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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Well, I played through Star ocean 3 and I watched a playthrough of Star ocean 4. 3 was okay, but 4 just annoyed the heck out of me. I'm not even going to bring up the god-awful voice acting.

    Edge makes a supercomputer laugh. Faze becomes rage incarnate when some random NPC's get killed. Myuria says she's looking for Edge's friend Crow and she is going to kill him when she finds him. And he lets her on board. And when Crow does show up, he doesn't even warn him about her before she attacks.

    Oops, we went back in time. Some secret human government agency captures the ship and the crew and begs them for technology to save the earth from stagnation. So they give the all-important crystal from the drive core which immediately causes an explosion to destroy the entire earth. Edge says "They're going to overload it no doubt" And their human captors say "We are the brightest minds of the century. We know better than you people from the future who obviously know about the technology more intimately than we ever could." So they need to get off world before it blows but they can't because they gave their crystal away. But some random half naked loli catgirl they found in the base JUST HAPPENS TO CARRY A SPARE CRYSTAL AROUND HER NECK!!! One that optimizes perfectly with their ship. Oh, and in case you missed that part earlier, that catgirl was ALREADY IN THE BASE and the super secret government agency with the "brightest minds of the century" were so keen on checking out the drive core crystal but not her's. And when the earth does blow up, how are we going to reconcile the fact that humanity doesn't exist anymore and that Edge and crew could have never been born? It must have been an earth from ANOTHER DIMENSION! God, this game is so stupid! I really don't care if they come out with a Star Ocean 5 because there is no way they can recover from something like this.

  2. When you choose a class, you will start in the city that has that class's guild. For me, I was a conjurer and I started Gridania. Every 5ive levels you have a class specific quest that you get from your guild. At certain levels you will get new abilities from these class quests.

    To answer your specific question, after you do your lvl 10 class quest, you are given the option to change to any class you want. All you need to do is equip that class's weapon. Like the only thing needed to switch your class to carpenter is to equip a saw. You start at level 1 when you get a new class and any time you want, you can switch back to your main class and be at the same level you were before. My specific character was maxed in 2 classes with a little level progression in several others. This is important because there are some abilities that you get in one class that you can use in other classes. At level 27 Thaumaturge, you get an ability called swiftcast. It allows you to instantly cast any spell. This is extremely important as a white mage because if i were to cast revive, i would need to hold still for a whole 8 seconds without interruption. Swiftcast lets me cast revive literally on the move.

    However, this doesn't mean that any ability can used with any class. You can't max out a certain class and load up your hotbar with top tier spells from every class. Some transfer over and others don't.

    The only reason you would want to make multiple characters is

    1. You have friends on multiple servers and you want to play with both groups.

    2. You want to go through the story mode again. There is very little reason to do this though. Your questline in all 3 starting areas are very similar till they all join up into a main storyline at lvl 15.

    3. You got tired of your character and want to switch race or gender. But there are fantasia potions that are able to do that. (Don't know the conditions for getting one of them though.)

    4. You run out of inventory space which is not going to happen with the amount of room you have in your retainer's inventory.

  3. Saw a funny video you might find amusing. Or you will think it's stupid and turn it off 8 seconds in but I enjoyed it.

    Also, I wanted to tell another funny story from my time in FFXIV. This was about 2 months after launch so most people had a couple of max classes so far. I was crafting as a lvl 50 carpenter somewhere in Limsa and I noticed a JP player standing right in front of me in battle stance also as a lvl 50 carpenter. I thought, "Is this a challenge?" So just to have a little fun, I also went into a stance and eyed her down. I then noticed a lalafell lvl 50 carpenter standing beside her also in a battle stance. So it looked like it was me (male hyur) vs a female miqote and lalafell just staring eachother down.

    I decided to make the first move and I switched to my lvl 50 blacksmith and went into battle stance. The other two followed suit.

    Well.... how about my lvl 50 goldsmith! The other two also switched to their level 50 goldsmiths.

    Well.... how about my lvl 50 weaver! The other two also switched to their level 50 weavers.

    I switched through my level 50 armorer, leatherworker, and botanist. I was scared. They both had maxed out classes in every one that I had. So I switched to my very last lvl 50 which was miner. The miqote switched, but the lalafell's level was only at lvl 35 and the gear set was naked. I pulled out the /laugh emote and held it down while the lalafell kept /fume, /furious and /angry. I'm sorry, you just had to be there. It was so funny to see the little naked guy so upset. I'm sure they also had a couple more lvl 50 classes that I didn't, but the moment was priceless.

  4. Elitist? I know nothing about working out. Just last week was the first time I actually used a premade workout. Up until now my philosophy was to figure out what is difficult and do a lot of them. I see something like this and I'm confused. that's why I said "Seriously, who does this? What are they trying to accomplish? I don't know of a use for something this light." How is that being elitist? How is that being holier than thou? How is that me being a jerk? Stop being so judgmental.

  5. Well I feel that if you are in the middle of a workout and you give it your all and are only able to get about 10 pull ups in before tapping out - in this case, you are straining your muscles more even though you are doing less work.

    The other method of waiting makes you perform more pull ups, but you aren't going to the extreme end of your ability that way. I just don't know which is better.

    The other question I have is why can I do 20 pull ups, but I can only hang from one hand for a second? That's just confusing.

