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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. I wanted to thank everyone here in this community.  It has been 18 months since I started working out and I never would have been able to do it except for you.  I am almost unrecognizeable from beginning to end and I wish I had a before and after picture to show you but I only started taking pictures about 4 months ago and today I am so close to my goal. When I started, I was a fat kid weighing 230lbs who didn't workout ever.  Now I still weigh 230 but my figure has dramatically changed.


    All my life, I said that I would never lift because it was boring, difficult, sweaty, and the results took too long.  But if you remember, my brother got married at the end of June last year and I wanted to look good for it and I did 2 workouts everyday for 69 days in preparation.  But after the wedding, I never stopped.  I know that I don't have a clue on what I am doing.  Basically, I just do the same workout over and over again till I reach a goal and then I switch to something different.  I don't think I have the patience for following an effective plan but for what its worth, its working.  I am in the best shape of my life by far, and I  expect it to get even better.  So thank you everyone and happy lifting!



  2. I haven't quit and I work out everyday.  I play sports 3 days a week and lift 4.  My thumb will never heal so I can't do too many things with dumbbells but I have reached a couple goals.  I am a very stupid person because I do the same workout everyday until I feel that it is strong enough, and then I change it to a different workout.  My bent over dumbbell rows are doing 75 lbs per arm so I'm quitting those for standing rows.I maxed out my pull up count so I should probably drop that one and pick up another but I'm not sure which yet.  When I did bench press, I didn't go all the way down to my chest.  This made me feel sad so I figured that I would need to decrease my weights and go from there.  Instead what I did was do one set of heavy bench with the improper form, and then another lighter set where I started with the bar on my chest and only pushed it 5 inches up.  Right now, my lighter bench press is only 10 lbs behind my improper bench press.  I'm so very close.


    I saw two guys.  One looks like he might have had downs but he was really big and he was setting up the bench with his eyes closed like he was playing a game.  He loaded up 3 plates and did a few reps.  Then he added more.  He was probably up to 3 plates + 20lb per side.  Of course he was on the bench machine with a safety rail so that somewhat diminishes the accomplishment.  But wow!


    The second guy was by no means the biggest guy I have seen at the gym, but he lifted the most.  He did a 4 plate lift 4 times and then proceeded to do 3 plate incline and decline press.  I'm so shocked at that feat.

  3. I decided against the surgery.  My right thumb is just as strong as the left and it also has full mobility.  The only difference is that it hurts a little bit.  Besides, if I injure myself again, I can always get the surgery to save it.  If I get the surgery and injure it again, I'm screwed.


    I wonder.  What is the proper etiquette if you're right in the middle of a heavy lift and you accidentally  let out a fart?  I'm sure this has happened to everyone at least once.

  4. DING!  Platinum trophy number 18.  God of War: Ascension


    Well that's it guys, I am finally done collecting trophies at least for the PS3.  I only have one more game to play before I buy a PS4 which is Beyond: Two Souls.  It has been a great run and frankly, I enjoyed this console more than my PS1 and PS2. (Yes, I know that is a big shocker)  When I look at my library of PS2 games, there is not a single one that I want to go back and replay ever again.  Partially because I didn't enjoy them as much but also partly because the ones I did enjoy, I played so many times that I got my fill.  Looking back at my PS1 collection, my fondest gaming memories come from Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid.  I may have enjoyed them and a few others as much as games on the PS3 generation but there were fewer of them.  Whereas the games that floored me on the PS3 include such marvels as Infamous, MGS4, Child of Light, Flower, Journey, FF14(My God, the hundreds of hours spent there), Batman trilogy, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Uncharted..... so many games that kept me replaying them over and over.


    So here's to you Sony.  Here's to you and all the other third party developers that created such wonderful adventures to share with us.  I thank you and I look forward to when I get my next console from you.  Looking at my list, I already have 29 games that I'm going to be getting. (Some released and some not.)


    If I may.... now that the PS3/Wii/X360 generation is over, how would you guys rate it?  What are some of your more fond memories?  I would be interested in reading them.

  5. Spoke with the doctor today.  She left me in the waiting room for over an hour.  Can't blame her though, it was very busy in there.


    She wants me to have ligament reattachment surgery on my thumb.  Strangely, after looking at my xray, she asked if I had an old injury on my right thumb..... the old injury was on my left thumb.  However, that did not affect her diagnosis on my injury as torn ligaments do not show on xrays.  But after hearing this, I decided to opt for the MRI before undergoing surgery.  After all, my patients come to me all the time with faulty knee and hip replacements. 


