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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust


    It just happened twice for me today and in the stupidest way. I was on youtube and the related video section had a video titled "The death of *********". It happened for InFAMOUS Second Son, and just now for The Last of Us.(Waiting to get it on PS4)

    The first time this happened was for Peace Walker though. I saw a video titled "The death of **********" and just from knowing that this character died, I was able to predict the entire story. However, when I got to that point, I was very surprised that it happened the way it did.

    But the worst spoiler I ever got was for Heavy Rain. Someone spoiled who the villain was and I went through the entire game knowing exactly who it was and it ruined the experience for me.

    What about you? Got any frustrating tales of spoilers that you want to share? Please omit the actual spoiler when telling your story.

  2. I really must make an apology. I come into this discussion and I do nothing but ask for help. Whenever someone else needs some discussion on something, I just stay quiet because I know that everyone else can answer it better than I can.

    Well I really appreciate all the help I've gotten since this group started. You have done nothing but encourage and teach me and it's been helpful the whole way through. So thank you.

    But I must ask another one...... what are leg lifts tracked as on fitocracy? This kind is you lay on your back, raise your legs about 3 inches, slowly spread them out laterally and bring them back to the center, lower them to the ground.

  3. Well, what's your bodyfat percentage like? If it's fairly low (10 or lower), then it may that you just don't have much core muscle. There's a billion good ways to work your core, but it's probably best that we first correctly identify what's holding you back right now. Would you be up to posting some stuff to help us help you, such as a sample of your daily diet or physique photos?

    And by the way, it is entirely possibly that you are simply the victim of less-than-stellar genetics. It is for this reason that regardless of how hard I try, I will never have a well-developed chest. Shoulders, arms, back, legs, core, all good, but I will be forever boobless compared to other physiques.

    Well, going off of this picture, I would assume I am at 21% but I know that's hardly the most accurate way to measure.


    Soooooo diet. At work, I have scrambled eggs with cheese and about twice a week I add a smoked sausage.

    Lunch is all over the place but most common is a salad with ham and turkey and other toppings. I use my own dressing which is made with lemon juice, mayo, horseraddish, and pickle relish-basically tartar sauce but it has no carbs.

    I eat a lot of meat. I go through a rotisserie chicken every week (mostly put it on salads at home) and I make pork ribs in the slow cooker a lot. Lately I've been frying sauerkraut, bratwurst, onions, and mushrooms together. Another popular one is shrimp and vegetable stir fry.

    When I'm not dieting, I eat the same thing but I also include the following items. fruit and yogurt for beakfast, and once every other week or so I'll have biscuit and gravy. Sometimes I get cereal but not too often. I like getting the soup at work and will always get it if it's the crab bisque. I allow one pizza per month. I eat a lot of fruit (Apples, oranges, blueberries, bananas, mangos) I cook all my own food, and I never go out to eat except for subway like once a month. I don't eat sweets, I stay away from bread and potatoes, and I drink a gallon of water a day and that's it. I never drink coffee, soft drinks, alcohol or juice. There is no processed food in my diet.....except for the cereal that I rarely get.

    That is called the pallof press; it's good for isolating your obliques, although it's more effective if you have your arms extended.

    Guize! My first three-plate deadlift yesterday! Three reps; the last rep I rounded a bit, but I'm counting it. It's my right as a former skinny bastard.

    Thanks. I went back to the gym and did another 6 sets with my arms extended in front of me. It really felt like a better workout. I then did a few sets of machine ab crunches..... but I felt like my arms were doing too much of the work there.

    But congrats on that milestone!

    I'm not sure why you posted if you're just going to ignore everyone's advice.
    I'm not. That's why I said: “What I'm trying to say is (and don't hate me for it) that the exact opposite of what you are telling me is what happens for me. “
    You SAY that burning more than you ate didn't work, but that's not physically possible. Forget nutritional science and think about basic math. If you eat 2500 calories and use 3000 calories, that means your body needed 500 calories worth of energy, which had to come from SOMEWHERE. There are three possibilities here:

    1. You thought you were eating less than you actually were.

    2. Your exercise didn't burn as many calories as you thought.

    3. Both 1 & 2.

    Yes I know this. I work in healthcare and I know more about the body than most people which is why this baffles me so much. But it's not simple math. It's more about hormones like ectogemia would advocate. If you are using more calories than you consume, you are most likely going to go into fat-conservation mode if you aren't doing it right.

    Your list of food suggestions is very much appreciated. I'll see what I can work into my diet. After all, variety is the spice of life. The easiest way to ruin a good thing is to make it routine.

  4. You cannot spot reduce fat. Despite what infomercials or training programs might try to tell you about toning certain muscles (by toning they mean building that muscle and reducing the fat around it), it's just not true. All the fat on your body is lost at the same rate, and you drop fat by burning more calories than you consume. Because you're a beginner, I would recommend googling TDEE to find out what your Total Daily Energy Expenditure number is--the number of calories you generally burn in one day. Then, for a couple of days, count your calorie intake (just google your food + the word calories and it will come up) to get an idea of how many calories you're generally taking in compared to your TDEE.

    Then, aim to consume 300-500 less calories per day than your TDEE. Although you don't like strength training, the more lean muscle you have, the more fat your body burns at rest, so please give some more serious thought to doing more resistance/strength training.

