not, tell me as well.
  7. Yeah, don't focus on the points - just focus on playing well, and the points will go up or down accordingly. There are some days where I've lost ~1000, and others where I've gained ~1000, so it's not really a big deal. Besides, what are points worth anyway?
  8. Oh wow, nice find. So to scramble teams, just type !votescramble in chat. For the admins, it is in the admin menu if you want to avoid a vote and to forcefully do it..
  9. Alright, so current rotation: pl_badwater arena_lumberyard ctf_turbine pl_goldrush cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit cp_fastlane cp_granary pl_badwater arena_ravine ctf_2fort cp_steel cp_dustbowl pl_badwater cp_well cp_badlands tc_hydro pl_dustbowl_b4 Also, the arena maps should hopefully now be 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes, and crits are now disabled for arena maps.
  10. Customs have been quite vibrant on the server now that powerlord hosts them.
  11. So, so far there has been mixed reception with the arena maps - what do you all think about them? Just a reminder, the map rotation is currently pl_badwater arena_lumberyard ctf_turbine pl_goldrush arena_ravine cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit ctf_fastlane arena_well cp_granary pl_badwater arena_lumberyard ctf_2fort cp_steel cp_dustbowl arena_badlands pl_badwater cp_well cp_badlands arena_granary tc_hydro pl_cave_b6
  12. Same here, the OCR server is a lot less painful to play on than the others I've been on, and with some fun moments to be had.
  13. I wouldn't tout Linux as so superior simply because it's open source - for example, my supervisor has both Ubuntu and Windows on his laptop, but he cannot use wireless with Ubuntu, and hence has no internet when he uses Ubuntu, which he uses primarily for LaTeX. Driver support seems like it still has much to be desired even after 5 years after I've tried Ubuntu.
  14. I did say most Tensei. Considerate micspammers are generally in short supply, with many more interested in playing obnoxious sound clips often, or playing their music as soon as they are in the game.
  15. I'm not saying you micspam - it's that you're trying to justify it, and from what I've found, most people generally don't like micspam, and on the OCR server it's no different. Personally I'm fine with it if the people don't get obnoxious with it, which is all too easy to do since most micspammers don't have a social sense in knowing the line. As soon as it's bad enough to distract people from the game or to prevent legit voice communication, that's when it's out of line and out of place.
  16. And even easier for everyone, the micspammers could have just not hit V and spammed? You're not helping your case for micspamming here.
  17. And this is irrelevant. Conversely, why take away most people's entertainment at just playing the game by having to deal with micspammer douches? Sorry but that is just a dumb line of thought.
  18. Legendia's main problem was the incredibly crappy dungeon design. And that they make you go through the dungeons twice to beat the game. I wish I had my 360 back now
  19. I'm not doing something with a direct relation to the game industry per say (at least currently), but from all of the anecdotal evidence I have from friends who're trying to get into the industry or on the cusp of getting into it, what Wingless says is spot on. When it comes to hiring, the game devs are looking for whether you're able to do what is standard - for example with respect to computer graphics, you have to have a demo reel that shows that you can do all of the standard elements of animation. Having a functional demo game is even more impressive, since it shows you understand more how the animation ties into the other elements of a game. You can have a undergraduate degree, or graduate school degree, but if you can't do what is expected, your degree won't get you into the industry period. Also as zircon mentioned before, it is extremely shortsighted to go for a specialized trade school degree such as game development. The industry is already saturated with game developers pumping out lots of games - anyone can see this by just how quickly decently reviewed games drop in price (sometimes in under 6 months). A specialized degree just limits your options if companies in your field of choice aren't hiring, and is a greater risk than you have to take.
  20. Or the micspammer could just as easily *gasp* not micspam! Novel idea! Hence why micspamming isn't really allowed on the OCR server - sure, you can mute annoying players, but it's even easier for the person to not be purposefully annoying.
  21. I probably won't be able to vote either, although I might have a smidgen of time tonight (if so, it'd be my only free night this whole week). School is already killing me with all of the things I have to do .
  22. Just for reference, the map rotation is currently: pl_badwater arena_lumberyard ctf_turbine pl_goldrush arena_ravine cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit ctf_fastlane arena_well cp_granary pl_badwater arena_lumberyard ctf_2fort cp_steel cp_dustbowl arena_badlands pl_badwater cp_well cp_badlands arena_granary tc_hydro pl_cave_b6 If there's any requests for changes, let me know, although I won't be able to change them until late today.
  23. RTV doesn't have the option to vote against changing the map. There is an extend vote option (I think you type extend into the chat), but no one seems to use it.
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