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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. It *is* risky, but that is why I mentioned that the borrower pay for shipping via paypal - so that there is a potential method for the lender to demand payment for a stolen/lost/broken game. Also, that's the incentive behind a feedback system. Of course you shouldn't lend out a rare game to someone with little to no feedback from others, or someone still borrowing a game from another, hence why I said it should be mentioned what game the borrower is borrowing from a lender each time.
  2. Wtf? It's a three disc game?
  3. So, this is something that has been discussed in IRC - we know a lot of us OCRers have lots of games, but even still there are lots of games that we still want to play. Maybe this will take off, maybe not, but how about a lending system? To be sure, there's some risk involved, especially initially, but if this idea does take off, we can have a feedback system in this thread for those who are interested in doing this. Suggested guidelines are to mutually post that the lender will be mailing the game, and that the borrower will be borrowing it. The borrower will pay the shipping costs both ways, and both will post their experiences with the other as a lender/borrower (i.e. game came back in great condition, quick communication, etc.). I'd recommend all payment transactions occur over Paypal since then the lender is protected if the borrower tries to run off with the game by demanding a payment through their payment resolution. Time limits can be set for how long a game should be out for too. So, what do you all think?
  4. First impression of MP3...wow this game has amazing controls. Like a noob, I'm stuck on the first boss, but at least this game isn't weak stuff so far.
  5. That's why if I do pick up this game, it'll be the 360 version - I refuse to validate DRM by purchasing content with it.
  6. So when I was doing some biking earlier, I stopped by the local mall and picked up a copy of MP3...and it's still sealed.
  7. As much as it's nice for OCR, wouldn't it be nice to toss in some other good stuff from various places too (vg related)?
  8. Bumping this thread... I almost beat Super Stardust HD, died a second time against the final boss, when it was almost dead (yay rank 3692 or something like that). Some of my deaths have been due to the controller's bluetooth being glitchy, which is pissing me off to no end. Sony let me down with the wireless reliability here on a recurring basis. For games like this, it is unacceptable - the PS3 is just not good enough for hardcore games with its current Sixaxis controller. Otherwise, I'm enjoying what I'm playing a lot.
  9. Issues like these transcend gaming.
  10. Just bringing this question up, and also, is it possible to set the smilies that appear on the right when making a post?
  11. Bahamut


    Darude sucks. I would advise starting with zircon too.
  12. From what I heard, Motorstorm was bad mainly because of the lack of variety - it supposedly did the racing well, although I haven't got to play it yet despite owning it (goes to show that my game backlog is PS3 HUEG). Of course $600 is a lot to pay for the console, but that's why I didn't pay full price (even before the clearance of the 60 GB models). Plus I consider the PS3 an investment for the game site I want to start up.
  13. Well, there was a new thread on it, and then there was a thread merge. It hasn't been talked about since then really.
  14. I think that it's a problem in the industry period, and not just PS3 developers - a lot of companies try to play it safe so that their financial gains are stable and have a certain rate of controlled growth, in order to pander to their investors as corporations (for the most part). To innovate or to do something different brings risk, and that's something investors like to minimize. I never thought much of Lair (it didn't look very impressive for the PS3), although I was looking forward to Warhawk and Heavenly Sword a little.
  15. I first heard of it from Slashdot - http://www.gametab.com/news/1017115/ But yeah, stuff like this is why I don't buy PC games much at all anymore. They treat you like a criminal and cripple your computer to protect their sales.
  16. Eh, PS3 has games - Ninja Gaiden Sigma comes to mind, and Virtua Fighter 5. I've heard good things about Motorstorm (haven't played my copy yet), and Resistance is solid once you get over the strangeness of the PS3 analog sticks and the sixaxis gimmick in the game. Super Stardust HD is an incredible PSN downloadable as well. For its first year, it definitely tops PS2's offerings in the same period of time.
  17. I was so confused at first...I thought that the thread ballooned over 30-40 pages since I last checked. Damn thread merge. PP: You just happen to IM me when I'm not around every single time, and then sign off before I get back.
