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The UnMod OutKast

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  1. Holy monkey! (Thats really the first thing I could think of to say) This is epic. This sounds like it could have been on the SSBB soundtrack or something. I would turn up the volume a little on the piano(?) that starts at 0:51 and then have some fast attack strings fade in to back it, then have them come in full force at 1:01.
  2. When I saw this thread title, I was expecting something...different. At least you're passionate about...whatever you were doing there.
  3. I LMAOed at this. I wish I could hear the cab driver's explanation to the police. But its kinda messed up that nobody attempted to help the guy though.
  4. I know its been addressed many times, but I'll ask anyway. Can we please have the alphabet back at the top of the homepage? Its a pain in the ass to find the particular remixes/remixers I'm looking for.
  5. Ah good memories... I kinda wish they would bring back the junction system.
  6. You guys have a TON of talent!!!! Even though it sounded like you all were just playing around, I really enjoyed listening. I'll be looking forward to this!
  7. When I started actually using the sidebar, you go and take it away from me. The darker logo looks cool though. I just wish the whole site could be darker in shade.
  8. Sexellent! Thankyou.
  9. I read somewhere, that the creators of Sonic were actually trying to kill him (I'm not really sure why). Thats why they keep releasing these stupid, buggy games, but for some reason, people keep buying them. IMO, If they want to revive him, all they have to do is return to the old style, 2D Sonic games, where all Sonic could do is run, spin, and jump on shit and all you had to do is hold the fucking right analog button to go. These guys are making video games way too complex now-a-days. They are not fun anymore. Its almost like working a second job. Or, maybe I'm just getting old.
  10. Bug and Bug Too! (Sega Saturn) They were pretty cool platformer games with great music. I wish I could find the soundtracks in mp3 format. Oh, and I cant forget Clockwork Knight 1 and 2. That might be too old schoo for some of you kids.
  11. True. That is the only game I've ever watched and enjoyed. lol
  12. As far as games for the PS3 are concerned: If you like action/adventure games, Ratchet and Clank Future is great. Graphics and level design is one of its strong points imo and we need more games out like this one. If you like first-person shooters where the characters are constantly making gay jokes and talking about each other's mother instead of helping you fight off ten guys that are shooting rockets at you...Killzone 2. Its not all that bad though. If you want a fighter game that will make you throw your new PS3 out of the window, run it over with a car, beat it with a hammer, then pee on it...Street Fighter 4. The last boss is fucking ridiculous. This is, without a doubt, the hardest fighting game I have ever played. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a must!
  13. By the way, is there ANYTHING good on PS3?
  14. vB~Fuck yo caps nigga!
  15. At least, if you buy used TP, you have a general idea of what is on it. On the other hand, if you buy used paper towles, you have no idea what could be on it until you smell it.
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