  6. One thing that I am worried about is the combat. Is holding down 1 button and switching different stances any different from the paradigm shift in FF13?

    Oh, and Gametrailers said that the playable demo area was larger than any game made.........or maybe I heard that wrong. If you could compare it to the world map size in another game? Preferably FF14 because I know that world way too intimately.

  7. I was actually looking forward to it all, especially after the announcement of Dark Knight being a class. And then I read they are going to be tanks.. Seriously? A class that has had itself based on sacrificing health for damage and a class stepping to the darkness for "more power" is going to be a tank? I guess FFXIV won't be what cures my lack of an MMO now. Everything the patch and expansion looks to add otherwise is rather nice.

    Thing is, they already have enough DPS classes. There are only 2 tanks. Adding in this class is going to get more people to play them as mains.






    Or at least a year ago it was.

  8. They posted some of the mobs in the latest video.

    This shows me that this game will be taking me 3 times longer than it normally would because I will be stopping so often to take in the sights. I think I should buy a bigger TV before I get this game.

  9. So I know I said I didn't like it before (granted I only watched a few episodes) and I know whether or not it counts as anime is debated, but after watching all of Legend of Korra I decided to watch The Last Airbender which is currently on Netflix.

    I'm nearly at the end of the series and holy damn it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.

    Then you will enjoy this.

  10. I'm giving my computer to someone who needs it, not just upgrading for the fun of it like people do with cell phones every time there is a new model. You just demonstrated why I'm a console gamer. No offence to those who like to customize, and get every upgrade they could ever want, but it's just easier to buy a PS4 and plug it in. Really, I'm not interested in playing any modern games on it but thank you for putting all that down for me.

    Like I mentioned, I'm looking to see which brands to avoid and how much to spend for a computer that will last me several years. Not any specs in particular. I'm probably going to avoid HP because both my brothers had bad experiences with it. I would lean gateway, but the selection for them is really narrow. I'm honestly surprised that Acer is so popular and has such good reviews. (This list is all windows 7 operated and organized by reviews)


  11. All right, it's time again. I'm going to be buying myself a new computer. 5 years ago I bought a Gateway NV59 (320GB HD, 4GB RAM, i5 processor, 15.6" screen) for $600. I'm using it right now, but I'm going to give it away and I need a little advice for the next one. I remember back when I got this, someone here said that it would break the first time I dropped it, but it still works with no problems at all.

    I was just at best buy, and I can't believe that laptops are still just as expensive as they were back then. I also found out that you can't get one with windows 7 off the shelf and you need to get it ordered from their website and shipped to their store.

    I'm not looking for a gaming pc. Out of the 5 years that I have had this game, I have only ever put Fable 1 and Starcraft 1 on it. What can I say? I'm a console gamer. What I am looking for is a good priced one that I can use for work, that will also last me a long time. What brands should I avoid? How much is ripping me off? And why haven't the price gone down after these several years? Thanks.

  12. Well, from your above description that would be 36 grams in a day, which is much better than 67. It will be difficult to change anything within the system as I assume you'll often be eating things created by Nutrisystem, and to have full control over your diet requires being able to eat very specific foods to meet your needs (which is easiest when you are buying your own ingredients to make your own food).

    Do you know what your typical macro breakdown is in a day?

    Wait.... you're saying the sugars in the banana, yogurt, and V8 don't count? Because if you take those out, then you get 36g sugar.

  13. Well let's see.... out of the 5 nutrisystem items I am supposed to eat every day, (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 desserts) the sugars were 9 for breakfast, 10 for lunch, 3 for dinner, 9+5 for dessert.

    There was 14 in that banana, 10 in that yogurt, 7 in the V8, and none in the peanuts or eggs.

    I'm not sure what to change. Oh, and the nutrisystem foods are pretty much regular food except for more fiber, protein, and smaller portion sizes. I wouldn't call it special other than that.

  14. I'm done with day 4 of nutrisystem and today I recorded everything I did. There were 1633calories and 67g sugar. There were fruits and vegetables, but the biggest contribution to the list was 3 servings of peanuts totaling 480calories. If you want I can break it down further by item, time, and other nutrition for each one. I also did a half workout today because I was still tired from yesterday.

    I need some input. I'm really stupid when it comes to nutrition. Anyone feeling insightful?

  15. How do you guys deal with going to gym on those days you just feel completely drained?

    I have wrist issues in my right wrist and forearm. Slight tendinitis. flares up sometimes when doing squats and other exercises so I've went from going every other day on a 4 day work out. Is there a way to alleviate this? Because it's flaring up tonight and I don't want to make it worse by going in and lifting.

    I always thought the best way was to beastmode my way through it. That's actually how I get over being sick. Feeling drained and can't get up? Come on Thin Crust, you're a man! Start acting like one and go do a workout! It sure wipes you out and you might not be able to finish, but I'm not kidding when I say that I'll only be sick for a couple hours if I do that.

    However, injury is definitely different from being drained. Treat fatigue with nutrition and treat injury with rest and immobilization if necessary.

  16. Yep. The rest of my food arrived today. I'm trying to figure out what I need to eat in addition to the breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert that they supply me with. It looks like I'm going to need 4 servings of vegetables, 4 smartcarbs, and 4 powerfuels. Looks like it's not quite as simple as I thought. I think I'm going to be eating a lot of eggs, lowfat yogurt, and peanuts for the next month.

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