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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Don't feel like starting a new thread because the community at large didn't show much interest in the weekly postings, but I wanted you all to know that Season 12 of Red Vs Blue just ended today. Here is a link


    So if you are interested, hop on over to roosterteeth.com and enjoy. I love these guys.

    Also, as I am watching the credits, I am taking note at the special thanks section and here are some that stood out for me.


    Make a Wish Foundation

    Barenaked Ladies

    Fox 7 Austin


    PAX East

    PAX Prime

    And many more but those are the ones that surprised me.

  2. Final Fantasy always has an annoying character. Let's go through all the FF games I'm familiar with.

    FF1: None

    FF4: Palom and Porom

    FF6: Relm

    FF7: Yuffie

    FF8: Selphie

    FF9: Eiko, Zorn Thorn

    FF10: Rikku

    FF12: Penelo

    FF13: Vanille

    FF14: Ascillia, Hildebrand

    FF15: Prompto Argentum

  3. Parkor? How about walking?

    I'm actually struggling with a heel injury too and it's been that way since basketball 27 days ago. I'm sure it will get better with time but here's the thing. If it's causing you constant pain, that means inflammation. That means ibuprofen. If it only hurts when you land on it, that means injury and you need rest.

    So today I went through several sets of clothing and after 1pm, the cleanest thing I had was my sweaty socks. I think today was a very good day..... except for the chafed nipples,

  4. I'll chip in too. We all know that in anime, the guys look like girls. Well I found one where this actually makes sense. I started watching le chevalier d'eon. A show that takes place in 18th century France with king Louis XV ruling where the noblemen really do look like women. In episode 1, we find out the protagonist's sister was killed and her body was pumped with mercury so she wasn't allowed to be buried. Because of this, her soul can't be put to rest and occasionally she possesses her brother's body as he takes up her secret mission she was working on when she died. There are a lot of plot twists (the good kind, not like in Code Geass) and the characters are mostly really good.... except for Robin. And the best part is, it was made entirely by Production IG so you know that animation is going to be top of the line. The only problem being their eyes. They really messed up on everyone's eyes. Maybe they were going through a transition in their technology but I really don't like it.


    Here's a link to episode 1

  5. Well guys, I have 2 things to say. First is that crunches make you pass gas.

    And second is that my best friend just proposed! You know what that means right? I need to work out hard to look good for his wedding! lol

    P.S. Just so you know I haven't quit since the other wedding last month. Just taking it a little easier though. I even beat my pull up record today. So how is everyone else doing?

  6. Ok guys, most of the chest pain has gone away. But now I'm skipping beats and I think I'm having a heart attack every time it happens. I don't drink any caffeine(actually the only I thing I drink is water.) I have no stress in my life, never used illegal drugs, I've stopped all medication except for asprin..... the symptoms started 10 days after I stopped heavily exercising. The skipped beats occur about every 5 minutes while sitting down. Every 15 minutes while lying down, and about every 2 hours while working.

    Went to the ED Monday morning at 12:15AM and was out by 5AM. They did an EKG, blood draw, CT Chest with contrast, and chest xray. Everything came back healthy. The ED doctor diagnosed it as widespread thoracic inflammation and told me to stay on an anti-inflammatory. Since then, I've been getting better by the day except for this irregular beat. Oddly enough, I feel fine when I exercise though. After the workout.... my chest hurts a bit more and the skipped beats occur more frequently. I'm thinking about getting an appointment with the heart center.

  7. Went and did a light workout to see if it would affect my condition in any way and I actually invented a new workout.

    Start by doing a pull up. At the top of your pull up, quick change the orientation of your hands into a chin up. Then pull yourself up and at the top of your chin up, change back to a pull up. It's a little dangerous, but kind of exhilarating.

    I'm sure this has been done before, but I still feel like it's mine for making it up.

  8. 2. Fjnal Fantasy Dissidia has the most impossible difficulty near the end of the game.

    I know exactly what you mean. I leveled Squall to lvl 100 to beat that game and I couldn't do it with him. So I went back and leveled up Cecil all the way from lvl 1 to lvl 100 just to beat the game. I can't believe I sunk 90 hours into a handheld.

    Anyway, a game I almost beat was Final Fantasy 7. I played all through the game and got to north crater. I then discovered that I was not leveled enough to beat it. I left and spent a month grinding and just when I was finally ready to do it, my brother's friend took the game back. He was borrowing it from him. It was probably 2 more years before I got a copy of the game and had to start from the beginning.

