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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. With no negative review yet, do you really need a demo?
  2. I'm seeding this atm, but there needs to be more seeds (the OCR #1001 - 1600 torrent).
  3. Not with something like this. Any deal hunter gets shut down when stuff like this goes down from my observations of stuff that happens at CAG. There's been musings of whether TRU is going to get fined for the breach of contract or not atm.
  4. I dunno...Smash Bros. has incredibly high expectations around...and Super Mario Galaxy. Of course being Nintendo, they never force their hand so nobody knows any better. Funny though, I've sort of been meh towards the game in terms of the hype-o-meter, although it does take a lot for me to get worked up about any game. Fat chance now, corporate sent out emails out to TRUs specifically instructing them not to sell the game before the release date.
  5. I almost got a hold of a copy a week before it came out...but my friend said that his Toys 'R Us sold out of them (that's where the pic of the receipt originated from).
  6. And I still haven't got it . Life hates me.
  7. Actually, it is Samsung that manufactures them...they sort of bailed them out in the TV market with their joint venture.
  8. One of my friends told me about that, said it's almost as good as Geometry Wars. I definitely gotta pick it up once I get internet running again.
  9. Not I...strange problem indeed.
  10. Someone should update the Facebook group's news on this (as well as DS's status on the site, and insert wangless's remixer status)
  11. So, Amazon has the 360 Premium for $330 atm - http://astore.amazon.com/overclocked02-20/detail/B000B43OY4/002-0341045-6500056
  12. My necro is GhoulRush...I haven't been too concerned with the gear though, since the skeles tank like everything, and if they can't then Revive works nicely, and the merc has a reapers toll and Crown of Thieves. Most of the stuff my brother and I find goes to his chars, since his hammerdin and smiter have crazy mf and ownage, respectively.
  13. I should also amend that with a Necro torch too, fresh off of the ubers . It's a low one though, at +11 all attributes and +16 all resist.
  14. m4a files you mean? I think the best way is supposed to be burn them onto a CD and then rip them, but then you lose quality. Welcome to crappy Apple file formats.
  15. Funny, I've avoided picking it up because everything I've read trashed it.
  16. Damn, nice summoner. I have a level 86 summoner with this gear: Gravenspine Harlequin Crest (my brother and I have found 4 so far, as well as 3 occys, so we're almost rich) Homunculus Trang-Oul's Scales Trang-Oul's Claws Gloom Trap (yeah this sucks) Tearhaunch (this sucks too) Rare ammy (gives +2 summoner's skills) Nagelring (27 mf) Rare ring (some 15 mf ring I think) My necro is designed pretty much for mfing and for d key running (my brother and I have amassed 4 or 5 complete sets of keys).
  17. Bumping this up...anyone playing d2 on east?
  18. I ordered me one copy too...and I'm surprised of all places, VGMix is the one with the drama thread on this, not OCR .
  19. So today Planet Puzzle League is $20 at Amazon.com - if you don't have this amazing game, now is the time to pick it up...and don't forget to use http://www.ocremix.org/amazon
  20. This is really shaping up to be nice...the vocals are a pleasant surprise compared to most that I come upon, which is a plus . The instrumentation surprised me too since I didn't expect the style to be like this, having heard the previous remixes.
  21. Yeah, UE would jizz himself nonstop if that happened.
  22. Well, not a particular error per say, but all the threads are marked read.
  23. Not sure, anyone care to have a meetup? (myself, I won't be around...actually going to a Chicago VGMix meetup dealie then)
  24. Yay, I just got an email saying I won a t-shirt
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