    Despite all this, she never even thought to talk about my other 5 problems that I came in with.  We'll see if I should even bother to follow up with them on these issues.

  6. Nice lifts! 

    I finally saw a specialist about my back... turns out I have something called facet joint arthritis, otherwise known as facet syndrome. No bueno. My discs are fine but the joints in my lower back are inflamed. It explains a LOT about so many things, and I'm really happy we figured it out. Currently taking some very strong anti-inflammatories, after which I'll be on slightly weaker (but still prescription) stuff to get the inflammation under control, and then it's back to physical therapy. Definitely disruptive to my workouts too, but I'd rather heal up than be at 80% capacity for years.

    If you are worried about price at all, prescription strength anti-inflammatories AKA Celebrex, is just standard ibuprofen but a higher dose (800mg)  In other words, if you buy a $2.50 bottle of generic ibuprofen and take 4 200mg tablets, you are taking the same as 1 prescription Celebrex.  Just in case you needed it......



    I'm also excited for basketball tonight.  With my luck I'm going to jam another finger.  Tomorrow, I'm going to see a doctor about my jammed thumb that I injured 3 months ago but is still swelled and hurts.  Well, that and also for a fungus on my hand been there for 1.5 years, a heel pain that has been there for 1.3 years, my back that has been hurting for 2 months, and an odd fatigue with my legs.


    I have also been taking a picture of myself every 2 weeks for the last few months.  I wonder if I should show the progress here.

  7. It's because when people think Square Enix, they think Final Fantasy.  Don't look at the review scores, look at the longevity of the entries in the series.  Many people don't care about FF11, a lot of people don't like FF12 even though it is my favorite, no one likes FF13 and people are indifferent about it's sequels.  Everyone hated FF14 until it was rereleased but even still, MMO is only part of the RPG market and a lot of people are indifferent to like it like FF11.  So to many people, Square Enix has sucked since 2001.  Even their second most popular franchise Kingdom Hearts hasn't had a console release since 2005.  Yes, I know that all the handheld titles are essential to the plot, but a lot of people aren't handheld gamers so they missed out.  That's why it was such a big deal when 1.5HD and 2.5HD came out.

  8. Oh no.  Guys, I just had a thought.  We're going to have to see cloud dress in drag.... in HD!  We're going to have to go through the honey bee inn!  We are going to have to have a minigame for CPR.  We are going to have a dolphin launch us 50 feet into the air to the upper city!  There are just so much parts of this game that can't be faithfully reproduced in modern day.  I wonder just how much of the game is going to change.

  9. Wow, I have made many posts in a row.


    I think Playstation just won E3.  I'm not even done with the conference yet but we have The Last Guardian, new Guerrilla game "horizon", new Hitman game, Street fighter 5, No man's sky is infinite, Media Molecule's "Dreams", Destiny expansion, this year's Assassin's Creed, WTF is World of Final Fantasy?  And FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE with Nomura as project director! Shenmue 3, Project Morpheus...  I can't wait to see Uncharted 4.  What is everyone else excited for in Sony's press conference?


    EDIT:  Why didn't Square Enix announce this at their own press conference tomorrow?


    This is a description of the things that it takes to make this game. This is the first game that really feels truly a large enough gap between the last gen to be fully considered next gen.  Of course, I don't have a next gen console yet so I can't comment on things like the witcher 3, but FF15 is looking like the most advanced and technologically impressive game I have ever seen.

  11. Yeah, I actually have a Sansa Sandisk, and although I broke it somehow, I heard it can hold a 32 GB micro SD card.



    It does play MP3, and it does organize by Artist, Album, etc. It even has a little option to tune into the radio and record stuff off the radio. =p

    It is able to do this on the external drive like it does for the internal HD?  And yes, I am using a 32gig micro SD.



    I am kind of against using my phone as an mp3 player because I will use my music for when I workout and I would hate for it to get damaged.  Also, I want to preserve the battery integrity for as long as I can on this phone and I'm afraid that if I use it all the time for music, it will only be able to hold a charge for 12 hrs at a time after a little while.

  12. I was thinking about how I was going to find a cheap player that could hold my library of 20 gigs and I came up with the idea of buying a very cheap player and storing all my audio on a micro SD card.  So I bought a Kubik Evo.  But when I got it, the player can only search the content on the SD card by file name.  Not by title, artist, or album.  If I put it on random, it will only play 3 songs before turning off.  If I skip down partway through the list, it will start at the beginning after a couple songs.  It can only recognize 2024 songs despite there being more on it.


    I am looking for a cheap player that has the capabilities of compiling the audio on the external SD card like it would on the regular internal drive.  Does anyone have a recommendation?

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