  18. @ bolded text. A forum is only as interesting as the users decide to make it though. I'd be more active, but my lifestyle is very tiring these days with constant shopping, cleaning, cooking, and studying (yeah I know, the womanly chores). A lot of listeners become intrigued with the community and want to become more involved in some fashion - previous forum behavior did have a habit of driving some people away. Granted, some of these people have essentially asked for it, but in a lot of these instances there are better ways to handle them than just outright trolling them. Such instances generally put a bitter view of OCR into people's minds for douchebag-like attacks, and that's one thing that can be done without. From an image perspective, that's always something that should be avoided if possible. @ Coop: Just as zircon may have made some generalizations, others made automatic generalizations about the staff as well. I remember when I took up the mod job was not too long before the whole shebang happened, and people were generalizing about the staff as well. These people tended to use divisive language constantly, and were affirmed for it. I felt very out of place during some of it because people piled on this hate profusely when all I had done beforehand was just lock a few threads and spent long hours deleting spambots' posts. In general, I got the impression that a lot of people, at least those who rapidfired lots of pointed questions in my direction, wanted a double standard - holding the staff to high standards while holding little to none to themselves. Thankfully for myself, I have done similar duties and more for a famous organization and with a userbase of far larger proportions (which has been the constant attention of press releases of the RIAA and been the attention of Congress & the general media at some points), but a lot of the undue remarks & commentary coming from some of the so-called prominent members back then are pretty hard for most people in the staff position to deal with while remaining rational and while maintaining a strong positive presence. Sometimes I've wondered whether a lot of the stress put on the staff was so that they'd crack under pressure and make a poor remark so that the hungry wolves could pounce. As for the retroactive banning, I can't speak for (some have been reversed for those who promised good behavior), but banning for actions after the deletion are just. But as for the deletion of Unmod, the situation was that there were some undesirables that populated the forum who went out of their way to cause trouble, and some who were there largely to support them. In general, there was a perception that the forum should've been completely hands off, although that was never really the case. People justified this attitude with the name of "Unmod". How would you have suggested to change the nature of the community, which insisted being separate from the rest of the site? The forum restructuring was aimed at clarifying classifications, and the name of 'Unmod' needed to be changed too. However, just changing the name of the forum (to which there were some against as well) garnered opposition. That, and other comments made during that period, was indicative that merely changing the name of the forum wouldn't have solved the problem with the dynamics of OCR. Even on the staff, there was a vigorous argument/discussion on what to do to address the problem of two separate communities, one with nothing to do with OCR itself, but the only plausible solution that came up was a deletion. Also about the sudden deletion, a sudden deletion was planned, although when was up in the air. The staff was worried about whether people would prepare in advance a big planned concentrated backlash.
  19. I've had similar remarks also told me to me in person, including by virt (the main reason for Unmod's existence in the first place). Sure, there may be decreased forum activity, but that doesn't concern OCR - if anything, it puts back the focus on what OCR is about.
  20. Eh, but there is still some bitterness amongst people who're still here, people who still stand by the community and who liked both aspects. Some of those, I can sympathize with somewhat, and some things could've been done better (and mistakes by people like me haven't helped any). Decision-wise though, I think we did what was right for the site.
  21. People like to say that little spillover happened, but the truth is, it was more than substantial enough, and with some cases, the degree of it was more than unacceptable. The fact that some people even stayed around for months (even during May) after making alt accounts just to make trollish posts or to waste moderators' time exemplifies how far some people had and have been willing to go. I don't think that any change in what we did short of keeping the forum would've changed people like these and their reactions. Also, even though it was called Unmod, common sense indicates that there are still rules to follow, and it was pretty hard to ignore the few stickies that were there all the time.
  22. Nice try . I left it up for people to discuss if they liked, since I'm hoping some civil discussion can occur now that its been a while. That said, I used to lurk a lot in Unmod, and post there in bursts in incredibly boring moments of my life. One thing that never ceased to amaze me was that the prevailing thought that any moderation was a sin though, and that it would justify some of the extremist reactionary behavior that has been seen in the past. One thing I want to reemphasize though - first day of MAGFest I was there or so, I did mention that we should've held off on the deletion until after MAGFest. However, that does not excuse the shenanigans that happened afterwards. If anything, all they do is validate the reasons it occurred, such as the IP blocking of staff to post an image of a story, or a mass flooding of negative & negatively worded comments to the extent where it is harassment. Even before the deletion, with the switch to vBulletin, a lot of people were going far past common courtesy in voicing their complaints. All those incidents kept recurring and kept reinforcing the need to address it. Just because it's the internet doesn't justify acting like a child, and that point needed to be honed in. For the most part, the deletion did what it was intended to - drive away those who caused trouble and those who supported/contained that mindset. My only lament was over the timing, which screwed over Darkesword. People were going to be angry - we understood this. We underestimated how mature some of these people were though, and I wish we had more of the staff on hand.
  23. So, I don't know how many of you know this, but apparently Bioshock, and the demo too, installs the infamous Sony SecureROM rootkit on unsuspecting computers.
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