    It would also be beneficial to you to try and aim for certain macros in your eating. Macros refers to the percentage of protein, carbs, and fats your calories are coming from. For fat loss, I typically aim for about 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat, but you may want to tweak those. Feel free to PM me if you have questions or want more info. I'm sure OA, XPRT, Argle (and possibly Ecto, if he's around) can chime in with more info as well.

    I'm sorry, but I've done this and it didn't work before. Been doing this for years. Like I described my figure earlier, the area around the muscles that I regularly use have no fat at all yet my trunk which receives no activity holds all my fat.

    The simple method of buring more calories then you consume isn't true for me either. I was on a vegetable and cereal diet for a month while doing running and it didn't do a thing. There was the starvation diet, the weight watchers...... none of it ever worked except for zero carb. And that's not good for your health. Besides, zero-carb stopped working for me anyway.

    What I'm trying to say is (and don't hate me for it) that the exact oppsite of what you are telling me is what happens for me. Diet and cardio don't work for losing weight and there is no fat around the muscles that I use. But I would be silly if I were to do the same things I did before and hope to get different results. I'm going to start some midsection workouts like tossing an medicine ball against the wall and things like that.

  5. I don't know... I'm subscribed to a guy on youtube that put out a reaction video for an episode of SAO. It was the tentacle rape scene and it immediately turned me off to the entire series. Why did they have to do that?

  6. All right guys, it's finally happened. I have said that I would never work out for any reason. It's boring, tiring, and I feel like you don't get anything out of it. I will lose all my weight doing cardio and dieting. I've been trying that for years and I can't get rid of my extra weight and I'm stuck at 210. zero carb diet got me down 20 lbs, but it has stopped working and there's only one thing left to try.

    If you look at my figure, my arms and legs are very muscular without any body fat. I can seriously leg press 650 lbs. But if you look at my trunk, there's a lot that I can get rid of. And after years of cardio (running, ultimate frisbee, basketball, DDR) and dieting, it hasn't gotten any better. What I need is an actual exercise that I can use to get rid of torso fat that does not include sit-ups. Please help. I don't know anything about working out.

  7. When you beat the main story, you look at the percent completed and it's only at like 9%. That means you nave literally 10 times the content that you haven't done yet. Let's do some simple math. 90 minutes = 9% completed. 100% means 1000 minutes of game to play. I don't see a problem at all with the length. If anything, with 1000 minutes of gameplay, it seems like they should charge more.

    Also, all the unlockables and references they make are just brilliant. So much stuff to do and well worth the money.

  8. I just had an urge to start up DDR again. I used to be able to do all but the most extreme songs on hardest difficulty. Man, this isn't as easy as I remember it. But it really is an incredible agility and cardio workout. Anyone got an idea on how I might track this workout?

    DERP. There actually is a category for DDR. I can't believe it. I'm going to be doing this a lot more from now on.

  9. There's a guy on youtube named Husky. (No not the starcraft commentator.) He does awesome rock arrangements. I should tell him that his Titan remix passed.

    This song's lines are so good, I'd snort them up my nose through a straw.

    The key change be SWEET! I really dig the pretzelly key change, and the amalgamation resonates as well. I might just be dreaming, but this reminds me of something that DragonAvenger would do, which is pretty damn good, for a noob. The attention to detail on the ending made it sound completely pretzelly.

    There is no question in my mind about this mechanically ripped mix. boom shaka laka!

    \m/ \m/ \m/


    Now to try some of his other songs.

  10. Quick hint. To beat any boss in the game, get all your aeons to an overdrive. Then use them all one by one till boss dies.

    Also, for anyone that has trouble on seymour at macalania temple, steal from his guards and they don't auto potion him anymore. Also use null-element to shield you from his back-to-back magic attacks.

    Also this is relevant. Beware: Spoilers.

  11. Aw, come on, we can't be that bad here in NC! :lol:

    It's not the people. Really, it's not. I've only met nicer people in North Dakota and they are tough to beat.

    What's driving me away is that it's too hot here, I'm getting sent home from work everyday early and only getting about 65 hours per pay period. It's a retirement community so I can't find anyone my age. And I want to work in a bigger hospital in a college town so I can participate in the ministry on campus. I had a great time when I was at Campus Crusade in Missouri. I was there covering for someone on maternity leave and the first time I went to their Thursday night meeting, they said "Don't forget, the men's retreat is tomorrow" And I was able to come with them. It was a blast with all the challenges. There was a dodgeball challenge, basketball, canoeing, even a scavenger hunt. Our group got second place in everything so we were way in first overall for the MAN challenge at the end. And we smoked the competition.

    I'm babbling aren't I? Thing is, I really want to do that on a regular basis and there isn't a college anywhere near here. Well technically there is one across the street but there isn't anything there that I can join.

  12. Guess I'll throw in. I'm in New Bern (Eastern North Carolina) But in 2 weeks I'm going to start a new job search. This is not the place I want to spend the rest of my life and now I believe I have enough experience to get a job anywhere. Hopefully someplace cold.

  13. But there's a difference for me though. I don't like MMO's. Every MMO ever created is a terrible game if you don't have a community to adventure with. I already said goodbye to the Distant World free company. They left me with a foul taste so I wouldn't go back to them.

    And the second thing is, I hate the grind. I got 12 classes to lvl 50 and I did enough grinding. The reason I did this game was because I wanted to experience the community of an MMO. did a really good job at making it appealing enough to try a game and since I'm a console gamer with a long history of final fantasy, this was the perfect game to try it on. I'm happy with the experience I had with this game, but it's time to leave it behind.

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