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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. I keep liking this game less and less the more I see it. I'm more excited for versus xiii. Aparently they showed a very short clip last Saturday of Noctis on a highway. A car came and picked him up and drove off. The words "Revelation will come next time" appeared after that. But the thing is, this video was made using the ingame engine, and it was almost indistinguishable from the CGI cutscenes. The trailer was shown behind closed doors, so we are going to have to wait. But rumers say that early 2010 will have a lot more trailers for it.

  2. I saw it again in 3D. Here's a question.

    when Jake first get's his avatar, there were about 30 of them playing basketball and such...developing coordination for their bodies I assume. Why did we never see any of them again? And also, when the humans were getting escorted into the shuttle where they would go back to earth at the end, I swear I saw Norm's avatar with them. But we saw that get shot during the last battle. And not only that, it said that there were a select few humans that would remain on Pandora. The two they showed that fulfilled this statement was the black guy that Jake said "I need somebody on the inside that I can trust." to. And Norm. He was standing there while his avatar was also standing there. The only thing I can think of is that it wasn't his avatar. But I could have sworn that it was.[/spoiler.

  3. No, I'm talking about the friend cards that you get when you use passwords. Each one of them will let you battlegen a different coloured gem, as well as one of the battlegen-only items that you need to use with password recipes (stuff like the Al Bhed Primer that comes from the Auron friend card - and no, you don't get to fight Auron; I think it's Jecht who's the enemy for that card).

    I'm not even sure what you're talking about; is it the Inward Chaos story mode or something in Arcade Mode? Inward Chaos is the only story mode I haven't mastered. I main Zidane, but have all the other good characters except Shantotto at level 100.

    There are 5 duel coliseums. Airship is 0-30, Falcon is 31-60, Invincible is 61-90, Lunar Whale is 91-120, and Blackjack is 121-150.

    So I just have to know. If there are enemies up to lvl 150, is there a way for us to level our characters past 100?

  4. Last two stages?

    If you want unfair, try to battlegen some of the coloured gems. The ones that can only be done in an Ex Burst are really annoying. Still, I've got all the gems I'll need to make everything in 4 or 5 of the 8 colors; I'm not good enough to beat the level 100 SSS-ranked opponents yet.

    Aren't those guys the ones you face where you need to face everyone 1-10, good guys and bad guys, and the cameo appearences from 11 and 12? Or are those not even SSS-ranked? Andby the way, is there a higher duel colleseum than lvl 60?

    I'm telling you, the only way I managed to beat many of those guys was with magic pot.

  5. So I spent an hour at the duel colleseum and managed to get 3 emperor scales and refine the adamant shield. The final battles on dissidia are so much more fair now. Before, only one attack broke me and would put them in a position to win...even though I'm lvl 100 with squall. But I still only have a level 78 sword so I can't do much damage. I just need to finish up the last two stages on the game. (Golbez is no joke)

  6. I never knew this. An article and many others like it say that District 9 was born out of the halo movie production. And this is a huge letdown for me. Bungie is proving with its live-action halo video clips that a halo movie is very possible. But to create District 9 instead? What a load of crap. ID tagged weapons? Where have we heard that before? Gasoline turns you into an alien? RETARDED! The main character was a wuss, and not the least bit likeable. Same with all the other characters. And if you're going to have aliens in a movie, make them either good or bad. Don't make them homeless Africans. That's exactly who the prones reminded me of. What do you guys think?

  7. I just got back from watching it. It is definately the greatest movie ever made, but it didn't wow me. I think I have been too spoiled with watching a lot of beautiful CGI sequences from gametrailers. (Battle and nonbattle) I want to like it, but I just wasn't blown away. I feel like I've seen the movie before. Many times I thought "well this is going to happen next." and it did. So overall, the best visuals ever created. Story was excelent. Characters were likeable and I was pulling for the good guys, but at the end, I just wish I was blown away.

    You know what? there were plot devices that hugely reminded me of FF7 and the spirits within. Anyone agree?

  8. Locust, Chimera, or Flood.

    In a free4all, who would win and why? They're very similar, but have their strengths and weaknesses.

    Chimera and Flood both feed off of the bodies of the defeated, but I'd go with Chimera because they can actually create and use advanced technology.

    Locust? Never played GeoW before so I can't form an opinion.

  9. I'm not sure if I read you right, so I think it's a little too obvious:

    You didn't learn it because you died. I'm pretty sure you have to win a battle to get stuff out of it.

    Interesting. I remember getting that dark flare (or whatever) from air weapon's final attack, but then again, I did technically win that battle. I'll see if I can actually beat it later.

  10. One more thing. I'm playing ff7 on my psp right now, and I'm trying to get enemy skill: beta. It says that I learned it, but it never shows up under the enemy skill section. I'm only at lvl 20, so I'm not sure I can beat it. But I hit it until ir goes tall, flicks one player out of the battle, uses beta and kills the remaining two party members while enemy skill learns beta. But after the battle, it says that it didn't learn it. What's going on?

  11. So I'm on the final stretch of dissidia and I have to ask. Is it really fair that many enemies are able to break you (bravery) and kill you (HP) with the same attack?

    and spoiler question,

    Should I go for the ultima weapon or get the adamantium on the last levels? (for dp bonus of course)

    [/spoiler question]

    so it's not much of a spoiler.

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