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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. lol wow this shit is terrible.
  2. Sooo....Strikers worth getting?
  3. Something about OCR seems to attract Sonic fans...
  4. I like how some of the dumbasses in the comments there tried to justify theft and used examples were the artists got permission. The idiocy of those who buy into the RIAA label marketing is unprecedented.
  5. No planned date atm, it'll probably be between Christmas & New Years again as usual.
  6. Well, at least for the main area of the site, the newest songs are inaccessible to a mobile user, as well as most previous songs (except for the songs that were just knocked off the front few, as well as those that appear in the Russian ReMix roulette). In addition, if one was able to reach a ReMix page of his/her choosing, it is impossible to actually be able to download a song. Right now, this is out of curiosity since I have other means to get the music I want onto my Palm, although I think in the future (maybe next 10 years or however long it may take for mobile devices to gain popularity and usability?) sometime it may be nice to implement a mobile web surfer friendly page.
  7. So, I am posting from my Palm TX atm...and the formatting of OCR looks really ugly on a mobile device - is there any improvements in the works?
  8. Nah, that's what I meant about it being off topic .
  9. I meant across all consoles
  10. Damn, you guys need to put out an album already
  11. I just had to go on a tangent here, but what about all shmups period?
  12. Oh shit, I'm in. Any potential for vgm in the album or no?
  13. So some band called Heaven's Bound won...is this another shady case?
  14. Yeah, you missed out on some crazy stuff after with the chiptunes...and a live performance of AE's new OC ReMix. And I ended up getting home at like 2:30, shitty subways late at night suck ass.
  15. So, I'm back home finally from all of the stuff. Good times. AE, virt, and prozax were all great tonight, it was a show well worth $7. Oh, and here Pezman, check out my campus: http://webtools.uiuc.edu/ricker/CampusMap
  16. Damnit Doug, way to drop the ball. PP - from the LIRR, get to Penn Station. Then take either the 1, 2, or 3 (red subways) train one stop up to Times Square. Then take the S train (gray subway) to Grand Central (nonstop shuttle train). Then exit the subway to Grand Central, and go towards the main area. It's a big hall - go towards the information booth with the clock on top in the middle of that hall and we should be somewhere around there. I will probably be arriving at noon sharp, and I'll likely be wearing a dark blue shortsleeve shirt and shorts.
  17. So, Walmart's Help Center has confirmed that they are rolling back the price of ALL 360 models by $50-80 soon - speculation says that August 8th is the target date, and a $50 price drop across all models (unlike Sony's 60 GB PS3 clearance). Not the best of deals, but if you buy it now, you can go to customer service and request a price adjustment for a refund when it actually happens.
  18. Our current FCC commissioner is not helping. Leave it to Bush to nominate someone pro-special interests.
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