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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. And ignoring the balance like that was helping the team how? Ok, so I may have said that in IRC out of anger for your ineptitude to figure out the line of events, but in actuality I would've just kicked at first. colin did give a good reason for him to remain scout though, hence why I mentioned 2 in that post. That last sentence refers to your bringing it to IRC and pestering me with that bullshit you pulled and refuse to acknowledge. And what does that have to do with what you did beforehand? Oh, I see, nothing. Irrelevant to the discussion. If you really wanted to disagree like that, you should've switched beforehand instead of giving lip. The fact that you didn't puts the blame squarely on you. I was referring to this situation in comparison with how I deal with situations involving someone breaking the server rules. As mentioned in the post you're quoting from, I normally ban quickly after just one warning, not 2 or 3 or more. However, taking account of all of what has transpired in all of this, it surely is more worthy of a ban than some of the other things I have banned for.If you want a second chance, I'm willing to give it, but keep in mind the server rules and why they're there. I have little tolerance for people stepping over the line or trying to test the boundaries I set with my actions as you see tonight. Edit: This would only be a ban from the game server, not related to the forums. In any case, does this validate not punishing someone for negative actions? That line of reasoning is greatly flawed.
  2. The thing was, most of the people in all class teams agree to do it and that I have no problem with that - I even participate in it on occasion. But it was clear that most of the people on the team wanted to play a regular game in this instance from the way they played and from the classes the others chose, and here was an instance of 2 people dragging it down for the rest. One was silent about it, while the other chose to make an irrelevant complaint about it is the difference.
  3. No, the trolling was for purposely being petty for self pleasure through giving lip just because I pointed out a gaping problem in strategy. The griefing is for purposely choosing not to switch from scout when there were 3 scouts on Granary and it was clearly causing the team to get rolled badly - one pointed out that he was the best scout so that was fine, but I was prepared to kick the other two for not working out any changes (not banning). Considering this is called TEAM Fortress 2, I don't see how anyone can disagree with this. I'm far more level-headed about any of this moderation than most of you as I have almost 4 years of experience doing it, half of it at a former community that numbered over 100k people, and I always make sure to lay out exact reasons for any action on my part to remain consistent in general - unfair actions leave a bad taste in people's mouths who never had anything to do with the problem. Griefing is mentioned in the MOTD every time you log on though, and all my previous actions on prior griefing such as the older demo glitch abuse, demo sticky spawn camping, mic spamming, etc. were a warning, and if the person showed no clear intention to stop or a clear intention to flout the warning, a swift permaban. In this case, I gave ample warning even, and didn't even ban. Even initially when Atma chose to defy the clearly flawed strategy and gave a clear indication of mocking me, I just kicked, not permabanned, or even removed the reserve slot. He then came back on and joined the opposite team. The removal of the reserved slot and to be subsequent banning from the server is for continuing to ignore the crux of the situation and to bring irrelevancies into it. Given my track record on dealing with problems on the server so far, he has gotten quite more chances than most do because I don't wish to be as harsh to reserved slot holders as they are regulars. However, Atma did not wish to play a team game and wanted to ruin the experience for the rest of the team, which probably would've ragequitted if the trend continued as always does with teams getting rolled that badly, all just to spite my constructive criticism of our class balance.
  4. How's this for a rotation for tonight? cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush ctf_2fort tc_hydro cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine cp_gravelpit Also, I'll put on Castle4 on the server sometime, just right now I'm too lazy haha. I have a feeling that a lot won't like it though. Edit: [12:49pm] Tensei-San: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyZxJYo_Q4I
  5. All news on the megacollab is on the private project forums.
  6. Haha, I was thinking about that earlier. I'm buying this almost exclusively for music making though - after trying out Logic, it just impressed me with its interface, something that the other DAWs couldn't do, and after weighing in on my other expenses that I could chop off to help fund this purchase as well as other benefits to this, I really couldn't resist what an opportunity this affords me.
  7. Are there any particular recommendations for audio interfaces that would be good for me then? And I definitely intend on recording vocals, so a mic more tailored for vocals would be of more use atm. I can buy another for other purposes down the road (probably won't need it for at least another year anyway).
  8. Alright so I want to change up the map rotation for tomorrow. The current rotation is: cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush ctf_2fort cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit pl_dustbowl_b4 tc_hydro cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine pl_goldrush Any suggestions for a good rotation?
  9. So what's the difference between the Shure SM57 and the SM58? In addition, what suggestions are good for monitor speakers & headphones, and a good audio interface?
  10. So I pulled the trigger for the Mac Pro. Now, back to those instruments of concern - any more thoughts on the mic and midi controller or contrary views to those some suggested?
  11. Only people with vote & kick are able to use votekick normally it seems. I used the override to change that though, and to disable gravity for everyone but admins.
  12. Also, I have to add do NOT make the gravity higher than the default setting (800) - there seems to be a bug where it affects sticky bombs, even if you reset it to normal.
  13. Only problem is that it seems in order to give that privilege, I have to give the kick option, which I definitely don't want to give arbitrarily.
  14. I fixed the mods - turns out Gameservers didn't update their Metamod: Source installation link. Also, now reserved slot holders have change map and cvar privileges, so check them out with /admin in chat. Any abuse will result in your privileges taken away of course.
  15. So, I was checking out Logic Pro at the Apple Store earlier, and wow I want to start out with it. It seems much more intuitively designed than most of the other programs I've tried out, and it is fraught with a lot of nice one button hotkeys. I didn't get to try out any actual arranging though because there was no midi controller hooked up to the computer, and there was also no sound on the computer, but from all everyone has been telling me so far, that shouldn't be an issue. I'm definitely interested in buying a Mac Pro when I get back to school next week now.
  16. Great progress so far guys - we have 4 final wavs sitting on our hard drives, with some people close to being finished.
  17. So it looks like the new patch broke the server atm. It is strongly looking like Valve's fault, which just pisses me off with their continual coding problems. Hopefully this will be fixed asap - I will let people know on the IRC channel when this is fixed.
  18. Steam updates for people: http://www.steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=posts&AppId=440&filter=updates&cc=US
  19. No, I wouldn't be throwing Windows on a Mac Pro - it'd remain exclusively a Mac box. I would consider using it for one other task other than music, being writing up math documents in LaTeX which would be convenient given that I have a Macbook.
  20. I have no clue what software I'd want to use atm. I have played around some in FL, Reason, and Garageband before, and I can get comfortable with whatever I think, but from the comments here, seems like everyone loves Logic Studio that much.
  21. So I was just looking up on the Mac Pro and other stuff - if I were to go that route, then I'd likely end up spending around $4000-5000, as opposed to around ~$1000 on my current PC, but the Mac Pro route would definitely give me more bang for the buck, as well as a work computer & desk for music completely separate from my current one, which could then be used for casual usage & math work (it is a pretty good computer, built 3 months ago with a 3 Ghz E8400 Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB of RAM, and an M-Audio soundcard). It would be possible for me to make the purchase, but I want to make sure whether it's a good idea or not.
  22. Well as I've said, I'm open to suggestions for the rotation. Also, I have a question about reserved slots for people - upon a little more searching, if I'm reading right, it seems like Mani Mod supports reserved slots in the following fashion: if someone with a reserved slot joins to make it 24/24, then nobody gets kicked, but if someone leaves the game, then the reserved slot frees up again and only someone with a reserved slot can join. Do people support the current way, where reserved slot holders should have 0 problems joining, or this new way?
  23. I read about this as well (and the complaints). I'm with ya, google works pretty well for me still.
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