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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I finished my voting already - I <3 this stage, so short!
  2. Hmm? Explain what the monitors are and what's so special about them. Also, I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 280 Pros - something wrong with them?
  3. I played the PSP FFT version off of my memory stick...that slowdown was definitely there. I got used to it though, so it wasn't so bad.
  4. The rotation atm is: cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush ctf_2fort cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit pl_dustbowl_b4 tc_hydro cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine pl_goldrush The thing is, most people have a tendency to want to do dustbowl or goldrush after one of the other maps. And some have complained about Goldrush more recently. What do you all want the rotation to be?
  5. 1. Currently just sing. I intend on making use of my free tuition to learn how to play the piano and guitar though. 2. The amounts mentioned here so far isn't an issue, if that's enough info. 3. Good question - currently I don't want to limit myself to any specifics though. 4. Ideally, I want to learn as much as possible for virtual instruments. As for real, as mentioned in #1 5. I have played around a little in Reason and FL, but not enough for me to really get a feel, so I'm open to suggestions. So far it seems like FL would be a good start for me though.
  6. Well this sucks - I tried to open it on VLC and it ran incredibly slow, and I can't find a codec for Quicktime. One more reason for me to be happy that I'll be back on Windows in 9 days. Edit: I found something that gives the h.294 codec, notably Perian, but I get no video. Ugh.
  7. Ah, I haven't decided which one I want to go with yet. FL would be a good place to start I assume? Edit: Also I forgot to mention that currently I'm on Vista 64-bit - will this be a problem when it comes to anything and is it worth it for me to change to XP for a particular reason?
  8. That's just a project deadline, not when the project will be finished or released - the wips are only in the project forums (a secret), or on Taucer's or my hard drive . Edit: For those with extensions, you have a little more than 1 extra month - the due date is September 15th for those of you this applies to.
  9. I'm pretty sure finding someone to give a ride would be the least of your problems guys, and shouldn't be an issue at all. I'm not sure how expensive flights are to NY a few days before New Years, but if you guys were to do so, perhaps a couple of us from the NYC area could show you guys a good time around NYC, and you'd have an easy time getting to DC with some of us - perhaps I could interest you guys in spending New Years Eve in DC?
  10. So I'm looking finally make a serious attempt at making music. I noticed the stickied thread at the top so hopefully people can make me recommendations that can be purchased over zzounds.com to support OCR as well. I'd like to buy a keyboard for use as a midi controller, as well as a mic & mic stand. Of course of lesser importance, but also necessary would be a stand for the keyboard. I also noticed Dave talking about a mic pop filter in the aforementioned thread - would that also be a good thing for me to purchase as well? Keep in mind that I know very little of these things.
  11. A little late to the party, but happy birthday Jimmy!
  12. There are a couple of people who go from western NY, such as Prophet of Mephisto and the whole Armcannon crew - you might want to go about asking them about it if any of them are driving.
  13. Well, $3 a month gives you a reserved slot if that's what you're asking.
  14. So the map rotation right now is: cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush tc_hydro cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit cp_steel_b4 cp_toy_fort_elite cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine pl_goldrush
  15. Also I'm going to definitely be looking for people to stay in my hotel room & split the bill as I know some of you are cheap bastards. Last year I recall having 6 of us in the same room, and split 6 ways, the bill only came out to around $50 for the 3 nights. In addition, I'm hearing interest for people coming to DC earlier and spending New Years Eve there. I'm possibly interested in this as well, and I can book a luxury hotel room for some people to spend New Year's Eve with as well. With a split bill, it wouldn't be so bad (as I get bonus perks with my charge card), and it'll be a nice room so that people can relax, spend a night out on the town, & walk back to the hotel. You know, I don't like it at all either - I wanted to keep it open in case my school went to the Rose Bowl again, so that I could go watch them play and visit a good friend in LA who's a grad student in USC & who I haven't seen in 2 years. Personally, I spent too much money on concerts this year already though (over $500 in concert tickets alone and counting), so I can't go, but MAGFest is cheap enough for me. Also as shitty as it is, I understand that Brenden is guaranteed security with being able to stay in the same hotel, and it makes it easier to get to the more important details in planning. In addition, there's no guarantee that another hotel in the area will take the event in given its history (there's a good reason it hasn't been in the same hotel every year).
  16. Place: Hilton Mark Center (5000 Seminary Rd./Alexandria, VA) - just southwest of Washington, D. C.! Time: January 1st through January 4th Website: http://www.magfest.org So who's already looking forward to M7? For those who haven't been to, much less heard of MAGFest, it formerly was the Music and Gaming Festival. It is host to 24 hour gaming, concerts, and a host of panels and other interesting things. In addition, it is chock full of people connected to the video game music rearrangement community, as well as people who frequent OCReMix - during M6 we had an incredible number of people from the community gathered together with around 30 of us having dinner together at Fridays alone for an example. It is definitely the place to be if you want to meet many of the people involved in video game music rearrangements, as well as many others! In addition, this also provides the perfect time for a bunch of OCRers to spend New Years Eve together for the interested. New Years Eve Bash (details to be sorted later): Definites: Bahamut Definite Attendees: Aninymouse Audio Fidelity Avatar of Justice Bahamut BardicKnowledge & Addie bLiNd & Jade Cerrax Chao_Evo (with friend) Escariot & Dominique Geoffrey Taucer Glitch Kulaman Moguta OA OverCoat q-pa Realfolkblues, girlfriend, & crew SiMV starla (& maybe roommate?) Theory of Nonexistence yodaisbetter Xerol Tentative: Avaris Beatdrop BGC DrumUltimA Dyne Edgecrusher Ferret Fishy Majin GeoDooD Palpable Ramaniscence Sindra Tensei-san The Xyco The Pezman Hotel Rooming: Bahamut's room - Bahamut, BardicKnowledge & Addie, Beatdrop (tentative), Tensei-san (tentative) Geoffrey Taucer - Taucer, SiMV, ToN Xerol's room - Xerol, Aaron Looking for Hotel Roommates: Bahamut (interested in taking as many as we can squeeze) OA (interested in sharing with 3-4 others) The Pezman (interested in sharing a room with anyone) Xerol (interested in taking 1 more) Looking for a room: Beatdrop DrumUltimA q-pa Moguta For New Years Eve: Bahamut - looking for maybe a few others, possibly along with Bardic & his wife Addie, to spend a night in DC. Accommodations would be possibly in a nice spacious luxury hotel room downtown (maybe split might be a little under $100 a night per person). Details are still pending.
  17. I have, and it's not pretty. That goes for all maps with stacked teams though.
  18. So if anyone has any unique talents and hasn't offered them for the megacollab (and shows proficiency in their instrument(s)), offer now or forever hold your peace on what is easily the biggest collab OCR will see.
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