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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Hey Prophet, did you know that there were about 3 gigs free on each disc for the 360 version? Is there any reason that a dev might do something like that in a multi-disc game? Or was it just shoddy porting?

    I'm not a developer, but it wasn't a bad port. They pushed the release date back over a year to get the 360 version right.

  2. Apparently Nomura was also against FF13 itself going multiplatform, and it still happened. He's not the only one calling the shots at Square-Enix. If there's enough money in a 360 port it could very well happen.

    Also, calling a game designer a "fanboy"? Seriously?

    Nomura wasn't the director of FFXIII. So "DUH" he couldn't stop it from going multiplatform. But he is the director of FFvXIII so it is his call. The only thing he did on FFXIII was character design.

    Metal Gear Rising, which regardless of who helms it is still a game in the Metal Gear franchise that is heading to the 360. In other words, Konami went above Kojima and put the franchise on another system.

    Quit playing the fool.

    Kojima has pretty much no part in MGS Rising. He's been busy with Peace Walker. Therefore, it isn't his decision for Rising's platform either.

  3. Ok guys, if you haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, I will track you down, tie you to a chair and force you to watch it. I am in so much shock after watching the latest episode and lamenting that I can't fast forward to next week. It is without a doubt, superior in every way to the first series. When I started watching the series, I didn't know what to expect in terms of what would change. I honestly thought it would be along the same lines as Dragon Ball Kai. I couldn't be more wrong.

    Go check it out. You won't be disappointed.

  4. Got it for my birthday(22) yesterday. It came with 2 disks: one blueray and one standard def dvd. I didn't really want it, seeing as I've already seen it twice in theatres, but I still liked the movie a lot.

  5. Sorry to bump an old thread with a kinda off-topic post, but I just noticed I never responded to this question :<

    Nope. Most of my friends do and I've seen plenty HDTVs in stores. Based on that I've decided that HDTV isn't so much better that I need one right now. Also while watching DVDs or playing last-gen video games, I never even once had the feeling that I needed a higher resolution, so it's really not worth spending lots of money on. I guess whenever I'm going to buy my next tv it'll probably be an HD one.

    I was kinda hoping to see other innovations for television. Like 3D (which seems to slowly be coming our way now), or being able to switch between different audio and subtitle tracks on television programs. I'm kinda disappointed that HDTV is the only "innovation" we've seen.

    3D should be out this summer I'm told. There's going to be a ps3 firmware update that will support ps3 3D gaming. Shame I don't have an interest in it though.

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