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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. My mp3 player died and now I'm trying to rebuild some of the massive library that I had on it. (3500 completely legal songs disappeared into the depths of the net.) Does anyone know if I can find this song again? Or has the link disappeared completely like Reuben Kee's site?

  2. My issue with DRM, copy protection, limits on how many times I can install software, restrictions through firmware or otherwise on what I can do with hardware I have purchased is this: it assumes I am a criminal. I am penalized for wanting or needing to install my software multiple times on my own machine, if I reformat or buy a new computer, formatting the old one in the process. I'm penalized for wanting to move my music between devices that I own, without ever handing the audio files over to someone else. I don't appreciate being screwed by companies because I *might* do something wrong. And the argument that it cuts down on piracy is garbage; how often are copy protection systems hacked?

    And therein lies the problem. There are so many people who pirate and illegally move data around the net that companies do what they can to try and prevent it when in actuality, it is only the good law abiding people who get penalized for it.

    And in case you guys haven't realized it, I have absolutely no problem with modding for the sake of your interest and changing features around. But there is a problem with illegally obtaining media that you didn't pay for. (Whether it is music, games, professional journals, or whatever else you can replicate over the interweb) Unfortunately for those people who are just curious to see what they can do, they will be lumped in with pirate group. It's not right, it's not fair, but that's just how it will happen.

  3. Did you know that there have been studies that have shown that only 25% of people get their music by buying the CD or purchasing online legally? What do you think this has done to the music industry?

    It doesn't matter what good can come out of it, the fact is that people (vast majority of people) will only use this for illegal means. And that's a problem that can't be justified by the little good that can come out of it.

  4. I personally just want a box that plays video games and am annoyed with these super hackers who keep "liberating" consoles. It allows piracy, which hurts games' sales, which hurts all of us. Not to mention, it allows game hacking and cheaters online. If you want to run Linux, go buy a computer and leave game boxes alone.

    Amen. There's probably .01% of owners that actually used linux anyway.

    And it doesn't matter what good it causes by allowing us to use the ps3 in unique ways, the fact is that it will mainly be used as a means to pirate games. AoJ is right. Piracy hurts game sales meaning that developers will not want to take a chance at a unique game that may or may not sell that well. So all we will get is the shooter genre that sells way too much for its own good.

  5. Wow, this is very old news. Sony is currently holding a trial against the makers of the PSJailbreak and I'm wondering how it will end. Of course, the technology is out there now and it's been recreated by a bunch of ripoff manufacturers. That being said, piracy is a crime and you deserve to go to jail if you pirate games.....or at least get a heavy fine. You should support the developers who work so hard to get you this entertainment medium.

    Edit: We can confirm that all variants of the USB-hub emulating exploit (PSFreedom, PSGroove, PSJailbreak) are no longer functional in firmware 3.42


  6. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-10-final-fantasy/703692

    I guess with the latest trailer, we are seeing a march 2011 release date for the PS3. That's only 5 months before my internship ends. By that time I may have my own house and won't be so overwhelmed with my school work to be able to try this one out.

    Oh, and the music from the trailer is the same woman who sang the "Distant Worlds" version of Memoro de la Stono. This trailer alone got my interest in this game.

  7. Wait a second. The supposed reason that you need a wired connection to do ad hoc party is because you are using the ps3's wireless signal for your psp, and need to hook up to the internet through the only other means. But I just tested and I can connect to the internet from my psp, wirelessly to my ps3 (through private network and not internet), and wirelessly to my router. That means that my ps3 has 2 wireless signals running through it at once. Why wouldn't ad hoc party work then?

  8. I think even save points are for suckers. I demand that games go back to having no progress-saving method whatsoever but for passwords. The use of passwords is the mark of a REAL gamer. If it takes utterly random 30-character alphanumeric strings to pull it off, then so be it.

    Otherwise it's not hardcore enough.

    But passworded levels wouldn't work for games where you have an option of equipment to have or story elements that could be taken to different directions. Actually, this system would only work in the most linear of games.

  9. I suppose the real argument, then, would be whether or not the checkpoints are too close together? I agree with the notion that having checkpoints too close together makes it easy to run through a section to get to the next checkpoint. On the other hand, make them too far apart and you run into those issues you brought up. Checkpoints need to be strategically placed so that the sections in between are challenging but avoid putting back-to-back two or more very challenging sections that one would presumably die on.

    I view checkpoints as "soft" save points, in that you only have the last one you created but can be placed a little closer together than the actual save points. In this way, if you really screwed something up in your planning or whatever and you'd have to go back more than one checkpoint to fix it, you have to go back to the last save point (probably three or more checkpoints further back) as a sort of "punishment" for not properly planning, but if it was a minor thing, you can just go back to the last checkpoint and try again.

    Do you really think that would be a punishment? Sounds like standard backtracking to me. Lots of games use this technique. (I'm looking at you legacy of Kain)

    And while I'm on this tangent, anyone notice a resemblence between Raziel and Zeratul?


  10. That's right, I made a versus thread. So what?

    Back in the old days, there were no check points. Maybe some, but mostly it was all about the save points. Combine this with the fact that games were much harder a few generations back, it was all about memorize and repeat. Now with checkpoints stationed after almost every minute of an fps or like God of War had them every couple of minutes, things just seem much easier. I just went through my 15 ps3 games and 12 of them have checkpoints. 13 if you count Heavy Rain. Heck, in that game, there isn't even a game over. Before checkpoints with the memorize and repeat, you had to carefully plan you next move and it really made you take the game more seriously. But now it seems like all gamers want is to go through the game as fast as they can without even marveling at the great graphics that the developers are working so hard to give us. What do you think? Has the implementation of check points made games too easy and casual? Or do you think dying an unfair death an hour after your last save should never happen again?

  11. After watching this, I decided to install the deathspank demo that I had downloaded forever but never tried. I can say the game is very funny and not in a corny and cheezy sort of way.......ok maybe it is, but somehow it is able to do it's jokes without making me cringe. I'd say it's dialog trees as well as it's content are very much like monkey island.

    Tell you what, the demo is available (at least on psn) so try that. It's not my type of game, but I still recommend it.

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