    Another game was Final Fantasy X-2. Got to the final dungeon and couldn't beat the dark magus sisters. Decided that the game was too dumb to put in anymore effort so I quit entirely.

    EDIT: Oh yea, one more. Y's Seven. Got to the final boss and couldn't beat it. Decided that I didn't like the story or combat so I just quit. Gave my brother my PSP shortly after that.

  9. Hey guys, just wondering.... Is there such thing as exercise withdrawal? I haven't been exercising since I had to go to the wedding and for the past 5 days, I have been having the strangest feelings. I have non-specific chest discomfort with pains all over my thoracic cavity. Mostly it's concentrated either 1 inch below my left clavicle, 3 inches above my subcostal margin on the left anterior oblique area, right below my left scapula. I've been loading up on anti-inflammatory, blood thinners, inhalers, and gas-x so I don't know what else it could be other than cardiac trouble. Before I would start feeling symptoms every 10 minutes, but now it's become constant.

    Since I work at a hospital, I can do a bunch of tests on myself. My BP and heart rate are normal, my O2 sats are always 97%, and my EKG is normal. I'm going to admit myself to the ED tomorrow unless I can think of something this could be.

  10. Certainly is a massive update. I wonder if content will be released this often and of this amount in the future. So here's my next FF14 tale I would like to share:

    We were facing Chimera. Normal party of 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. I was of course a white mage. During the course of the fight, the entire party wiped...... save for me. There I was, a lowly iLevel 62 WHM vs this massive beast of monster. I sprinted away as fast as I could and ran around the arena in a circle while casting all the DoT's that I could while waiting for my swiftcast to come off cooldown. When it finally did, I cast raise on the other healer. Still running around I was doing everything I could to keep the hate on me as the other healer started raising the party one by one. (I think I got another raise after swiftcast was available again). Then, after what seemed like an hour, the entire revived and buffed party charged in a hailstorm of arrows, magic, and swords. We beat that Chimera down into the snow and when it was finally over, I felt like the biggest BadA** on Eorzea. I can't believe how awesome that fight was.

    Your turn! What great stories do you have?

  11. Well everyone.... it is done. It has been 69 days since I started my workouts on Apr 15 and I have worked out every last one of those days. I leave for Michigan tomorrow so we will see how much people will react to my new body. Let me do a recap for you. In these 69 days, I have done.....

    8,040 machine ab crunches

    810 multi press

    14,400 Pallof press

    897 pull-ups

    864 chin-ups

    6,120 leg lifts

    16,560 crunches

    47 hours of heavy mode DDR

    I know I'm an idiot for doing the same workout every day, but I'm stupid like that. The callouses on my hands got so big that they pealed off and then grew so big that they came off again. I have raised my pull-up count from almost being able to do 1.... to breaking my record yet again today and making 18. I could only do 2 chin ups when I started..... and now my record is 20. I really think the pallof press helped most with that.

    My goal was to get to lvl 30 by today but unfortunately, I could not make it. (I am only 450 points away) Thank you everyone for simply being here and listening to me whine and complain. Without you guys knowing what I was going through, I don't know if I could have had the patience to do this all on my own. This marks the end of my workouts. Now the wedding is here, I don't have an inspiration to keep going. I'm going to have to find a new one.

    Oh, and one more thing.... I think I'm going to have to track all the driving I'm going to be doing over the next week (56 hours) That's sure to lose me many points.

  12. Oh my God.......... I did it! I actually did it!!!!!!

    Guys, I just 15 pull ups. I can't believe it! I'm so happy I finally reached my goal. My friend can do 14 and I was aiming to beat him.

    64 days ago, I could almost do 1 pull up. But since then I have spent every single day in the gym doing a rigorous workout as well as 45 minutes of cardio. (well, only about 2/3 of those days had cardio in them) I have never been this strong before and I am overwhelmed at this accomplishment. I never thought it would be possible to get like this.

  13. I decided to get rid of my leg lifts and put my pallof press back in. I always do the leg lifts right before crunches but this was the first time I didn't. My GOD! After 240 crunches (6 sets of 40) I wasn't feeling it at all! The last 5 of each set I hold for a count of 4 and I usually feel it after about 10 reps but without the leg lifts.... I can't believe how much strength I've gotten.

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