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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Oh, I didn't change the rotation at all - reserved slot holders used their vote map privileges and their choice won.
  2. You know if you log onto your Steam account, you can redownload it for free.
  3. Actually sorry...I think I'm going to hold off on buying monitors until later on when it really becomes a more legit concern and save some money until then - I'll just use my Sennheisers for a little while as I learn. So here's what I bought so far: Mac Pro with 500 GB main hard drive and 2 GB of RAM 8 GB of RAM (intending to sell that 2 GB that comes with the Mac Pro) 750 GB hard drive 24" BenQ LCD monitor Echo Gina 3G audio interface (upon after much talk & recommendation with SnappleMan) MXL V67G mic Edirol PCR-800 midi controller Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and discussion here!
  4. I know that bustatunez, starla, salty, gibbo, norg, and SnappleMan are gonna be there, and probably some others too
  5. What are my options for what I get at various prices under $500? (Doesn't mean that I'll be spending that amount or close to that amount, just want to know)
  6. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good pair of monitor speakers & headphones?
  7. So...it was only me and Jose. We checked out Coney Island a little, but it rained hard. Too bad, as it was supposed to be a Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Staten Island Yankees game there today too (probably happened a little later on). We did some other stuff in Manhattan too, but at least Coney Island will be around next summer, so hopefully there'll be some better weather then.
  8. Probably that there have only been 2 main KH games so far, and one side game associated with one of them.
  9. Yep - there's the possibility that I'm a little late, but we'll see.
  10. It's looking like 80% chance of rain & lightning tomorrow, with rain in the morning and then rain sometime in the afternoon. What do you guys suggest doing?
  11. Bah, I'm too tired to implement it tonight...maybe tomorrow night. Also, I did not see a lot of those options on 1.fm Zephyr - that site seems to have a very ugly design though.
  12. There aren't many payload maps as of yet, but that's because payload is a more recent map style that debuted with the medic achievement pack.
  13. So what custom maps should I add? I added pl_dustbowl_b4 to the list, and I'm sure there's a few others people want added. Also, suggest more radio streams people - I want a good number of radio stations to select from before implementing this tonight.
  14. I generally play soldier & medic, and yeah, while I'm pretty good at them, it's only because I'm currently playing on a crappy computer. When I get back to school I'll probably play more of a variety of classes since I'd like to be more useful than at just two classes (even soldiering can get stale). Edit: So I noticed that the rtv is activated via Mani Admin Mod - looking into it, I'm currently about to set it so that 35% is the minimum threshold in order to get a map change, and 33% of players typing rtv is the minimum threshold to start a rtv. 4 is still going to be the minimum # of players needed to activate a rtv, regardless of the 35%, but if 4 is less than 33% of the in game players, then 33% of the in game players is required. Also currently, this is the vote map list for rtv: tc_hydro cp_well cp_granary cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit ctf_2fort ctf_well cp_badlands pl_goldrush cp_fastlane ctf_turbine Should I axe any from this list? Mani Admin Mod chooses from these maps randomly for rtv. Lastly, anyone have radio streams to suggest for me to add for a radio plugin? I'm going to look into installing SourceMod radio soon for the server.
  15. Lyrically, The Last Candle is about last minute hope in pushing adversary hope, which is partly why it pumps me up.
  16. So I have bad news - it's probably going to rain hard tomorrow. Anyone have other suggestions?
  17. Gamma Ray - Anywhere in the Galaxy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OKHo7xXiZ4 Demons & Wizards - Crimson King http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZD3jIOk9J8 Blind Guardian - The Last Candle These three songs never fail to get me pumped for anything, among a few others.
  18. Very nice interview - so it looks like Wise took the time to carefully tailor the soundtrack to the levels in the game. He's gonna love what we come up with I think . Also, Game Over is now taken by Mithius.
  19. Xerol plays on a not so great comp - I've seen him try to play on his laptop at zircon's place during the Philly meetup, and wow that was terrible. I know the desktop isn't as bad, but I don't blame him for dying cause of that - I actually get happy when I see that Xerol kills someone, especially me, cause it shows that he tries to do what he can despite the computer and/or internet connection. Yeah, it's always far worse with random gamers. Some people are far more ascerbic in their complaints than any you see on the OCR server, and it's more regular. The only other server I consistently have enjoyed playing on is the Evil Avatar server (run by LiquidRain, the one who runs the Rainwave stream), but that's because I post on the forums there sometimes so it's not as random. When I get back to my apartment at school I want to be playing on there a little more often (maybe once a week or something like that) just to play with some others on another community.
  20. Too bad I'm gonna stop with this right now . I gave my final comment on resolution on the issue a few posts back. I'm not going to say anymore because I laid out a crystal clear explanation, filled with sentences that cut to the heart of the issue, not bringing in an irrelevant aspect to the argument that would detract from the point. It would be worthwhile to continue it if someone had a legitimate complaint with the specific line of argument, but nobody has brought up anything that addresses or is suggestive of what would be wrong with anything in this reasoning, so any productive discussion on this is dead and will be modded out of the thread. As for map rotation, what did people think about the rotation tonight? To recap it: cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush ctf_2fort tc_hydro cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine cp_gravelpit
  21. More like you wanted to ruin everyone else's fun. Sorry but the only one on the team that agreed with you was you - everyone else was silent about it and focusing on doing what they could or they affirmed what I said.
  22. It was intentional, but just with a different purpose. You consciously and purposely chose not to switch. That makes it intentional. I never said you did it with the paramount intention for the team to lose, but that it was a clear consequence that you just chose not to think about.
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